"This is something Kong Ming provoked, so he should be allowed to express his opinion first," Guo Jia said.

Zhuge Liang smiled bitterly and said, "I never thought that Liu Bei would be so shameless. I asked him to join Liu Zhang and work under his hands. I didn't expect Liu Bei to turn against the customer."

"Hey, Kong Ming, you're a cunning, dishonest person." Guo Jia laughed.

"How did you find out?" Zhuge Liang felt inconceivable, he hid it very well.

"I don't believe you don't know Liu Bei's ambition." Guo Jia said, "Tell me what you want to use Liu Bei for."

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Ke, and Liu Ke said: "Kong Ming, if you have something to say, let us discuss it together, it's no big deal."

"This is the lord. Liu Zhang is too wretched and cowardly. He treats the people well. If the lord wants to take control of Shu, how can he do it without a suitable excuse?" Zhuge Liang said.

"Okay, just because of an excuse, you sent Liu Bei to Shu, aren't you afraid that he will become the lord's confidant?" Guo Jia said.

"For the lord, Liu Zhang and Liu Bei are opponents of the same level. Taking advantage of this battle, we can also weaken the power of Shuzhong, so why not do it?" Zhuge Liang said.

"My lord, look, I just said that Kong Ming is a little cunning!" Guo Jia looked like he really was.

"Let's discuss anything in the future, there's no need to hide it." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, this is just an idea. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if Liu Bei didn't raise an army?" Zhuge Liang said.

"You have many reasons." Liu Ke said.

"Yizhou is not the more chaotic the better, the order that should exist cannot be changed." Liu Ke said.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll let that boy Zhou Buyi publish a message in the newspaper later, reaffirming the autumn hunting agreement." Guo Jia said.

"Well, that's a good idea." Liu Ke said.

Yuan Shao committed a crime against the Qiushou agreement, and was chased and beaten by Liu Ke.If Liu Bei or Liu Zhang didn't want to seek death, they definitely wouldn't suffer from this bad luck.

"You might as well add a topic to Taixue, how the Yangzhou army can take the land of Shu with the least cost." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, are you trying to scare Liu Zhang and Liu Bei to death?" Guo Jia said.

"I'm afraid they will unite." Zhuge Liang said.

"Don't be afraid, we're just shouting slogans anyway," Liu Ke said.

If Liu Zhang and Liu Bei can't fight because of this, this is the most interesting thing.

"Anyway, just wait and see a good show this time." Guo Jia said.

"I'm afraid Liu Zhang won't last long." Liu Ke said.

"How is it possible? Liu Zhang not only has a large number of troops, but also has a strong city to rely on. No matter how incompetent Liu Zhang is, he will not be so incompetent to the point of complete defeat, right?" Guo Jia said.

"Hey, a general is incompetent and exhausts thousands of troops, so Liu Zhang is not suitable for fighting. It's okay to be a rich man." Zhuge Liang said, it seems that he and Liu had the same inference.

"I don't know much about Liu Zhang, so don't lie to me," Guo Jia said.

"Let's wait and see." Zhuge Liang said.

"Liu Zhang has twice as many troops as Liu Bei, and he still has the support of the people in Shu. If he really loses, it will be ridiculous." Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke smiled and didn't speak, anyway, time will tell everything.

Not long after, the Yangzhou Times reiterated the Qiushou Agreement, calling on Yizhou to exercise restraint, and implicitly accused Liu Bei.

With Liu Ke's help, Yizhou is also selling newspapers, so Liu Bei can easily get the news.

"Fuck! This damned Marquis of Dongyang is haunted, he will follow me wherever I go!" Liu Bei cursed.

Fazheng smiled wryly, and said: "My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang is powerful in the universe, and Yizhou is not a place outside the law. How could it not be affected by the Marquis of Dongyang?"

It was because of this that Liu Bei was particularly depressed, as if he had eaten dog si.

"When I win Yizhou and stabilize my position, I must teach the Marquis of Dongyang a lesson!" Liu Bei said viciously.

"My lord, Yizhou is just a small place, and it can't stand up to it." Fazheng reminded.

Yizhou has a population of only [-] million, while Yangzhou has more than [-] million!

Liu Ke's territory is not limited to Yangzhou.

"Is it okay if I have had a mouthful?" Liu Bei said helplessly.

"That's good. To deal with the Marquis of Dongyang, we must plan slowly and wait for the turning point. The terrain of Yizhou is steep, and the Marquis of Dongyang will not be the first to direct his troops here, so the Lord still has time. The most urgent task is to take Yizhou!" right way.

With Yizhou, there is capital to fight.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Liu Biao's defeat, Huo Jun defected to Liu Bei and became Liu Bei's general.

When Liu Bei returned to attack Liu Zhang in the south, he left Huo Jun to guard Jiameng Pass.

After Zhang Lu heard the news, he also wanted to intervene in Yizhou affairs.So Yang Bo was sent to lure Huo Jun to defend the city together in an attempt to capture Jiameng Pass.

Huo Jun knew there was a fraud, and said to Yang Bo, "You can get my head, but you can't get this city."

Yang Bo had no choice but to retreat.

Jiamengguan is Liu Bei's foothold in Yizhou, which is equivalent to being generous, and there is no room for loss.

Of course Liu Zhang also saw this, and sent Fujin, Xiangcun and others to lead more than ten thousand people to besiege Jiameng Pass from Langshui in an attempt to cut off Liu Bei's lifeline.

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