"It's really impossible to use antique jewelry instead." Zhou Buxin said, fully considering the difficulties of customers.

Deng Zhi's eyes brightened, but she was still shy.

This time Liu Xun didn't give Deng Zhi much money, only [-] gold!

Facing the price of [-] million gold, Deng Zhi was very guilty, but for the sake of Yizhou, he must have the cheek to continue the negotiation.

"You know, this batch of equipment is enough to change the entire situation of the battle. So, why are you still hesitating?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"To be honest, Yizhou needs this batch of equipment very much. When I return to Chengdu and report to the lord, I will definitely collect the money." Deng Zhi said.

"Okay, but don't worry, we have other good things." Zhou Bu doubted.

The first is the bursting Yuan Rong crossbow!

A full ten thousand.

If the Yizhou garrison holds these [-] crossbows, how many people Liu Bei will give away their heads!

Deng Zhi was moved again!

There are also crossbows in Yizhou, but they are not considered continuous fires. It is very troublesome to load and fire once, and it is not as easy to use as bows and arrows.

"Why is the Yangzhou army so powerful? It is because of the advanced equipment, otherwise it would not be possible to slaughter millions of alien races." Zhou Bu doubted.

That's it!

Deng Zhi suddenly realized that it was widely rumored that the Marquis of Dongyang defeated the millions of foreign coalition forces, but it has become a myth when it spread to Yizhou.

Almost no one believed it!

It is estimated that there are only a few hundred thousand aliens, and the number has been magnified.

This is a commonly used method!

But this time it was true, and Deng Zhi believed it!

"In order to defeat millions of foreign races, Yangzhou built [-] crossbows, and these [-] ballistas may have been stained with the blood of foreign races." Zhou Bu doubted.

Deng Zhi was deeply shocked by the number of [-]!

One hundred thousand ballistas fired at once, I am afraid that the world can be destroyed, let alone a small city?

Next Zhou Buyi sold some armaments sporadically, with a total price of [-] million gold.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Deng Zhi wants to buy everything, but has no money!

For this reason, he hurried back to Yizhou and reported the matter to Liu Xun.

Liu Xun was dumbfounded, [-] million gold, you can't get it out if you sell him!

"Let's talk to my father about this matter." Liu Xun said helplessly.

After all, the purchase of armaments is for Yizhou.Liu Xun wanted to show off, but unfortunately he didn't have the ability.

But still some credit, at least contact the seller.

Deng Zhi rushed to Chengdu and told Liu Zhang what had happened.

"The power of the ballista is really so great?" Liu Zhang asked doubtfully, obviously not believing it.

"It's absolutely true, the lower officials are willing to use the head of the project as a guarantee." Deng Zhi said.

Liu Zhang was moved.

"There is not so much money in the treasury."

Deng Zhi had expected this a long time ago, and continued: "Master, now is not the time to be stingy, this is not just a transaction."

"Huh?" Liu Zhang listened attentively.

"This is also a show of favor to the Marquis of Dongyang!" Deng Zhi said.

Hearing this sentence, Liu Zhang immediately ordered: "Come here, empty out the treasury, and check how much money is left."

Not long after, a subordinate came down to report, saying: "My lord, there are still ten million gold left in the treasury."

"My Great Yizhou is known as the Land of Abundance, why is there so little left?" Liu Zhang was surprised.

cough cough...

How could this be, don't you have any compulsion in your mind?

Deng Zhi was too embarrassed to remind me!

Liu Zhang spends so much, how can he save money? This is all due to his father.

"Also count the gold and silver treasures in my house."

After a while, the person in charge of counting came back.

Liu Zhang's heart skipped a beat, so fast, isn't it rare?

Obviously, Liu Zhang was too worried.

This time, the wealth statistics are more than those in the treasury, with a total value of [-] million gold.

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