"I'm sorry!" Zhang Fei left a sentence in a very aggressive tone, not apologetic at all.

Zhou Buyi didn't take it seriously, as long as Liu Bei bowed his head, that's fine. As for Zhang Fei, who is rebellious and rebellious, don't mind him!

"We're transporting some grain, do you want to check it too?" Zhou Buyi reiterated.

Liu Bei hesitated, should he be blind for a while?

At this moment, Fazheng stood up and said, "My lord, let them pass."

Liu Bei nodded in agreement.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Fazheng has already established himself as the number one military division in a short period of time, and Liu Bei can be said to be obedient to him.

So when Fazheng gave his opinion, Liu Bei subconsciously agreed.

But afterwards Liu Bei still asked: "Xiao Zhi, why let them go so easily?"

"My lord, is it possible that we really want to have a conflict with them? Will the Yangzhou Army give up? Will the Marquis of Dongyang give up?" Fa Zheng asked.

"Damn Marquis Dongyang, why is he everywhere?" Liu Bei said viciously.

If it weren't for Liu Ke, Liu Bei would not have come to Yizhou.

Now that Yizhou is not peaceful, Liu Bei regretted it to death.How happy it was to occupy Xuzhou at the beginning and not to be an enemy of Yangzhou.

Unfortunately, it's all too late.

"If it's just this reason, it's not enough to let them go. The most important thing is that the Yangzhou Army wants to trade with us!" Fazheng said.

"What do you mean?" Liu Bei asked puzzled.

"My lord, recall, did Zhou Busu mention the word food many times?" Fazheng said.

Liu Bei suddenly realized that there was indeed a shortage of food in the army, and Liu Bei was very worried about it.

Chengdu has enough food, but not Liu Bei.

Liu Bei had no foundation in Yizhou, and blindly expanded his team, which led to a bloated team.

There are more people eating!

Where does food come from?

The nearby county towns were looted by Liu Bei, there was not enough to eat!

Because when Liu Zhang's army was retreating, all the food was transported away, and those that could not be taken away were directly set on fire.

"Zhou Busu wants to trade grain with us?" Liu Bei said.

"Not bad." Fazheng said.

Although the urgent need could be relieved, Liu Bei was still uneasy and said:

"What if this is just your guess?"

Fazheng smiled, and said, "My lord, I still have this confidence. Now prepare the money, I'm afraid Zhou Buji will speak loudly."

"Marquis Dongyang intends to eat two ends? You are not afraid of being overwhelmed!" Liu Bei said dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.

In the end, Liu Bei honestly sent someone to prepare money. During this period of time, he searched out some savings, and with the sponsorship of a local family in Yizhou, he still had money to buy food.

"In the records of the march, General Zhou ordered Liu Bei's [-] troops to retreat in a few words." Zhou Bu doubted.

Zang Ba was quite speechless, and said: "Not to mention whether Liu Bei's army has [-] people, we have shot an arrow."

"Don't worry about these trivial matters." Zhou Bu doubted.

"No doubt, as the lord's disciple, you should know the consequences of cheating on military achievements. My brother is here to give you a piece of advice. Marching and fighting is definitely not for fun." Zang overbearing.

"I've been taught!" Zhou Buyi cupped his hands.

Zhou Buyi also knew that he was joking too much, so he restrained his smile and quickly apologized.

"It's okay to talk about it verbally, but it must not be written down." Zang Ba said.

That's it!

There are so many twists and turns in being a general, which opened Zhou Buyi's eyes.

On the next journey, Zangba told Zhou Buyi about some military affairs.

Zhou Buyi listened carefully and learned from it.

Seeing that Zhou Buyi is open-minded and eager to learn, Zang Ba is very satisfied.

"The teacher never taught me these things." Zhou Buyi said aggrievedly.

"It's not bad for the lord to teach you the art of war. He doesn't need to pay attention to these small things." Zang Ba said.

Zhou Buyi soon felt relieved.

The so-called battle reports and marching records are not only for the convenience of fighting and publicizing achievements, but also for reporting to superiors.

Liu Ke is the supreme commander, as long as he knows it well.

The two talked happily until they arrived in Chengdu.

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