Fazheng didn't expect to be able to buy at normal prices, after all, Liu Beijun was in urgent need of food.

"Forget it, no matter how much you pay, [-] shi of grain, worth [-] million gold, you pay [-] deposit first." Zhou Bu doubted.


The price of the best millet in Yangzhou is [-] yuan per stone, and the price of ordinary grains, such as yellow rice and barley, is even lower.

Money is generally the currency unit of common people, and Liu Ke spends money like running water, and is usually measured in gold.

Zhou Buyi can be said to be a lion who opened his mouth, and directly frightened Fazheng into a fool.

After a while, Fazheng regained his composure and said, "General Zhou, is this inappropriate?"

"There is no room for bargaining." Zhou Buyi said decisively, "If you don't want to do business, let's break up like this."

Fazheng gritted his teeth and threatened, "Isn't General Zhou afraid that he won't be able to get out of here?"

"Very good, you are the first person who dared to threaten me like this." Zhou Buyi said, "Fortunately, I have left a letter to the teacher. If something happens to me in Yizhou, it must be Liu Bei's fault!"

For a moment, Fazheng was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Either deal or get out." Zhou Bu doubted.

Now that Fazheng's threat has been used, Zhou Buyi doesn't need to be polite to him.

"By the way, remember to abide by the Qiushou agreement. Once I find out that Liu Bei violated the rules, he will be dead no matter how far he escapes!" Zhou Buyi said.

Damn, you actually threatened me!

Zhou Buyi's anger still persisted.

"General Zhou misunderstood, that's not what I meant." Fazheng quickly changed his words, with the faint intention of apologizing.

Does an apology work?

Zhou Buyi never believed this. If Yangzhou was not strong and he was Liu Ke's student, what would happen to him?

The goods will definitely be robbed!

None of the people under these princes is a good thing, they are all organized robbers.

"Have you thought about it, don't waste my time." Zhou Buyi urged, not worried at all about Fa Zheng's turning his back.

At worst, help Liu Zhang cry Liu Bei!

Fazheng gritted his teeth and said, "We have done this business!"

When Liu Bei entered Shu, he took all his belongings with him. After plundering the city and looting the land, he looted a little more, and still had a million gold.

It's just that the food is too expensive and unacceptable.

The reason why Fazheng agreed was also to gradually mend the relationship with Yangzhou.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's a pity that Zhou Buyi is just a white-eyed wolf, and Fazheng's efforts are doomed to be in vain.

Zhou Buyi did not return to Jiaozhou to transport the grain, but settled it on the spot.

It's not that the people in Yizhou don't have food, but they don't want to sell it to Liu Bei!

When Liu Yan arrived in Yizhou, he put down all the rebellions, and the people were grateful.

Under Liu Yan's benevolent government, Yizhou flourished, the people had enough food and clothing, and it was normal to have some grain reserves.

Although Liu Zhang has no ability, he treats the people well, nothing to say!

Originally, Liu Bei also wanted to get some food from the people, but Yangzhou suddenly reiterated the autumn hunting agreement at this time.

As a result, Liu Bei didn't dare to persecute the people, and he couldn't buy food even if he had money.

In the end, the price was increased, and this was barely able to supply the army.

But Liu Bei occupied only a few cities, and other areas were under Liu Zhang's control.

So Zhou Buyu went to surrounding cities to buy grain and sold it to Liu Bei.

In Zhou Buyi's words, this is ingenuity and channels.

How can ordinary people buy food.

When the name of the Yangzhou Army was reported, the people of Yizhou came to deliver food one after another.

"General Zhou, you're not being kind, are you?" Cang Ba felt guilty!

"What are you afraid of? The teacher has limited the war to the feudal hegemony. Even if Liu Xuande received the food, he would not dare to embarrass the people. So this war has nothing to do with the people!" Zhou Buyi explained.

Therefore, it is incorrect to say that Liu Bei used this to harm the people of Yizhou by purchasing food from the people and supplying it to Liu Bei.

"Liu Xuande is able to come to this day, he will not be ignorant of the importance." Zhou Buyi added.

"I'm afraid that someone will make irresponsible remarks, people's words are terrifying!" Zang Ba said.

That's what Zhou Buyi is doing, he's afraid of a ball!

At times like this, Zhou Buyi admired Liu Ke's wisdom and established the Yangzhou Times early on, which effectively guided the public opinion.

The incident in Yizhou came to an end, and Zhou Buyi also left. After all, he still has important responsibilities.

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