"This level of action is not enough." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, there is a reason for the common people to be afraid of the locust plague. If it is managed so well, the governments of all dynasties will not have such a headache." Lu Su said.

Since he could only use a stupid method, Liu Ke came up with a brilliant idea.

"Immediately gather volunteers in Yangzhou and head to Jizhou to catch locusts," Liu Ke said.

"Master, this..." Lu Su was speechless.

"Listen to me, the Liu family will pay for the locusts at [-] yuan per catty." Liu Ke said, "Besides, how many locusts you catch will be regarded as this year's assessment and military merit!"

It's fine to spend money to buy locusts, but return military merit?

Lu Su's three views have been refreshed, I am afraid that the Yangzhou Army is going crazy, it is simply a welfare!

"Now, immediately, gather enough troops and move to Jizhou." Liu Ke said.

"I'll handle it myself," Liu Ke added.

This time, Lu Su rarely refuted Liu Ke, and even supported Liu Ke to go out.

It is everyone's responsibility to fight against the locust plague, and Liu Ke can take the lead by personally taking the lead.

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole army was in an uproar!

There is such a good thing?

And the lord pays for it himself... I'm sorry for the lord's good intentions if you don't sign up.

Thus, within one day, the number of volunteers who caught locusts reached [-]!

This exhausted the civil servants responsible for the registration. Without the support of Yangzhou's efficiency, it would not be possible to complete it in one day.

"This will be a perfect exercise!" Liu Ke said, affirming everyone's enthusiasm.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In order to come up with an effective governance method, Liu Ke exchanged books such as "Qi Min Yao Shu" and "Nong Zheng Quan Shu" from the system mall.

Among them, "Nongzheng Quanshu" is divided into 12 chapters, with a total of 60 volumes and more than 50 words.The author of this book is Xu Guangqi, and it was completed during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty.

In other words, this is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation more than a thousand years later.

Among them, in the "Nongzheng Quanshu", there is a volume called "Elimination of Locusts", which includes information about locust plagues in the Central Plains for more than [-] years since the Warring States Period.

Among the vast amount of materials, Liu Ke noticed that the time of locust plagues occurred very regularly:

Of the 151 locust plagues recorded in history, 19 occurred in April of the lunar calendar, 12 in May, 31 in June, 20 in July, 12 in August, and only 9 in other months.

However, when Liu Ke was sorting out the information and studying how to deal with the locust plague, something unexpected happened.

Because the arid environment is suitable for the breeding of locusts, the outbreak of locust plagues is generally accompanied by drought. In ancient China, there was a saying that "the drought is extreme and locusts come".

The ancients believed that the drought was caused by a monster called "Drought Man", and the locust plague was caused by the "God of Locusts" showing its power.

Therefore, when drought and locust plagues break out, the common people generally carry out the activities of "struggling against drought" and "worshiping the locust god".

However, this approach obviously will not have any effect.

It is no different from migrating elsewhere by itself after the locusts have ruined the crops.

"Changwen, why didn't you stop it?" Guo Jia asked.

This kind of sacrificial activity is a kind of provocation to the government, and it is also a kind of provocation.

"If such a spontaneous behavior of the people is stopped rashly, it may lose the support of the people." Chen Qun explained.

Basic education has been popularized in Yangzhou, so the so-called "locust god" will only become a joke in Yangzhou.

However, Jizhou is different from Yangzhou. Chen Qun just took over, so how could it be done overnight.

If he forcibly stopped it, Chen Qun would definitely be able to do it, but the loss outweighed the gain.

The people of Jizhou were troubled by many disasters. The three brothers Zhang Jiao broke out the most violent Yellow Turban Uprising here, disrupting all production order.

Later, Huangfusong killed a lot of people here.

After becoming the governor of Jizhou, Huangfusong was a ruthless person who would do anything for his merits. He couldn't help but pity the people of Jizhou and applied to the court for tax relief.

What's even more pitiful is that the application was rejected by Shi Changshi!

The people of Jizhou experienced a long period of hard life, and it didn't get better until Yuan Shao took over Jizhou.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, Yuan Shao wantonly expanded his army, which hurt the interests of the people again, and finally Yuan Shao was defeated!

What Chen Qun took over was such a mess.

Now that the people choose to pray to God, Chen Qun can't bear to stop it, even if it gives the people peace of mind.

"I have roughly understood the situation, is there anything else to say?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord, this is not a simple sacrifice. I'm afraid there are pushers behind it." Chen Qun said.

"Tell me your guess." Liu Ke said.

"Some people think that the locust plague is sent down from heaven to punish the people. When encountering a locust plague, the emperor will fast and bathe, and issue an edict to punish himself. Officials will lead the people to worship the insect god." Chen Qun said.

Liu Ke was outraged.

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