After entering the main hall, Liu Youyi and old man Zhao were already sitting there chatting and laughing happily.It can be seen that the old man Zhao performed super well today, and he did not know how many times he rehearsed for today.

After worshiping heaven and earth, the master of ceremonies yelled "send to the bridal chamber", and Zhao Yu was relieved.

But Liu Ke didn't have such good luck. A group of people ran over to toast in a chaotic manner, especially Guo Jia with a hippie smile, who made the most booing.

Chen Qun also changed his image of being an honest person. Taking advantage of his young age, he jumped up and down and fanned the flames, which made Liu Ke overwhelmed several times.

Lu Su is the real honest man!He directly took a large pot of wine and poured it down, which means:

I did it!up to you!

Thinking of Lu Su's hard work, Liu Ke gritted his teeth and risked his life to accompany the gentleman.

Not to mention Dian Wei, he would stand up to defend Liu Ke on ordinary days, but today is a day of great joy, and he also joined the battle.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun stepped forward and blocked a part of it, otherwise Liu Ke would really be overwhelmed.

No matter how good the drinking capacity is, it can't stand their toss.

Liu Ke simply pretended to fall down and was sent to a new house as he wished.

The generals without a common enemy immediately turned against each other.

The movement of Liu Ke entering the room still alarmed Zhao Yu, her heart thumped violently and her face was scorching hot.

Liu Ke, who knew that she had offended the beautiful woman, walked all the way to the bedside, and carefully lifted Zhao Yu's red hijab.

"Yu'er is so beautiful! Just like a fairy in the sky!"

The uneasy Zhao Yu finally felt relieved when he heard this praise, and was even a little excited.In order to cover up her rudeness, she stood up and poured a cup of sober tea for Liu Ke.

Zhao Yu suddenly thought of the days of homelessness, and couldn't help crying silently.

Liu Ke was in a hurry and found a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yu couldn't help but burst out laughing: This is the man he will be with in the future.

At this moment, she gradually became more courageous, looking at Liu Ke's handsome face.

Be heroic!

The more you look the better.

Heroic boy, even his elder brother is full of praise for him.

When all the high officials in the world rejected refugees, he was the one who gave everyone the hope of living!

Therefore, Zhao Yu is proud at this moment.

For a moment, Zhao Yu smiled happily.

Liu Ke also looked at her tenderly, so cute.

"Husband, please rest..."

Liu Ke is like waking up from a dream.

Chapter 68 The Emperor Dies

Liu Kexiao was happy for half a year when he was awakened by a sudden news.

Now the expansion of Dongyang County has begun to take shape, and the city wall has been built.

And after he got married, the system gave him a construction drawing in a humane manner, and made an extremely detailed plan for Dongyang City.Advanced drainage systems, garden-style communities, commercial streets, markets, etc., are simply not perfect.

It is precisely because of this that without two or three years of hard work, Dongyang City cannot be repaired.

Closer to home, at that time Liu Ke couldn't stand the renovations in Dongyang, so he took Zhao Yu and Cao Zhen to a villa in Tieniu City for vacation.

"Hanling Emperor Liu Hong has passed away!"

After hearing the news, although Liu Ke was shocked, he didn't mess up his position. This matter was expected.

Liu Hong died at this time, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Liu Ke had a feeling that a storm was about to come.

Liu would not have any sympathy for such a licentious emperor.Originally, he was still surprised that he didn't hand over the glass craft, why Zhang Rang never troubled him.It turned out that at that time, the emperor was already too weak.

What happened to the edict half a year ago?

Liu Ke got married, and Liu Hong even sent someone to congratulate him. I'm afraid there is some deep meaning in this.

But the soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil, Liu Ke didn't intend to entangle this matter endlessly.

Now, what he was concerned about was how the emperor's death would affect him.

Therefore, Liu Ke called everyone to discuss countermeasures.

"My lord, my subordinates have received the news. Yizhou Mu Liu Yan sent Zhang Lu to capture Hanzhong, beheaded the emperor's envoy, and was the first to show his fangs." Mi Zhu said, he is in charge of business and is also in charge of intelligence.

This conspirator finally showed his fox tail.Liu Ke was not surprised by this, what surprised him was the next piece of news.

"After Liu Yao arrived in Jiaozhou, he made drastic reforms. As a result, he offended many people and was assassinated by the local wealthy family. His son Liu Ji fled to Jingzhou and asked Liu Biao for help." Mi Zhu continued.

Liu Ke thought about it, the only useful thing about this matter is that when the time comes to recover Jiaozhou, there will be righteousness.

"Youzhou Shepherd Liu Yu and the White Horse General Gongsun Zan are at odds."


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