Xu Chu roared angrily and rushed to the enemy line.

Xu Chu was extremely brave, the sword in his hand danced like the wind, like a bloodthirsty dragon, rushing on the rampage, blood gushed like a fountain wherever it passed, and corpses flew everywhere.

"Who will fight with me?" Xu Chu shouted, looking for the enemy's general.

However, seeing this situation, the high-ranking cadres were frightened, how could they step forward to fight.

"Give it to me, you lowly Wuhuan people! The Marquis of Dongyang is cruel and ruthless. If you lose this time, do you think you can still be captured? You will all die, don't take chances!" Gao Gan encouraged his morale.

This is what the Wuhuan people eat!

The battle was more turbulent, fighting the Yangzhou army with crude weapons.

Liu Ke was like a god of death, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the rebels, forcibly killing a bloody path.

Xu Chu and Liu Ke were on the left and the right, killing the rebels with fear.

Under the leadership of the two of them, the morale of the Yangzhou army was greatly boosted. Shouting the slogan "follow the lord", they rushed forward desperately and pushed back the rebels.

Damn it, the Yangzhou Army is so brutal?

Although Gao Gan was mentally prepared, he still smiled wryly at this moment.

Especially Xu Chu, wherever he went, dead bodies rolled and howled incessantly.

This kind of peerless fierce general is definitely not something that high-ranking cadres can beat.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the high-ranking officials quickly backed away.

Xu Chu also discovered this group of Han people, knowing that they were important figures in the rebel army, how could he let them go?

"Little thief, don't run!" Xu Chu shouted.

"Come and chase me if you have the ability!" Gao Gan turned his head and said.

Xu Chu shouted heavily, and followed closely.

During this period, countless tripping horses on the ground were locked up, and Xu Chu moved forward as if breaking through a barrier.

"Treacherous villain, don't run away!"

Xu Chu rode his horse across the ditch and approached Gao Gan.

"Damn it, originally this was a big gift for the Marquis of Dongyang, you chase after it very much, so don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!" Gao Gan said.

If you can't beat Dongyanghou, it's worth killing one of his generals!

Gao Gan blew a whistle, and Xia Zhao rushed out with his troops, all crossbowmen.

"Fire the arrows!" Xia Zhao ordered, and countless arrows shot away.

Xu Chu was terrified, as brave as he was, at this moment he could only dial the arrow desperately to protect himself from harm, and could no longer move forward half a step.

He roared angrily, but he had no choice but to watch the dozens of guards who followed him fall to the ground.

In fact, the high-ranking cadres were also dumbfounded, damn it, is this still a human being?

If it wasn't for the fact that more than a dozen people fell down, the senior cadres would have suspected that the crossbow bolts in their hands were fake.

"Give it to General Ben, kill him!" Gao Gan yelled.

However, upon hearing Gao Gan's military order, the Wuhuan people stood there like wooden sculptures without moving a muscle.

In their eyes, Xu Chu was like a god and demon, how could flesh and blood defeat him?

Seeing the exasperated senior officer, Xu Chu sneered, the smell of blood rushed to his face, and his whole person instantly became eerie.

"Senior officer, take your life!" Xu Chu roared.

Gao Gan was frightened to death. If he knew it earlier, he would run away obediently and not mess with the Yangzhou army. It is not particularly difficult to accept that it is broken up into pieces. It is too late to regret it now.

"General, let's retreat." Xia Zhao said.

Gritting his teeth, Gao Gan said, "The whole army retreats!"

Just like that, at the command, the Wuhuan people ran faster than rabbits, and the high-ranking officials couldn't catch up on horseback, so they couldn't help but yelled.

"Damn Wuhuan people, sooner or later, I will train you to be submissive!"

Seeing Gao Gan running away and disappearing, Xu Chu wanted to pursue him, but was stopped by Liu Ke who rushed over.

"Zhongkang, don't chase after the poor." Liu Ke said.

Because Liu Ke discovered something was wrong, the intelligence said that there were [-] high-ranking officials, but the ambushing troops were only about [-].

Of course, the forest is too small to be part of the reason, but I'm afraid there are still ambushes ahead, and Gao Gan is just pretending to be defeated at this moment.

"Send out scouts to investigate within a radius of fifty miles," Liu Ke ordered.

Sure enough, not long after, the scouts discovered the high-ranking brigade, and they formed an formation, which was quite powerful.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the formation of the formation, Gao Gan erected a wooden tablet in front of the formation, engraved on it:

Liu Dingfang's tomb!

The meaning of provocation is full, and he ordered people to spread it everywhere:

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