Maybe other people's brains are enlightened, and they know the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold?

"Runan Yuan Road!" Zhou Fang blurted out.

The prefect of Guangling is not a fool, so he suddenly figured it out.Yuan Gonglu is Yuan Shu. Not long ago, he wiped out the Gepi Yellow Turban and occupied Runan. He has [-] servants and is very powerful.

More importantly, Yuan Shu is the governor of Yangzhou, and he is naturally opposed to Yangzhou Mu.

If Yuan Shu wanted to get his hands on Yangzhou, he would definitely confront Liu Ke.

"This plan is very good!" Guangling prefect clapped his hands and applauded.

Zhou Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and her position was preserved.

When the emissary set off, the Guangling prefect immediately summoned Wang Dang, the guard, and asked, "Can General Wang hold out for seven days?"

Wang Dang laughed, patted his chest and said, "Seven days? The prefect is too small to look down on the last general. We have five thousand troops, and if we gather the young and strong in the city, we can break through ten thousand and defend against the high wall. Even if the other party comes with one hundred thousand people , it is impossible to break through Guangling in just a few days!"

The prefect of Guangling thought about it, he really was too nervous.

Back then, when [-] yellow scarves attacked Xuzhou, they couldn't attack Xuzhou after two or three months of siege!

The original commander who attacked Guangzong was Lu Zhi, but after being unable to attack for a long time, he was replaced by Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo was an idiot and lost the battle.

Thinking about it this way, the Dongyang Army is not so scary anymore.

Want to besieged?

Sorry, the food in Guangling City is still enough for three months. If the big family bleeds, it will not be a problem to eat for a year or so.

Suddenly, a scout hurried over with a panicked expression.

"Report!! The Dongyang army has entered the city!"

an hour ago.

The time agreed with Zhou Fang has arrived, but he hasn't sent the money yet.

Guo Jia knew that he couldn't play him like a fool.So Zhao Yun was ready to attack.

But after a while, another group of people came to the door, they were Li Cheng's guards at the city gate.

It turned out that they didn't want to follow the prefect to bear it, and decided to sacrifice the city!

Guo Jia immediately stabilized them and made various promises.

The Dongyang Army entered Guangling without any effort and began to clean up the rebels.

In this way, there was a scene that stunned the Guangling prefect.

What the hell are you doing?

Wang Dang drooped his head, and he was very reliable at critical moments. He gathered [-] people and began to stick to the prefect's mansion.

He calculated the difference in combat power, but he didn't calculate people's hearts!

"Li Cheng deserves to die!" Wang Dang was furious.

The prefect of Guangling collapsed on the seat, his eyes were blank.

I promised to stick to it for seven days, why is it gone...

"Master Taishou, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood, let's run away!" Zhou Fang said resolutely, he didn't want to stay here and wait for death.

escape?Where can I escape?

The prefect of Guangling suddenly showed the will to die, drew out his long sword and said: "All of you will fight to the death with me!"

Zhou Fang was taken aback, and slipped out of the prefect's mansion, he didn't want to die!

Under the guise of the prefect's order, he robbed a horse and fled all the way.

Go seek refuge with Yuan Shu!

As long as Yuan Shu sent troops to recover Guangling, then he would be the greatest hero.

Zhao Yun personally led the troops and attacked the prefect's mansion, only to encounter sparse resistance.

Soon, Wang Dang died in battle.

Zhao Yun took the lead and wanted to capture the Guangling prefect alive. As soon as he approached, the Guangling prefect knew he was invincible and committed suicide in public.

"It's also a bit courageous."

After the fall of Guangling County, Jiangdu, Gaoyou, and Ping'an counties surrendered one after another. So far, Liu Ke has truly controlled Guangling County.

Liu Ke, who was far away in Dongyang, heard that the prefect of Guangling committed suicide and ordered a generous burial.

Liu Ke touched the back of his head:

"By the way, what's this guy's name?"

Chapter 70 Attack on He Jin

He Jin, who has mastered the military power, has mastered Luoyang, and the power is all over the world, but he also has small troubles.

That is Empress Dowager Dong!

That damned old woman didn't give any face, and insisted on preventing Liu Bian from ascending the throne!

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