If you want to live in peace, you can't persecute the family too much.But if you don't give pressure, these aristocratic families will play sloppy with you again.

Very naughty!

"Since you already have an idea, I won't point fingers and do things well," Liu Ke said.

"My lord, please rest assured!" Guo Tu said.

Guo Tu left after speaking.

Perhaps Tian Feng was simply indifferent when dealing with the Lu family father and son incident.

Anyway, it was Guo Tu who was affected!

Guo Tu must be responsible for the aristocratic family.

Thinking of this, Liu Ke couldn't help but smile wryly.Fortunately, Tian Feng grasped the measure, otherwise Liu Ke would have to reconsider whether he should continue to trust him.

Just when Liu Ke was about to end his day's work, Xun You came to visit him at this time.

Liu Ke sat upright, knowing that Xun You must have something to say.

"See my lord!" Xun You said.

"Gongda, please sit down." Liu Ke said.

Gentlemen, also known as family status, clothing, family, powerful family, aristocratic family, rich family, powerful family, etc.Aristocrats is the collective name of family status and status. It refers to famous families who have been officials for generations.

If this force is united, even Liu Ke will be a little afraid.

Liu Ke did promote the imperial examination and divided the cake of the gentry.

But in recent years, almost all the talents who came out of the imperial examination were related to the aristocratic family!

For example, Liu Ji is a descendant of Liu Yao, Liu Yao is the state shepherd, and his elder brother Liu Dai is also the state shepherd.

Not to mention Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was born in an official family in Yangdu County, Langya County in the fourth year of Guanghe, Emperor Lingdi of the Han Dynasty. The Zhuge family was a prominent family in Langya.

The ancestor Zhugefeng once served as the captain of Sili during the Yuan Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, and Zhuge Liang's father Zhugegui served as the prefect of Taishan County in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

When Zhuge Liang was 3 years old, his mother Zhang died of illness. Zhuge Liang lost his father when he was 8 years old. He and his younger brother Zhuge Jun followed their uncle Zhuge Xuan to Yuzhang.

And Zhuge Xuan was the former governor of Yuzhang.

Therefore, the imperial examination just gave the common people a chance!

The big head is still in the hands of the family.

Xun You is one of the representatives of the family.

As soon as Liu Ke negotiated with Guo Tu to abolish the family's private soldiers, Xun You came back.

had to come.

Because Xun You represents more than just one person.

"My lord, in the past, Shun's mother dreamed of a jade sparrow in her bosom and gave birth to Shun. Now the bronze sparrow has been unearthed in Yecheng, which is also an auspicious omen." Xun You said.

Xun You said it very euphemistically, the auspicious bronze sparrow is a good thing!

They are also expressing their own opinions in a subtle way. Since the aristocratic family intends to compromise and show favor to the government, why can't they give them a chance?

"Now, for a bronze sparrow, swordsmen will be raised. Is it really auspicious?" Liu Ke said.

It is said that Lu Fang made a big disturbance in the court, which has already aroused Liu Ke's dissatisfaction.

"My lord, one hair can affect the whole body. What Jizhou needs now is stability." Xun You said.

"Don't you take the opportunity to kill all the tumors now, it will take a while, and it will hurt for a while?" Liu Ke said.

If you want to do it, do it well and do it clean.

Taking advantage of calming down the tide of high-level rebellion, Liu Ke took advantage of the opportunity to deprive the family of private soldiers and solve all hidden dangers in Jizhou at once.

"My lord, we can exchange some benefits. What the Jizhou family is looking for is just a future." Xun You said.

"Turn over your private soldiers and we'll talk. Hold the military power and negotiate with me. This is a threat." Liu Ke said domineeringly.

Xun You sighed, how could the aristocratic family submit obediently?And Guo Tu is not a friendly person, he will definitely take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

"My lord, dismantling private soldiers is a good strategy, and it shouldn't be someone's weapon to kill people." Xun You said.

"Don't worry, Gongda, as long as the Jizhou family is sensible, I will not kill them all. In my territory, the military power can only belong to me alone. It is useless for anyone to intervene." Liu Ke said firmly.

"We can start by limiting the number of private soldiers of the family, and then gradually eliminate them. One size fits all, the vitality of the Jizhou family will be greatly damaged, and they will not agree easily." Xun You said.

"If you can't adapt to the times, you will be eliminated." Liu Ke said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As for what is the era?

Liu Ke has knowledge that is thousands of years ahead, and now he is in power, so it is not too much to push the progress of history a little bit, right?

Xun You is talented!

Liu Ke appreciates this very much.

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