"Don't be bloody, how could someone like Guo Tu fall in love with me?" Lu Ping said.

"Maybe you will be the internal response." Li Jun said.

"You are the biggest insider. I said that just after Xiangrui was dug out, why did I end up in prison for no reason? It turned out that you betrayed me!" Lu Ping said.

"It's obvious that you are stupid for betraying your size, so why can't you bury the bronze bird outside the city?" Li Jun said.

The two argued endlessly.

Cui Kang's head was getting bigger, and he stopped him quickly: "Okay, you two! Now is not the time for internal strife."

The two snorted coldly and gave Cui Kang a face.

Cui Kang breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had no idea how to deal with this matter.

Could it be that the abolition of private soldiers is already unstoppable?

"We will not hand over our private soldiers in vain," Cui Kang said.

"Of course!" Lu Ping agreed. Wasn't it a Yecheng county lieutenant?

But this matter cannot be exposed, so Li Jun is needed to attract firepower.

"But someone is not sure, maybe they have sold us for a good price."

"Fuck off, it's true that my nephew is working with Mr. Guo Tu, but the Li family is definitely on the side of the family. Otherwise, how can I leak the news!" Li Jun said.

Speaking of which, the news that the government wanted to abolish the private soldiers of the Jizhou family came from Li Jun.

"You have a good nephew," Lupine sneered.

"Made, my nephew has paid so much and still doesn't get the respect of the family. Are you all white-eyed wolves?" Li Jun said.

Lupine pouted, a little guilty.However, he was also a little excited. Once he told Guo Tu about this matter, hehe, that little nephew of the Li family would definitely be in trouble.

This is the handle!

It's ridiculous that Li Jun said such an important thing in order to quarrel.

"Let's talk about it, do we still have the same opinion?" Cui Kang changed the subject and said, there is no need to talk about these dirty things.

"My Li family is going to hand over the private soldiers, and I don't want to make a fuss." Li Jun said helplessly.

Lu Ping was dumbfounded, Li Jun, how could he change his position so easily?

Moreover, does Li Jun count as one of his own now?

The previous righteousness, telling about his nephew's achievements, was just to prepare for the betrayal at this moment?

What a Li Jun!

Your sister is so clever!

Lupine thought about himself, as if he had been coerced... In comparison, he plummeted.

Sure enough, Cui Kang couldn't get angry, or didn't show it.

"Patriarch Li, have you thought about it clearly? If our Jizhou family cannot unite as one, how can other people help us?" Cui Kang said earnestly.

"Help? You can't count on it. You don't even have solidarity. It's impossible for our Jizhou family to stand out." Li Jun said excitedly.

Cui Kang was silent, indeed, the Jizhou family was too jumpy.

When Mi's family was in Xuzhou, the family supported more than [-] people.After moving to Dongyang City, except for a few servants, everyone else has become a serious farmer.

Even a family like the Mi family who had defected to Liu Ke from the very beginning did not dare to be arrogant. What are their Jizhou aristocratic families?

Although the staff of the Mi family has been streamlined, who would dare to look down on them?

Speaking of it, the Jizhou aristocratic family is still soft-spoken, and they are not at ease without soldiers in their hands.

"If it's Yuan Benchu, we can still fight, but now the opponent is Dongyang Hou, forget it!" Li Jun said dejectedly.

"Just give up like that?" Lupine said seriously, but it was all pretending.

With the Li family taking the lead, the Lu family will not have a hard time.

It really is my own.

"It's not because of you, Master Lu, that you can't do a little thing well." Li Jun said.

Lupine didn't argue, because he understood one thing.Ma De, Li Jun is an old man, really scheming.

I'm afraid that from the very beginning, the Li family planned to take the lead in abolishing the private soldiers, but the aristocratic family will not shed tears until they see the coffin, and they will not be reconciled if they don't try once.

Lupine just tried stupidly, and failed.

Lu Ping really got angrier the more he thought about it, and said: "If you abolish the private soldiers, you will be axed. Who is afraid of anyone! Without a few soldiers, my Lu family will not be able to get up again?"

"Master Lu, don't be arrogant." Cui Kang said with a headache.

Now, it's Li Jun's turn to look weird. Could it be that Lu Ping was really bought by Mr. Guo Tu?

Damn, this world is really too chaotic.

At the beginning, everyone was still fighting against each other, but now they have directly parted ways.

"Well, everyone is very angry now, why not calm down first." Cui Kang said, intending to end the meeting.

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