Just as Zhang He was about to take the stage, he was stopped by Lu Bula.

Lu Bu frowned and said, "Seeing that kid insists, give him a good beating."

The person pointed at is Chen Dao.

"What's wrong?" Zhang He asked in surprise.

Lu Bu glared at Zhang Yun, why didn't he wink at all?

Zhang He understood in seconds, and said, "He is so weak and white, how dare he laugh at you? Let's see how I deal with him!"

You know it, so why say it?

Lu Bu was angry and helpless.

Zhang He came to the stage with his gun in hand, and said, "This is Zhang Junyi, who is going to fight with me?"

"Me! Choose me!"

"General Zhang, I am also from Hejian, Jizhou. I have admired your name for a long time. I will ask for advice today!"

However, Zhang He didn't choose anyone. He pointed to Chen Dao in the front row and said, "Little brother, I think you're about to make a move, so it's you."

Chen Dao was stunned, he didn't do anything!

He wanted to challenge, but he didn't expect to be on stage so soon.He was waiting for one or two people to come to the stage to consume Zhang He, and to find out the number of Zhang He's marksmanship before going on stage.

So he didn't say a word, just waited silently, why did he become ready to move?

Zhang Yun also knew that he was too abrupt, so he coughed and said, "I can feel your murderous aura."

Chen Dao believed this kind of deceitful words, because he really wanted to challenge.

"Okay!" Chen Dao was not a shy person, he jumped onto the stage.

"The young man is very skillful!" Zhang Yun exclaimed, "I wonder what weapon the young man uses?"

"Use a gun." Chen Dao said.

Zhang Yun threw a long spear to Chen Dao, Chen Dao grabbed it firmly, and then danced it a few times, showing off the spear shadows.

After getting used to the long spear in his hand, Chen Dao stopped abruptly.

Zhang Yun was dumbfounded, Chen Dao's martial arts skills are good!

How can you be a big boss just by picking it casually?

"I don't know what the young hero is called?"

"Chen Dao, the word Uncle Zhi."

It turned out to be him!

Zhang He couldn't help being speechless, Liu Kegang said not long ago that Chen Dao and Lu Meng's skills were not much worse than Zhang He's, and now they met directly.

Just in time, defeating him and showing off, Zhang Yun secretly made up his mind.

"I want to defeat you!" Chen Dao raised his wooden spear and pointed at Zhang He.

Wow, are young people nowadays so arrogant?

"Go back and dream, I won't show mercy, I must teach you a lesson today." Zhang Yun replied with a cold snort.

"You are young, you make the first move."

Chen Dao immediately attacked Zhang Yun with a gun. The wooden spear seemed to be very spiritual in his hands, and it transformed into a series of gun shadows, stabbing fiercely at Zhang Yun's vitals.

Facing Chen Dao's attack, Zhang Yun frowned slightly, this guy will become a great weapon.

It's just a pity that I haven't experienced it.

Zhang He took several steps, dodged left and right, and avoided Chen Dao's attack. During the process of dodging, his wooden spear was always held in his hand, and he caught Chen Dao's breathing moment, and stabbed out. .

Chen Dao spun the spear to interrupt Zhang He's attack, and continued to attack, without giving Zhang He any chance to shoot.

The people in the stands saw Chen Dao's continuous attacks, wave after wave, and they couldn't help discussing with each other.

"This man is good at martial arts." Lu Bu commented.

Being able to get Lu Bu's "good" evaluation, Chen Dao has already left the category of second-rate generals.

Seeing Zhang Xi being suppressed, everyone couldn't help but sweat for him.

"My lord, Jun Yi won't lose, right?" Dian Wei worried.

If a brat comes out at random, he will overthrow a general in Yangzhou, and everyone will lose face.

"Don't worry, Jun Yi is testing the opponent's martial arts." Liu Ke said, "Look, Chen Dao is showing off the whole process."

"Hey, if Jun Yi loses, it won't be solved by a drink." Dian Wei said.

"If he loses, he will be beaten to death," Lu Bu said.

He was obviously asked to teach others, but he was beaten and beaten by others, and he lost the beating. This is gross.

Zhang Yun in the field suddenly sneezed, as if he had a bad premonition.

Chen Dao's strength is not as good as Zhang He's. On the surface, Zhang He seems to be at a disadvantage and is constantly being beaten by Chen Dao, but anyone with a little discernment can see that Zhang He is not in chaos and the situation is still under control. middle.

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