"Lü Meng doesn't look like a weakling. If Junyi was in his prime, he might be able to win. But after the battle with Chen Dao, Junyi's strength has lost a third of his strength."

Dian Wei looked at Lu Bu who was silent again.

"Little Butou, who do you like?"

Nima, is this a new nickname?

Lu Bu, who was closing his eyes and meditating, couldn't help twitching veins on his forehead when he heard this address, so he simply pretended not to hear it, so as not to have the same experience as a vulgar person like Dian Wei.

Seeing this, Dian Wei showed contempt, and said, "Hey, are you pretending to be noble?"

The blue veins on Lu Bu's forehead couldn't help throbbing again, he said, "Do you want to do it again?"

"Okay, I hit you on the left cheek this time." Seeing that Lu Bu was furious, Dian Wei quickly changed the subject, "At first glance, you are a guy with no eyesight, so you must not be allowed."

Dian Wei didn't bother to continue asking, so he opened the market directly: "Come on, let's sit on the dealer, you bet!"

Everyone glanced at Liu Ke's expression first, and there was no objection, so they all joined in.

Guo Jia was the first to respond, and said, "I bet a thousand gold, and Jun Yi wins."

"Jun Yi looks very weak, Feng Xiao, you can't go back on your word." Dian Wei said.

"A gentleman promises a thousand gold." Guo Jia said.

"Bah, it looks like you don't have any money. Take all the rewards from the lord to drink flowers and wine, and reward the girls. The concubines are all hungry. Don't think we don't know." Dian Wei said.

"Come on, what you said is wrong. I am called a romantic celebrity. If I open my mouth casually, I can still borrow a thousand gold." Guo Jia said.

"Why?" Dian Wei asked.

"If you win, you will pay it back, if you lose, you will pay it back." Guo Jia said.

"Aren't you Keng Junyi? But we like it, haha." Dian Wei laughed.

Then Dian Wei looked at the crowd and warned: "Fengxiao is a special case, don't imitate him, don't oppress if you don't have money."

"I bet five hundred gold Junyi!" Huang Zhong said out loud.

"Han Sheng, you acted like you didn't participate just now. Could it be that you took out the pension money?" Dian Wei said.

"No, I think it's the same as picking up money. It's not for nothing." Huang Zhong said.

"Hehe, so confident?" Dian Wei said.

"Of course." Huang Zhong said.

It's not Dian Wei's true nature not to do business. Huang Zhong's family background is good, with five hundred gold drizzles, so Dian Wei doesn't need to examine his qualifications.

"Anyone else want to participate? It's only this time, don't miss it!" Dian Wei urged.

"Five hundred gold, Jun Yi wins." Xu Chu said in a muffled voice.

"Okay, a total of [-] gold won against Jun Yi. Are you optimistic about Lu Meng? My brother has already said that Lu Meng is not weaker than Jun Yi. My brother has never been wrong!" Dian Wei asked for Lu Meng's vote.

"One thousand gold Junyi wins." Just then, a voice sounded.

Everyone was shocked, it turned out to be Tai Shici.

You know, just now, Tai Shici spoke out in support of Lu Meng, saying that Zhang Xi could still defeat Lu Meng when he was in his prime, but now it is a little doubtful.

Just turned around and bought a thousand gold Zhang He won?

"Ziyi, aren't you optimistic about Lu Meng?" Dian Wei asked in surprise.

"One moment and another moment." Tai Shi said kindly.

Damn, you can say such a shameless thing, thanks to your talent!

Dian Wei kept complaining, why didn't anyone support Lu Meng?

If Zhang Xi really won by luck, Dian Wei would really lose to his grandma's family.

At this moment, when Zhao Yun came back from his defense inspection, Dian Wei stepped forward and asked, "Zilong, the market is open. Lu Meng and Jun Yi, who do you support?"

Zhao Yun originally wanted to refuse and not to participate in these matters, but seeing Dian Wei's hopeful eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse him.

Who made him a good man?

"One thousand gold, handsome wins."

Zhao Yun made a decision directly, without looking at the comparison of combat power at all.To him, a thousand gold is just a drop in the bucket.

Since Dian Wei wants to entertain so much, let's have fun.

Dian Wei couldn't help but say, "Zilong, are you sure?"

"That's right, what's the problem?" Zhao Yun asked.

Now it has been four thousand gold to buy Zhang Yun and win!

Dian Wei couldn't bear it any longer, so he asked Liu Ke for help.

"Brother, why don't you play a little bit?"

"A thousand pieces of gold, Ya Junyi wins." Liu Ke said without batting an eyelid.

Dian Wei can be regarded as having experienced what it means to have nothing to love in life.

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