There are multiple factors to consider.

For example, the wind speed, the moving speed of the sheep...

It's more difficult than climbing to the sky!

But what did the audience see?

Lu Bu took out two arrows and played with them in his hands.

"It's really shameful for the little cloth head to attract people's attention in such a way." Dian Wei sneered.

Shooting two arrows at a moving target, even Huang Zhong couldn't do it, right?

Therefore, Dian Wei took it for granted that Lu Bu was fooling people again.Everyone thinks this way.

However, the next second, they were dumbfounded.

Lu Bu really made a move, with one bow and two arrows, his moves were too fast for human eyes to catch.


Following two loud bangs, a soldier stuck out his shield and announced loudly:

"Two arrows, hit the bull's eye!"

There was an uproar in an instant!

Fuck, can the real Nima succeed?

With these two arrows, Lu Bu is enough to become a god-like existence.

"Is this the Arrow God alive?"

Everyone found it incredible, completely contrary to common sense.

"What's the point? To Fengxian, the moving target is just a trick." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, what do you know?" Zhang He asked.

In order to avoid Dian Wei, Zhang Yun found a place beside Liu Ke, but Dian Wei did not dare to follow him.

Ma De, isn't it just that I lost a little money, so it is necessary to be so cautious?

Zhang Yun also felt that it was a pity, if he bought some, he would definitely make a fortune.At that time, he was competing in the ring and did not participate in time.

"Fengxian is from Bingzhou. He is not only good at archery, but also good at riding. How much faster can a horse run than a sheep pulling a target? You can do the math yourself," Liu Ke said.

Zhang Xi suddenly realized, and said: "My lord, you said that if I go to the grassland for a few years, will I make some progress?"

Seeing such a superb archery duel, Zhang Yun's blood boiled with enthusiasm. If he could successfully steal his master, a few years would be nothing.

"Everyone has their own strengths, there is no need to force them." Liu Ke said.

Only then did Zhang He lose his mind, if he really wanted to go to the deserted prairie, Zhang He would definitely go crazy.

"Little Butou, you are still hiding your clumsiness. Fuck, you are a sinister villain." Dian Wei cursed.

Lu Bu's mind was full of black lines. He was gaining momentum just for this blow.

It really amazed the audience!

Therefore, he couldn't help but relax a little, and as soon as he relaxed, he heard Dian Wei's words. Lu Bu wished to shoot Dian Wei with an arrow to vent his hatred.

Next, Lu Bu fought steadily, and did not continue to shoot two arrows, but completed his task properly.

Pull the string, shoot the arrow, hit, all in one go.

The movements are so smooth that it makes people feel relaxed and happy, and the chicness makes people feel chills.

Because of the amazing double arrows before, Lu Bu's movements became more handsome.

What is the pinnacle, this is a living example.

Now Dian Wei was dumbfounded.

Is this a sleep win?

Both of them have surpassed ordinary people in archery, and they are no longer considered human beings.

But which one is better, there is no conclusion.

Zhao Yun was also full of emotions. His archery skills were amazing, but compared with Huang Zhong and Lu Bu, he was still slightly inferior.

"Is this a draw?" Dian Wei muttered to himself.

"How is it possible? Obviously I won." Lu Bu said bluntly.

"It's nothing more than a small trick. Han Sheng also hit all the targets and shot two arrows. How dare you say you won?" Dian Wei said.

Lu Bu's face turned red, his performance was so wonderful, Dian Wei actually made jokes?

"Do you know how to shoot archery, layman?"

"Damn, are we laymen? You don't even ask, everyone agrees!" Dian Wei looked around, seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he became a little anxious.

"Do you still want your gambling money?"

"The evil archery is astounding, but there is no chance to use it." Tai Shici was the first to stand up and said.

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