That being the case, Liu Ke monopolizes the stage.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Come on, let me ask you, do you want to make back the money you lost?" Guo Tu showed a devilish smile.

"Oh, Feng Xiao, you have a lot of ideas, what can you do?" Dian Wei said.

Guo Jia smiled mysteriously and said:

"How about another gamble?"

Dian Wei looked under the stands and said, "Isn't that bad?"

After all, this time Liu Ke played in person, how can he be a show?

Must be respectful!

"It's evil, what's so bad? If you miss the profitable business, there will be no more." Guo Jia seduced.

"How?" Dian Wei was moved.

"It's very simple, I'll be the banker, and you bet." Guo Jia waved his hand.

People who don't know think Guo Jia is very rich.

This guy never spends money overnight.

"You have money to sit in the manor?" Dian Wei said disdainfully.

It's not that he looks down on Guo Jia, other aspects are good, but his money and reputation... are really not that good.

"The winner of the buyer must not exceed one hundred gold, and there is no limit to Han Sheng and Feng Xian." Guo Jia stipulated.

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an uproar in an instant.

"Feng Xiao, you have seen the archery skills of Han Sheng and Feng Xian. No matter how powerful the lord is, he can only compete with them evenly. So you are so optimistic about the lord?" Zhang He said.

"That's right, I am supporting the lord! Don't question me nonsense, all you have to do is place a bet." Guo Jia said.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't be polite, five hundred gold, bet on Fengxian and Hansheng to win." Zhang He said.

"Haha, what I want is your impoliteness, come on, the lord will win, if anyone wants to slap me in the face, don't be impolite!" Guo Jia said domineeringly.

Everyone didn't know where Guo Jia's confidence came from.

The protagonist is indeed excellent, but it is a collection of all aspects. As for archery, it is not bad to be able to rival Huang Zhong and Lu Bu alone.

The current situation is that Liu Ke singled out the two to join forces, and everyone is not optimistic about it.

Including Dianwei.

"It's evil, you place a bet quickly." Guo Jia said.

"Let's quit, I won't betray my brother." Dian Wei said.

"It's just a bet. How dare you talk about betrayal? Look at Zhang, how brave he is." Guo Jia said.

Zhang Yun's face turned black. When did he become a benchmark?

And directly calling someone Zhang, how disgusting are you!

"Feng Xiao, don't hurt me!"

"Don't worry, my lord is not a stingy person, and I won't settle accounts after the autumn. If there is something, I will take it." Guo Jia said frankly.

"Okay, everyone testify." Zhang He pointed at Guo Jia and said.

"No problem, we are here." Dian Wei said.

"Come on, you really are my good brother." Zhang He said.

"I must have confessed you at the first time, you were the first to place a bet and lose by buying brother." Dian Wei said viciously.

Zhang Xi seemed to have been shot in the chest by an arrow, damn it, why did he forget that Dian Wei is a guy who holds vengeance.

"Feng Xiao, I want to take back what I said earlier."

Anyway, it was just a verbal bet, and there was still time to repent.

But how could Guo Jia let this fat sheep go, he quickly shook his head and said, "Are you still a gentleman? Are you a hero? If you bark like a dog three times on the spot, I will allow you to go back on your word."

You can't learn it even if you kill it!

Zhang Xi treated the five hundred gold as a waste, and if he accidentally won, he would invite the lord to drink.

Give the lord some comfort!

"Come on, it's your turn, place your bet." Guo Jia said.

"One hundred gold, the elder brother wins." Dian Wei gritted his teeth.

Guo Jia rolled his eyes at him and said, "I asked you to slap me in the face, not to share my money."


"Five hundred gold." Xu Chu said.

With such a large number reported, it goes without saying that he supports Huang Zhong and Lu Bu.

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