"Brother, brother, I told you a long time ago that you should study more." Chen Daoyu said earnestly.

The veins on Lu Meng's forehead popped out, and he wished he could punch Chen Dao.

You little boy, you also want to be my big brother?

"Are you not deaf?" Chen Dao said bluntly.

"Of course not." Lu Meng said angrily.

"That's good, did you hear the chime when Dongyanghou was shooting arrows?" Chen Dao asked.

"Of course, isn't this the soundtrack?" Lu Meng asked in surprise.

A big man shoots arrows with music, why is Dongyang Hou so stinky?

Lu Meng thought so at the time.

"That's right." Chen Daodao, "The Marquis of Dongyang performed Li She."

"What is Li She?" Lu Meng asked.

"Just listening to the melody and shooting arrows according to the melody, even the sage Confucius said that anyone who can do this is an outstanding person." Chen Daodao.

Lu Meng was stunned, who else shoots like this?

"Recall it again, do Dongyang Hou's movements fit the movement?" Chen Dao said.

Lu Meng recalled it for a while, but still looked confused.

"You're just a fool, you don't even know the melody! What else can you do besides being my younger brother?" Chen Dao said.

"It seems very powerful." Lu Meng said.

"Of course, otherwise, how could Huang Zhong and Lu Bu give up so easily? Even if Dongyang Hou has a high position and authority, as a warrior, he still has his own little pride. Once Dongyang Hou Li shoots, no one can beat him." Chen Daodao .

"Amazing!" Lu Meng exclaimed.

"Can you not follow suit?" Chen Dao scolded.

"Damn it, it's amazing!" Lu Meng said.

Chen Dao couldn't help having a headache, and said, "Brother, you should read more books, look at how excited the literati are."

Lu Meng turned his head to look, sure enough, those so-called literati were very excited.

It seemed that it was a lifetime honor for them to see such a salute.

Do I really need to read more?

Lu Meng couldn't help shaking his head.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Lu Bu and Huang Zhong admitting defeat, Guo Jiaxi smiled.

"Feng Xiao, you are so smart, why are you still so poor?" Dian Wei asked disappointedly.

"I go to Baijin every day for drinking, what do you think?" Guo Jia glared at Dianwei.

"So that's it, we're going to sue my brother." Dian Wei made a gesture to leave, but Guo Jia quickly stopped him.

mmp, in a moment of complacency, even slipped his mouth.

"It's evil, if you have something to say, say it well." Guo Jia had to smile apologetically.

For Guo Jia's health, Liu Ke has various indicators.Not only must there be a certain amount of exercise every day, but also control the diet.

Especially drinking, not excessive.

However, Guo Jia couldn't control his drinking and happiness. No matter how many concubines he had around him, he couldn't divert his attention.

This is a common problem of smart people, who always have various hobbies.

Even the landlord's family can't support the hundred gold wine every day.

Guo Jia not only wants to drink, but also to drink good wine. According to him, there is no way to do it, and it can't be changed even if killed.

Dian Wei hit Guo Jia's weakness all at once.

"The one thousand gold we owe you is void, and you give me another two thousand gold as a hush money."

"I let you have something to say, not to blackmail me!" Guo Jia quit immediately.

"Brother is coming, you should think about it carefully." Dian Wei said viciously.

This time the loss is huge, if we don't make up for it, how will we live?

Guo Jia's teeth chattered with hatred, but he had no choice but to agree to Dian Wei's conditions.

"Thank you Fengxiao, I'll treat you to a drink when I go back." Dian Wei said with a smile.

"That's about the same." Guo Jia sighed, but this business was also "guaranteed" by Dian Wei, otherwise it really wouldn't make so much money.

But Dian Wei extorted two thousand gold, and did not have to pay back the one thousand gold owed to Guo Jia, and the debt was reduced to two thousand gold.

Finally, I didn't lose to grandma's house!

Guo Jia became the biggest winner, empty-handed white wolf, able to support a month's wine money, and all of them are old wines.

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