"Don't spout blood! I am loyal to the young master, and the world can learn from it."

"Bullshit is worth [-] gold, aren't you afraid of breaking your face?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Wu Zhi's heart skipped a beat, he was seen through, did he meet an expert?

I also blame myself for the sake of face, why don't I just say a thousand gold?

It's hard to ride a tiger now.

Fortunately, I didn't reimburse the manager of Cao Pi's house, otherwise Wu Zhi would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

"Hmph, there are thousands of gold without ten thousand gold, not to mention the lightness of etiquette and affection. If you fall, what will my son's face be?"

"Haha, from ten thousand gold to thousand gold, you have eaten up the price difference?" Zhou Buyi laughed.

Wu Zhi's face turned red, but he knew that Zhou Buyi was Cao Pi's senior brother, so he couldn't do anything.

"Young master, you have to be the master for me!"

"That's enough, apologize to my senior brother, and this matter will be over," Cao Pi said.

Wu Zhi looked at Zhou Buyi, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he said:

"Young Master, why do you have to apologize? We gave you a gift with good intentions. If you don't like it, it's fine. You can return it. What's wrong with breaking it?"

Cao Pi's face turned black, I am saving you, do you have to court death?

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being the younger brother who was adopted by Brother Pi. He is courageous, but he has no knowledge." Zhou Buyi sarcastically said.

Wu Zhi jumped up and retorted: "Although I don't know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom, I also have my own pride. I know all the four books and five classics. What do you mean without knowledge?"

"I think you are not only ignorant, but your brain is burnt out." Zhou Buyi concluded.

"Hmph, I don't have the same knowledge as you, now you broke the gift of the young master, shouldn't you apologize?" Wu Zhi asked Zhou Buyi in turn.

"Is this a gift for me?" Zhou Bu doubted.


"That's my thing. I broke my own thing. What's your opinion?" Zhou Buyi asked cutely.

What opinion?

I can't help but want to hit you!

Wu Zhi suffocated in his heart, wishing to blow Zhou Buyi's head off with a punch.

"You have said so much in a roundabout way, but you just disregarded Brother Pi's order and didn't want to apologize." Zhou Bu doubted.

Wu Zhi looked at Cao Pi, and Cao Pi's eyes seemed to say, hurry up and apologize.

Apologizing to this nasty guy, absolutely impossible!

Wu Zhi pretended not to see it.

"Let me sum it up. You are not only ignorant, but also disloyal. From your expression, I can tell that you are a stunned young man, and you may even wear a green grassland on your head." Zhou Bu doubted. .

Wu Zhi's forehead was bulging with blue veins, which was ferocious and terrifying.

"Brother Pi, don't you want to give a gift? I think this person is good, so I will take him back to Yangzhou and teach him." Zhou Bu doubted, as if telling a horror story.

Wu Zhi's face turned pale. If he really wanted to go to Yangzhou, his life would probably be gone.

"Senior brother was joking, why bother with a stupid and stupid person?" Cao Pi said.

It is impossible for him to hand over Wu Zhi and let Zhou Buyi train him. This is a matter of principle.If you can't stick to it, who will take refuge in him in the future.

Cao Pi gave Wu Zhi a wink, and Wu Zhi had no choice but to stand up and say, "Yes, I am stupid and stupid."

"Hahaha, tell me sooner, I wasted so much time with a stupid and stupid person." Zhou Bu doubted.

A trace of resentment flashed in Wu Zhi's eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Brother Pi, it's not that my brother deliberately made things difficult for you, but I want to know about your situation. This time, you have made up your mind." Zhou Buyi said in a relaxed tone.

Cao Pi was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect this to be Zhou Buyi's temptation.

"Nowadays, the world is unpredictable, and the only constant is the strength of Yangzhou. One day, you will stand on the opposite side of the teacher. Is this what you want?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"Who can tell clearly what will happen in the future?" Cao Pi didn't respond positively, but Zhou Buyi knew it well.

"Heroes in the world, who else can stop the teacher?"

"There is one more person." Cao Pi said mysteriously, "Xiandi!"

Emperor Xian has no effect now, but Cao Cao still maintains respect.

Because Liu Ke wants to unify the Central Plains, there is a threshold that cannot be passed, that is, Xiandi.

"You can see it clearly, but the teacher doesn't care about a little reputation." Zhou Bu doubted.

"There will always be a chance." Cao Pi said.

"The teacher said that history is written by the victors." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Maybe." Cao Pi said perfunctorily, obviously not wanting to talk about this topic.

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