"No hurry, the elephant's performance is ready, let's enjoy it first, Zijian won't disturb everyone's pleasure?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"Me!" Cao Zhi had nothing to say.

Zhou Buyi clapped his hands, and the elephant's soft cry came from the attic.

Everyone poked their heads out one after another to watch the elephant show, that is, some simple weight lifting and nose spraying.

"it is good!"

Everyone screamed again and again, after all, elephants are still rare in the Central Plains.

"Who is playing the piano on the elephant's back?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"Zi Jian has mastered the six laws, so he might as well throw bricks to attract jade." Cao Pi said.

"I've heard that Zijian's poetry is unparalleled in the world, but I didn't expect to know the rhythm." Zhou Buyi said in surprise.

The two sang together, directly forcing Cao Zhi to a corner.

"I'm showing my ugliness," Cao Zhi said.

The saddle has been installed on the elephant's back, and it is a small bamboo building with a piano on it.

With the support of his servants, Cao Zhi got on the back of the elephant and began to play the piano.

The sound of the piano is faint and refreshing.

"Everyone, don't waste Zijian's good intentions. Such a beautiful song, how can it not be worthy of a pot of good wine?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Although everyone looked at Zhou Buyi as displeasing to the eye, they all agreed with this sentence very much.

Drinking and listening to music is what celebrities do!

Zhou Buyi didn't let them go, and arranged like a big director: "You guys think it over quickly, when Zijian is finished, everyone will praise you, and you must not repeat it."

Although everyone felt that something was wrong, there was still something to say on the scene. After all, Cao Zhi deserved this praise.

Cao Pi shook his head, these idiots, the rhythm was completely controlled by Zhou Buyi but they didn't know it.

"Brother Pi, do you want to go up and make a fool of yourself?" Zhou Bu doubted.

If others say "showing ugliness", it is self-effacing and a virtue.But when it came out of Zhou Buyi's mouth, it was really ugly.

"Forget it, there are celebrities present, which one is not better than me?" Cao Pi said.

It means that they are all more fun than me, so don't make fun of me!

After Cao Pi suffered so many losses, he has a long memory.

"Brother Pi, do you want to get your younger brother to Yangzhou to prevent your brothers from killing each other?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Pi's heart moved, and he finally gave up. The price must be unbearable for him.

"You are getting more and more boring." Zhou Buyi said, then ignored Cao Pi and listened to the ditty.

Needless to say, Cao Zhi has two tricks!

The sound of the piano sometimes slips out of Cao Zhi's fingers like a trickling stream, and sometimes rushes out of the piano board like a torrent of waves.

When the song was over, Cao Zhi returned to the attic, and Zhou Buyi went up to meet him, saying, "Sound of nature, sound of nature!"

I don't know if I stole someone's lines, anyway, Zhou Buyi's mission was completed and he returned to his seat.

Cao Zhi still thought about it, but he didn't find a chance, and was admired by the stars.

"This song should only exist in the sky, my son has the appearance of a fairy."

"Walking around the beam for three days, the lingering sound is endless!"


It is impossible for Cao Zhi to perfunctory these talents, but to trouble Zhou Buyi, right?

If you do this, it will be too disrespectful to others.

It took Cao Zhi a long time to deal with these people one by one, so that they would not feel slighted.

After tidying up his appearance, Cao Zhi came to Zhou Buyi and said, "Young Master Zhou, how about this song?"

"Didn't I praise you just now? You are a bit clingy, such a big person..." Zhou Buyi sighed.

Cao Zhi's face turned red immediately.

"Brother Zijian, you were the one who drank the least just now, come, let me toast you a glass to thank you for your song." Zhou Buyi said.

"This is a poetry meeting, not a reception!" Cao Zhiyi said solemnly.

"That's right, how can the Shihui do without wine? You played the piano just now, can't the Shihui play the piano?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi was so choked that he couldn't speak.

"Young Master Zhou, can you recognize the name of this song?"

This is the exam.

"It's fine as long as it sounds good, why do you care so much?" Zhou Buyi said naturally.

Cao Zhi has never seen such an ungodly person!

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