But you should also keep your eyes open to see that your sparse team of [-] is not as equipped as Yellow Turban!

Yuan Shu waved his hand and said, "Everyone has come from afar to save face for the Inspector, so there is no trouble in going to battle, just watch the battle."

Zhou Xin looked helpless and retreated into the formation.

Yuan Shu felt refreshed, this is power!

As soon as Zhou Xin turned his head, he smiled when his back was turned to Yuan Shu, and cupped his hands towards Zhuge Xuan, saying, "Brother Zhuge is very clever, this Yuan Gonglu is really brave and foolhardy."

It turned out that the four great prefects had united long ago to form a third-party force.

Everyone worried that Yuan Shu would use them as cannon fodder, so Zhuge Xuan made a plan to avoid the fate of leading the battle.

Only when the governor of Yangzhou and the shepherd of Yangzhou fight to the death, can these prefects live better.

No one wants to be killed suddenly like Guangling prefect.

"Where is that!" Zhuge Xuan sighed for a while, because his nephew thought of it all.

This child is less than ten years old, he is so smart, and he will definitely be better than blue in the future.

At this moment, the Dongyang Army also appeared in the field of vision, slowly approaching.

"No one is allowed to speak this time, and the whole army will be over!" Yuan Shu said as a precaution, and troubles are most likely to happen if you talk too much.

"My lord..."

Yuan Shu turned his head stiffly, and ignored the words of labor and management?

The person who spoke was Yuan Yin, who was tough!

"My lord, I shouldn't wait for the whole army to press on. We should reserve [-] troops to contain the coalition army. Otherwise, when our army is victorious, the prefect coalition army suddenly rushes out from behind, wouldn't it be very dangerous?"

Drink it on the head!

Yuan Shu looked at his younger brother in surprise. Although this sentence was also heartbreaking, there was still some truth to it.

Therefore, Yuan Shu kept a reserve team of [-] people and led it himself.

"My lord..."

Again?But with Yuan Yin leading the way, Yuan Shu still ignored the previous order of "no talking".


"We should take advantage of the unstable situation of the Dongyang Army to attack suddenly!" Zhang Xun said.

"Isn't this... unrighteous?" Yuan Shu hesitated. This is an appointment, not an encounter.The so-called battle is naturally waiting for the two sides to set up their formations, and then fight to the death.

"My lord, it's unethical for the Dongyang army to keep our army waiting for half an hour!" Zhang Xun said.

After Yuan Shu thought about it, he really suffered a dark loss.Ma De, since the Dongyang Army is not benevolent, don't blame yourself for being unrighteous.

Fortunately, there are a lot of talents under my account, who can check for omissions and make up for vacancies, but what does Liu Dingfang have?Just a few muscular men.

This battle must be won!

Therefore, when Liu Ke hadn't found the reserved position, Yuan Shujun rushed over in a mess.

"What is Yuan Shu doing?"

Seeing the leader running all the way, Dian Wei shouted: "Let's go and take him down!"

Before anyone else could speak, Dian Wei left the formation.

What an impatient fellow!

"Oh, let the evil come first, how abominable!"

When the others saw it, they beat their chests and stamped their feet. Such a good opportunity is not easy to come across.

Before Guan Hai's brilliant performance, they were itchy, and finally got the chance, but Dian Wei took it ahead of him.

"If the evil comes, if you can't use ten tricks to take the life of the enemy's general, you will be punished." Liu Ke said.

This is also an excuse for Dian Wei, after all, there is no order to rush up, which is a violation of military discipline.

"The thief in front, your grandpa is here, hurry up and die!" Dian Wei yelled angrily, slashed with a big knife, and cleared the road.

"Big fool, die!"

As the vanguard of Yuan Shu, Le Ji was also very brave, and took the initiative to fight Dian Wei.

It's a pity that Le's words are majestic, but his strength is not very good, and he is not enough in front of Dian Wei.

With just one blow, his wrist was shattered, and the sword flew out, hacking five or six soldiers to death.

At this moment, Le was frightened out of his wits, and Tima turned around and fled.

"Save me! Save me!"

"Little trash, don't run!" Dian Wei chased after him.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Yuan Shu really wanted to poach his own eyes. Md, you might as well die in battle!

The Prefect Alliance also watched with relish, and Zhou Xin even said to Yuan Shu: "Brother Gong Gong, this general is good at equestrian skills."

Not bad your sister!

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