Zhou Buyi saw the resentment in Ding Yi's eyes, and said, "Brother Zijian, restrain your subordinates well."

"Brother Ding, don't be rude." Cao Zhi said.

This was equivalent to a face-to-face admonition, so Ding Yi had no choice but to retreat timidly, still unwilling.

"Can we start now?" Cao Zhi said.

"Okay, but who made the question?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi is in trouble, no one is suitable!

Fortunately, Yang Xiu stood up cheekily and said, "I think I'm quite suitable."

Suitable for you ghost ah!

Who doesn't know that you are Cao Zhi's horse boy, and you can ask fair and just questions?

"Looking at your face, it's like seeing the word 'cheating'." Zhou Buyi said bluntly.

"Why, Mr. Zhou is afraid?" Yang Xiu said aggressively.

"The clumsy strategy is useless to me." Zhou Bu doubted.

"How about this, I will come up with a question, and Mr. Cao Zhi is not allowed to answer within eight steps. As long as Mr. Zhou completes a poem in seven steps, he will win." Yang Xiudao.

"That's a good idea!" Ding Yi stood up and said strongly.

Seven steps into a poem, it is very fake at first glance, and everyone concluded that Zhou Buyi would not be able to perform it again.

"It's not fun." Zhou Buyi shook his head.

"Since Mr. Zhou said so, let's add a little bit of glory." Yang Xiudao, "Whoever loses, he will bark three times like a dog."

In a short period of time, Yang Xiu had figured out what Zhou Buyi was thinking.

Sure enough, Zhou Buyi was very interested.

"I am the eldest disciple of Marquis Dongyang, and younger brother Zijian Xian is the son of the prime minister. Are we ashamed to show you a joke?"

"Young Master Zhou means..."

"Brother Zijianxian loses, you learn ten dog barks, I lose, you just bark three times." Zhou Buyi said.

I am!

Zhou Buyi, you have such a vicious heart!

"This is inappropriate." Yang Xiu refused, it was too offensive.

"Okay then." Zhou Buyi said without forcing, "Then place your bet, keep it simple."


Isn't this degrading?

Yang Xiu wanted to refuse, but Cao Zhi was really poor recently, and it would be nice to make a small fortune.

"Then one... thousand..."

"Ten thousand gold!" Zhou Buyi stretched out a finger.

Yang Xiu was startled, playing so big?He couldn't make the decision, so he couldn't help looking at Cao Zhi.

Cao Zhi is also sweating profusely. He is so poor now, where can he get [-] gold?

In order to support Cao Cao, Cao Zhi has gone bankrupt.

Seeing Cao Zhi hesitate, Zhou Bu doubted:

"What? Too little disgust? It's not as good as a word of gold, and it will be a good story in the future."

A five-character poem counts as twenty characters, and that's worth twenty thousand gold!

"This proposal is good! One word is worth a thousand dollars, the meaning is good, and it is also to prevent some people from rushing."

Cao Pi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up and said in support. He knew that Zhou Buyi was not short of money, but Cao Zhi was short of money!

In the future, Cao Zhi will be in debt everywhere, let's see how arrogant he is.

Both Zhou Buyi and Cao Pi said so, if Cao Zhi refused to agree, he would be timid and fearful.

What's more, as long as he persisted in the eight steps, the money would be his.

Cao Zhi is very confident, and he also has confidence in Yang Xiu.

That being the case, why not give it a try?

"I promise!"

Zhou Buyi was waiting for this sentence.

"A gentleman's word!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

Zhou Buyi checked the slogan with Cao Zhi, and both parties were very satisfied.

"Calm your mind and get ready. Listen to the questions," Yang Xiu said.

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