After Liu Ke ended the Jizhou incident, he also returned to Dongyang.

"Teacher, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!" Zhou Buyi said miserably.

"No doubt, I just asked you to go out and give you a chance to pretend to be aggressive. How did you make yourself so miserable?" Liu Ke asked suspiciously.

Now Zhou Buyi's appearance is a bit dark, watered by sweat every day, and has the breath of a farmer.

"Teacher, this is an experience, it's not as simple as you imagined." Zhou Buxin said, and described his record of killing all directions.

Why are you so honest?

To tell the truth, what should Liu Ke do if he sends out his collection of poems?

At that time, Zhou Buyi will become a villain in the literary world, how will he mess around in the future?

There is still [-] gold, don't you have to pay it back?

This kind of thing must not happen.

"Why, you feel difficult?" Liu Ke asked.

"No, teacher, it's not difficult, but there is a little trouble." Zhou Buyi shook his head quickly.

"Forget it, stop joking around, tell me, what did you discover this time." Liu Ke said.

"Teacher, Xiliang soldiers and horses are frequently mobilized, and it seems that there is a war." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Gongda reported this news to me seven days ago. But you have done a good job, and you have completed my assessment." Liu Ke said.

Zhou Buxin smiled wryly, the teacher had a more convenient way to obtain the information they obtained.

In other words, he has done nothing but mourn Xi Zhicai.

I'm a little lost.

"Don't you think about it, why did Cao Cao deliberately let the wind go?" Liu Ke said.

After finally getting a piece of information, Cao Cao released it on purpose?

Zhou Buyi was deeply shocked, but he was also a person with a delicate mind.Liu Ke reminded so many, how could Zhou Buyi fail to deduce it.

"Teacher, I'm afraid Cao Cao is leaving Xuchang."

"That's right." Liu Ke agreed, "Ma Chao is no longer satisfied with the status quo. Although he has military power, Ma Tenglai will not leave the court. This special relationship will not last long after all."

"The teacher said that there must be a war in Liangzhou?" Zhou Buyi said in shock.

Of course, he wasn't surprised by what happened, but Liu Ke's wisdom was able to deduce so much by relying on clues.

Zhou Buyi asked himself that he couldn't do it!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zhou Buyi left, Liu Ke's mind inevitably wandered.

There is no war in Yangzhou, Liu Ke thought he could relax a little bit, but it is a pity that the princes of the world did not give this opportunity.


There are too many careerists, all fighting for their own interests.

The same is true of Liu Ke himself.

In order to make the situation clearer, Liu Ke asked Zhuge Liang to pay attention to the affairs of Yizhou, while Jia Xu was responsible for paying attention to Liangzhou.

Jia Xu is from Guzang, Liangzhou, and he is very familiar with Liangzhou.It's just that because the distance is too far, I'm afraid it's not easy to control the situation.

As for Yizhou, Liu Ke still knows it well.

With the support of Yangzhou's bow and crossbow, Chengdu is impenetrable.

Liu Zhang was able to preserve some areas, however, with the rebellion of veteran Yan Yan, the entire Jiangzhou was lost.For Liu Zhang, it was a fatal blow.

In terms of ordnance, Liu Zhang's army has an absolute advantage, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and people continue to take refuge in Liu Bei.

The strengthening of Liu Bei's strength is based on Liu Zhang's weakness, and there have been earth-shaking changes.

Under Fazheng's suggestion, Liu Bei encircled rather than fought, and gradually encroached on areas outside Chengdu, with remarkable results.

Zhang Ren, the main combatant, requested to attack many times, but Liu Zhang refused.

Just kidding, now that Chengdu is trembling, how can it manage other regions?

Some surrender factions have also begun to appear, but their voices are still very weak.

Given Liu Zhang's incompetence, even if Liu Ke wanted to help, there was nothing he could do.

As for such stupid things as free support materials, Liu would not do it.

Liu and his son have ruled Yizhou for so long, but they still seem lonely.

Diplomatic relations are not doing well!

There was Zhang Lu in the front, Liu Bei in the back, and Liu Zhang who led the wolf into the house.

I don't know how long it can last.

Liu Ke let out a long sigh, if Liu Zhang fell, among the princes, only he and Liu Bei would be the clan of the Han Dynasty.

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