From the moment Ma Chao decided to raise troops, everything changed.

"Brother, we are single and weak, we have to unite with other people to have a chance of winning." Ma Dai said.

Cao Cao was dealt with by Liu Ke, and his troops were lost.But the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and he is still the second prince.

If you want to resist Cao Cao's rule, a few soldiers and horses are not enough.

"I know, as long as the old thief Han Sui agrees, this will be done." Ma Chao said.

The number of soldiers and horses in Liangzhou is between [-] and [-], and the combined strength of Han Sui and Ma Chao accounts for two-thirds.

The two big brothers agreed, how dare the other younger brothers resist?

Unless you don't want to be in this area.

Therefore, Ma Chao aimed at Han Sui from the very beginning.

Han Sui is a veteran in Liangzhou. He rebelled for decades and fought hard in this country. Famous generals such as Dong Zhuo and Huangfusong were all defeated by him.

Ma Tengquan is a rising star, with the blood of the Qiang people, he won the love of the Qiang people.

The Qiang people fought bravely and did not care about their own lives. The troops they formed were so powerful that even Han Sui did not dare to suppress them too much.

"I'm afraid the old thief Han Sui won't let us do what we want. He is old, and this kind of old man loves his children and grandchildren the most. In order to win Cao Cao's trust, he sent his children and grandchildren to the capital one after another as hostages," Ma Dai said.

"Hmph, this is a major matter in Liangzhou, so he can't help it. If he doesn't agree, I will lead the coalition army to deal with him first, and then Cao Cao," Ma Chao said.

"But my uncle is still in Xudu, what should I do?" Ma Dai said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we defeat Cao Cao's army with a thunderbolt, we will have the capital to negotiate. This time, we will take father away no matter what we say," Ma Chao said.

Ma Dai thought it made sense, so he stopped talking.

In order to win Han Sui's trust, Ma Chao decided to take his troops to Han Sui's territory and talk to Han Sui himself.

The matter is of great importance, and Ma Chao led enough soldiers and horses, and the journey was mighty.

Han Sui had received the news a long time ago and held a banquet at the border to meet Ma Chao.

"Meng Qi, you are aggressive, but you don't give me any face!" Han Sui said dissatisfied.

Ma Teng and Han Sui have been fighting for many years, but both are at a disadvantage, and Han Sui has the capital of arrogance.

"Face is given by the brothers behind him, not by licking Cao Cao's ass." Ma Chao said bluntly.

This bit of irony is nothing in Xiliang, where the folk customs are tough.

If Han Sui suddenly killed people because of this, the whole Liangzhou could be killed by him.

"Haha! Meng Qi is very angry!" Han Sui's temples turned white, but he was still in high spirits.

"Uncle, whether you are sending troops this time, or watching the show from the sidelines, let me give you an accurate word." Ma Chao said.

"Why did you attack Cao?" Han Sui asked.

"I won't wait for Cao Cao to call me. Such a person must be a worthless person." Ma Chao said.

Han Sui pondered for a while, and said, "We still have hostages in Cao Cao's hands."

"What's the point? Today Chao abandons his father and regards the general as his father, and the general should also abandon his son and regard Chao as his son." Ma Chao said in a startling way.

Even Han Sui, a hero, was so shocked that he didn't know what to say for a while, but he was still a little happy in his heart, after all, Ma Chao wanted to be his son.

Ma Mengqi is well-known in Liangzhou, but even such a character should be regarded as his own son.

Han Sui felt that he hadn't been in vain all these years. He thought that at the beginning, he didn't take the initiative to rebel, but was kidnapped, and later he had to board a pirate ship.

He was very talented in rebellion, defeated wave after wave of officers and soldiers, and gradually swelled up.Since the officers and soldiers are so weak, why should they obey them?

When people get old, it is easy to miss the past, alas, Han Sui sighed.

Seeing Han Sui's hesitation, Ma Chao also sighed inwardly. Han Sui was really old.

"Uncle, don't worry, as long as our army is undefeated, the family will be fine." Ma Chao said.

"it is good."

In the end, Han Sui agreed.

Ma Chao is right, as long as he has military power in his hands, Cao Cao will not dare to act recklessly.

After persuading Han Sui, some small princes could only hang out with the eldest and second brothers.

Liangzhou is united and formed a huge alliance.

Participating in the alliance included Ma Chao, Han Sui, Hou Xuan, Cheng Yin, Li Kan, Zhang Heng, Cheng Yi, Ma Wan, Yang Qiu and other forces from ten parties, with a terrifying force of [-].

Liangzhou is a remote place and cannot recruit so many soldiers.But here is relying on the territory of the Qiang people. Since Ma Teng, the Ma family has received the support of the Qiang people. The number of Qiang people in Ma Chao's army is very large.

And some forces do not have such great prestige, but they have their own means.

The Qiang people are poor!

As long as they are poor, the conspirators have a hundred ways to make them work for them, whether they are Qiang people or Han people.

You can't even fill your stomach, who cares about you so much?

At Ma Chao's suggestion, everyone elected Han Sui as the governor of Xiliang and the commander-in-chief of the whole army, while Ma Chao called himself the general and the deputy commander-in-chief of the whole army.

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