The pain made Li Tong sober, and he ran away.

"Close the city gate first, and fight another day."

Ma Chao wanted to chase, but was aimed at by countless bows and arrows, but returned in vain.

Xia Houyuan hurried over when he heard the news, but luckily there were no major problems.

"Li Tong, why don't you obey the military order?"

"Ma Mengqi is too arrogant, insulting the prime minister, I can't stand it." Li Tong said.

"The military order is like a mountain. Now that you have violated the military order, you will be locked up for three days. Can you accept it?" Xia Houyuan said.

"Someone is willing to be punished." Li Tong said, anyway, he needed to recuperate from his injuries.

It really hurts!

"General Xiahou, you see that the enemy's formation is in disarray, which is the best time to attack. As long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to defeat Ma Chao." Li said.

Xia Houyuan looked at it, and it was true, but he had just punished Li Tong, and if he sent troops at this time, wouldn't he slap himself in the face?

"Ma Chao has taken advantage now, and the morale of the Xiliang rebels is high. It is not good for us to attack now. Therefore, we should stick to the prime minister's military order, close the city gates, and dampen Ma Chao's spirit."

The order was reasonable, but Li Tong's face was not very good-looking.Doesn't this emphasize that he lost to Ma Chao?

In Cao Cao's army, Xia Houyuan is the true direct descendant, and Li Tong is the local tyrant, who has conflicts with the central government.


Li Tong could only sigh, he missed this opportunity, and wondered if he could teach Ma Chao a lesson.

Cao Cao didn't fight here, while Ma Chao came every day, set up a big formation, and then sent people to the Weinan camp to shout and scold.

No matter how Ma Chao's people scolded him, Cao Cao would not leave the city, making Ma Chao, who wanted to lure the snake out of the hole, very depressed.

But he didn't have any good solutions. Now he ran to storm the camp, which was not good for the Xiliang army who were good at field battles.So Ma Chao could only come and yell every day, hoping to stimulate Cao Cao to come out.

Cao Cao's position is high and powerful, and the biggest characteristic is his thick skin. No matter how Ma Chao sends people to greet him outside the camp, he doesn't care at all.

Instead, his subordinates were so angry that they couldn't help but want to go out, but they were all restrained by Cao Cao.

"A small leak will sink a great ship."

Now Cao Cao has directly stated his attitude, want to fight?

Hehe, if you have the ability to attack the camp.

Want a reconciliation?


Cao Cao is the nail stuck in Hexi.

It was like this for seven days in a row.

Ma Chao was screaming in anger outside.

"Ma Mengqi can't hold back anymore!" Cao Cao said happily.

"My lord, this is also Xiliang's plan to slow down the army." Xia Houyuan said.

This sentence reminded Cao Cao that he almost forgot!

"Tell me, what can Xiliang do?" Cao Cao said.

Yu Jin pondered for a while, and said, "My lord, I have the worst guess."


"My lord, have you forgotten about Yangzhou? How could it be possible for the Marquis of Dongyang not to intervene in such a big battle!" Yu Jin said.

Surprised, Cao Cao took out the map.

He mobilized all the troops to the west, and as for the was almost undefended.

Because the east is Yangzhou, Liu Ke's territory.

Once Yangzhou launched an attack, Cao Cao found that he had no way to resist it.

The situation was so bad that Cao Cao even gave Yu Jin a glare.

Yu Jin is very innocent, but his worry is also everyone's worry.

Dongyang Hou has the appearance of sweeping the world, and now he is standing still, just to recuperate.

"Marquis of Dongyang! Marquis of Dongyang!" Cao Cao muttered a few words.

"My lord, I don't think the Marquis of Dongyang will send troops." Cao Hong said.

"Tell me about Zilian," Cao Cao said.

"First, the Marquis of Dongyang has ambitions, but he doesn't have the courage to break the boat, and the current situation in Yangzhou is not suitable for launching a war.

Second, the mobilization of the Yangzhou army is no small matter, and it is impossible that there will be no rumors.

Third, the Marquis of Dongyang is not yet ready to be king and emperor, and Xiandi is still orthodox. " Cao Hong said.

"That's right, in this battle, it will be assumed that the Marquis of Dongyang does not exist." Cao Cao said with a final word.

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