"Are you threatening me?" Hu Chuquan said angrily.

"How dare I threaten Shanyu? It's just that we in Xiliang are also kind to Shanyu." Ma Dai said.

If he hadn't been on an envoy, how could the Marquis of Dongyang let Hu Chuquan go back?

Ma Dai's words made Hu Chuquan fall into deep thought, how could he fight against Dongyang Hou when he was alone now?

Xiliang is a good ally.

Also, in battle, it is easier to integrate troops and seize power.

Only when some old and stubborn die in battle, Hu Chuquan will have the opportunity to arrange his own people.

"Within three days, Ben Shanyu will definitely dispatch troops."

After getting the promise, Ma Dai breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope that Huchuquan will not be three days and three days...

Ma Dai was worried about the battle in Hexi.

Cao Cao was scheming, and the princes of Xiliang were united on the surface, but they were secretly intriguing, and they were not opponents at all.

If there is no external force to join, Xiliang will be in danger.

"The army is leaving!"

Huchuquan gathered [-] Xiongnu warriors and fulfilled his promise.

"Shan Yu, in the land of Hexi, we have [-] troops, plus your [-], a total of [-] troops. This is a force that will destroy the world, and Cao Cao's army is only more than [-]. Our army will surely win the battle," Ma Dai said.

Hu Chuquan hopes to use this battle to make a name for himself. The enemy cannot be too strong or too weak.

Cao Cao is the most suitable!

However, regarding the marching route, Ma Dai and Hu Chuquan disagreed.

"Shan Yu, your army can attack Bingzhou. After taking Bingzhou, Cao Cao's army will be flanked by the river."

Hu Chuquan expressed his objection, saying: "Since the main force of Cao Cao's army is in Hexi, Ben Shanyu will go to Hexi."

As long as Cao Cao is defeated, the mission will be accomplished.

As for why he didn't go to Bingzhou, Hu Chuquan also had his own concerns.Next to Bingzhou are Youzhou and Jizhou, both of which belong to the Marquis of Dongyang.

Will the Xiongnu cavalry be rampant in Bingzhou?

Hu Chuquan couldn't guarantee it, so he chose the easiest path.

"Chan Yu, with my elder brother in Hexi, everything is fine. You should go to Bingzhou!" Ma Dai urged again.

"You mean Ma Mengqi? He couldn't do anything to Cao Cao for such a long time, which shows that his strength is just that, not worth mentioning." Hu Chuquan said disdainfully.

Hearing this sentence, Ma Dai was a little unhappy.If it weren't for the need for the power of the Huns, they would have turned their faces a long time ago.

"Ben Shanyu has arrived in Hexi, if you want to win, you must listen to me." Hu Chuquan said arrogantly.

In Yangzhou, he held back so badly, he was a grandson every day, and now he was finally able to express himself.

Ma Dai was very upset, are the Huns so brainless?

But for the sake of the overall situation, he can only tolerate it.

But there is one thing Hu Chuquan did well, and that is to prohibit his subordinates from looting.

"Whoever robs will be killed, and he will never be merciful."

This is something that has been repeatedly brainwashed in Huchuquan, Yangzhou. Once violated, the consequences will be disastrous.

Dongyanghou will be unhappy, Dongyanghou will be unhappy, and he will punish those who make him unhappy.

Facts have proved that these people have all become the souls of Dongyang Hou's sword.

At the beginning, when they had an army of one million, they berated Fang Qiu, but they were defeated by the Marquis of Dongyang in the end?

Now there are only [-] people, and Hu Chuquan doesn't dare to waste money.

Under the strict order, the Xiongnu army and the people of the Han Dynasty did not commit any crimes.

Ma Dai was stunned by this point, even the Xiliang Army couldn't do it!

But even so, there were still several lootings, and each time Hu Chuquan rushed to the scene in a rage, beheading those who violated military discipline, Li Wei.

And compensated and comforted the Han people.

Yes, the Huns are talking about compensation...

Is this Nima still a Hun?

Ma Dai was stunned by every scene.

Of course, what shocked him was not the "friendliness" of Huchuquan, but the horror of Yangzhou.

It is embarrassing that Huchuquan, a Hun, was educated like this.

Ma Dai couldn't help but imagine, if all the Huns received such ideological education, what kind of changes would happen to the world?

Dongyang Hou is so terrifying!

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