Chen Dao also put the sword on Cao Hong's neck.

"If you want to kill or cut, do what you want, don't humiliate me!"

"Haha, isn't this fun? Aren't you very capable?" Chen Dao laughed.

"I will definitely avenge this revenge, you will wait for me." Cao Hong gritted his teeth and said.

"I'll wait, don't make me wait too long." Chen Dao said indifferently.

He is Liu Ke's personal guard, and Cao Hong wants revenge unless Cao Cao defeats Liu Ke.

is it possible?

Therefore, Chen Dao was confident.

"Marquis Dongyang, the imperial court navy is at the top, please think twice." Xia Houyuan said neither humble nor overbearing, if Liu Ke dared to hurt Cao Cao, it would be a big deal.

Don't think about it, everyone!

"Don't worry, I just haven't seen Brother Meng Dexian for a long time, and I won't hurt him," Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke made the most important promise, and with his face-to-face promise, Xia Houyuan felt relieved.

At this moment, Cao Cao forced himself to stand up and said, "I don't know why the Marquis of Dongyang took so much trouble to meet me?"

"Drink and eat meat, can't you?" Liu Ke said.

"It's a good one to drink and eat meat, then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman." Cao Cao said loudly.

"My elder brother doesn't want your life, and his head is on your neck, what are you thinking?" Dian Wei said angrily.

"You dare to be rude to the prime minister, and you can't find death?" Xu Huang shouted.

"Hey, are you still not convinced? Let's do it again, how about it?" Dian Wei challenged.

"Come as soon as you come, who is afraid of whom?!" Xu Huang was not to be outdone.

At this moment, a call came from the water.

"Help! Help!"

It was Yu Jin who was knocked into the water, and he paved desperately, trying not to sink into the water.

"Hahaha, Yu Jin, is swimming fun?" Dian Wei couldn't help laughing.

Xu Huang also felt that Yu Jin's dog planing was too embarrassing, and quickly threw him a rope.

Yu Jin quickly grabbed the rope, climbed up, and sprayed a few mouthfuls of water.

I am!

Dongyang Hou has such strength, his kick almost killed him!

Yu Jin still has lingering fears, next time he goes to fight Dianwei and Xu Chu, don't fight Dongyang Hou, it's too scary.

"The Marquis of Dongyang's martial art is still the same as before." Cao Cao joked about his subordinates.

"Brother Meng Dexian is not bad, just as confident." Liu Ke said.

"I can't compare, I can't compare, I am old, and Dongyang Hou is still young, this is the gap." Cao Cao said.

Liu Ke didn't bother to go into the attic, so he ordered people to carry out the food and wine, and chatted on the deck.

"Congratulations to Brother Meng Dexian for winning a battle."

Cao Cao drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, and only he knew the pain.

"When did the Marquis of Dongyang come here?"

"During the Battle of Tongguan." Liu Ke recalled.

"Aren't you afraid that I will become vicious?" Cao Cao said.

"Brother Meng Dexian was joking, since the Battle of Tongguan, your eyes have been on the west, how could you have noticed us?" Liu Ke said.

"What if? What if our scouts find you in advance."

"Then I can only run away in embarrassment, and then come back for revenge."

"Haha! Dongyanghou is still quick to speak."

Cao Cao laughed, venting the difficulties, doubts, and fears in his heart,

"If I want to burn everything together and let the upper reaches of the navy launch an attack, what will Dongyang Hou do?"

"Brother Meng Dexian, I always thought that you are a person who cherishes life. Failure is not terrible, as long as you are there, isn't it?"

"Dongyang Hou's words are wrong. I have no chance of winning against you."

When he said this, Cao Cao suddenly felt sad and drank three times in a row.

They are all high-quality wines, even Cao Cao has never tasted them.

"I also think you have no chance of winning, so you should stop thinking about it." Liu Ke said.

"Marquis Dongyang, your life is worth more than mine," Cao Cao said.

"Everyone's fate is the same, including the common people." Liu Ke corrected.

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