But Liu Ke didn't take it lightly. Maybe the other party thought that a hundred people were enough to solve the trouble, so they came down with so few people.

Under normal circumstances, the leading monks would ask why, but unfortunately they seem to be better at doing things.

"Get it for me!"

Liu Ke was very surprised that these monks were not holding sticks, but genuine machetes.

How is this different from a strongman?

"Protect the lord!" Chen Dao shouted, drew out his sword, and jumped in front of Liu Ke in three steps.

"Hehe, you brought a guy with you, do you really think we monks are vegetarians?" The leader monk said with a grin, and his younger brothers drew their swords one after another.

"Isn't the Holy Land of Buddhism forbidden to see blood?" Liu Ke asked.

"Stop talking nonsense, aren't you here to make trouble? This is the site of our Langya Temple, you are tired of working!"

"Isn't this the government's territory?" Liu Ke asked.

"The government can't control us!"

Liu is ridiculous, really think this is a temple for later generations, there is no need to pay taxes, and you can do whatever you want?


With one order, the two sides fought.

These monks... To be honest, their martial arts skills are not very good, but they have a ruthless spirit, and some of them are even murdered.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu had seen this for a long time on the battlefield, so they did not attack lightly at all. Although they did not kill anyone, they did break a few bones.

Under the leadership of the two peerless generals, Liu Ke's guards overthrew hundreds of monks in a few strokes, and the leader was brought up and knelt in front of Liu Ke.

"It's not beaten at all." Dian Wei said unsatisfactorily.

"I'm afraid more will come later." Guo Jia said.

"Let's just wait here, come and fight as many times as you want." Dian Wei said domineeringly.

"My lord, the villain was confused for a moment, please forgive me!"

Where is the appearance of an eminent monk?

It's just a suit of clothes.

The people nearby also pleaded: "Young master, don't offend the Buddha, you will have bad luck."

If Guo Jia hadn't stopped him, Dian Wei would have rushed to beat him.

"We are soldiers from Yangzhou. We are in charge of arresting a group of robbers. Now we suspect that the robbers are on the mountain. It has nothing to do with anyone. Please go down the mountain directly." Chen Dao stood up and shouted.

As soon as they heard that it was a soldier, the faces of the people changed.

"It turned out to be the Yangzhou army! Could it be that there are really robbers on the mountain?"

"Go! If you don't go, it will be too late!"

Seeing the people hurrying down the mountain, Liu Ke was a little worried, and ordered Chen Dao to maintain order, while he interrogated the leader of the monks.

"What's your name?"

"Villain Wu Dayi!"

Liu Ke frowned.

"Why is it called that name?"

"Master Honghua took it."

"How many monks do you have?"

Facing Liu Ke's inquiry, Wu Da showed cunning and said:

"Just over a hundred people."

Liu Ke saw through it at a glance, but didn't pierce it.

"Where did you get your weapons?"

"Given by the government." Wu Da said together.

"Nonsense! How could the government give you weapons?!" Liu Ke scolded. "

Wu Dayi was taken aback, but still gritted his teeth and insisted that it was given by the government.

Liu Ke finally realized the seriousness of the problem. This group of people is organized and has a unified voice.

"Brother, let's see that he won't tell the truth. This kind of person should be shot to death directly." Dian Wei said viciously. Coupled with his fierce appearance, Wu Dayi was frightened half to death.

However, Wu Dayi still gritted his teeth and refused to disclose whether he lived or died.

After a quarter of an hour of stalemate, Liu Ke made up his mind.

"Go, seal up this temple and arrest all the key people. Especially Master Honghua."

"My lord, the troops are being mobilized, please wait a moment," Jia Xu said.

"No, let's go up the mountain now, don't let people run away." Liu Ke ordered.

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