A bow and arrow came through the air and fell into the side of the ship.

"Stop the boat! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

A topless young man stood at the bow of the boat and shouted majestically.

Sweat gradually oozes from the fisherman's forehead, and he looks at Liu Ke.

Liu Ke didn't say a word, he opened his bow and shot an arrow, and responded to the topless youth with actions.


The bow and arrow were completely submerged in the cabin.

Gan Ning's eyes froze, he could clearly feel the fighting spirit coming from the opposite ship.

"Interesting, Xia Gan Ning, whose name is Xingba. Who is coming, tell me your name!"

"Yangzhou Liu Dingfang!" Liu Ke responded.

"Your grandpa Gan doesn't take advantage of you, let's fight on the big ship!" Gan Ning shouted, and at the same time his opponent said, "Come on!"

When the two boats approached, Liu Ke jumped lightly, and his spear was like thunder, heading straight for Gan Ning.

Gan Ning didn't dare to be careless, he put up all his energy, raised his knife to block it, and there was a "clang" sound of metal colliding.Gan Ning took three steps back, his face showing surprise.

So much strength!

Liu Ke kicked his feet, and the deck suddenly collapsed. He used his strength to move forward, and bounced Gan Ning's long knife away. Then, the spear changed, like a torrential rain, covering Gan Ning's whole body.

So fast! ! !

Gan Ning was shocked, he quickly resisted and did not dare to neglect.As time went by, his complexion became more and more ugly.

Obviously pinned down and unable to move.

Suddenly, the tide of the big river rolled, the boat shook, and Liu Ke's footing was unstable.

good chance!

Gan Ning immediately came to the conclusion: this person is not good at water warfare.

He brandished a broadsword and attacked Liu Ke in the cold air.

Liu Ke thumped a few times before stabilizing his body, holding his gun to block.

With a bang, the two sides broke apart at the touch of a button.

Could it be that I, Gan Xingba, was really hollowed out by wine and meat?

Gan Ning was about to doubt his life, the difference in strength between the two was like a son competing with his papa.

"Look at the gun!"

With a shout, a long spear slanted towards Gan Ning from the side, stabbing towards Gan Ning's waist like a bend.

Gan Ning was shocked, twisted his waist to avoid the point of the gun, but was slapped by the gun and stuck to the wall.

When he came back to his senses, his neck was already pressed against the point of the gun.

Seeing that his elder brother was captured alive, the water thief scolded: "You sneak attack, you won't win with force!"

Gan Ning gave a wry smile, and immediately bowed down: "If you want to kill or cut into pieces, it's up to you!"

Distraction in battle is a taboo for military strategists, not to mention that the opponent kindly reminds him before making a move.

If you can't take it, it's because your skills are not as good as others!

However, this is the first time I have seen such a tricky marksmanship, so I can't help but admire it.

Liu Ke put away the spear, untied the jug of wine from his waist and threw it to Gan Ning, saying, "I think you're pretty good, but I just don't have a navy general in my tent. If you want, I'll drink this jug of wine!"

"Tch, my elder brother has thirty ships and thousands of brothers, who cares about your navy general?" Brother Gan Ning said in disbelief.

"Haha, my elder brother is the Marquis of Dongyang, leading Yangzhou pastoralists, and has an army of [-] sailors under his tent! How dare you say it's not unusual!" Dian Wei also jumped onto the big boat, shaking the deck several times.

This person is also a fierce general!

Gan Ning has excellent eyesight, so he drank the jug of wine very happily.

What a strong wine!

"Good brother!" Dian Wei patted Gan Ning on the shoulder, and the latter burst into tears.

Such a lot of strength... Could it be that labor and capital are really vain?

For the first time, Gan Ning felt how weak he was.He secretly clenched his fists, Yangzhou Mu is a big mountain, he must seize the opportunity.

The fundamental reason why I am living in a foreign country is that I am not reused.Now, Yangzhou Mu handed over [-] sailors to him after seeing him once, how much he valued...

"My lord! Please accept Xingba!" Gan Ning knelt on one knee.

"Okay!" Liu Ke was overjoyed, and there was another strong general under his tent.

After getting to know each other, Liu Ke immediately handed over the navy to Gan Ning.And Gan Ning also started a vigorous military training. The target of the exercise is of course all kinds of water thieves in the Yangtze River.

At this moment, there are thirty Louchuan and hundreds of Mengchong in the water army, which are the most powerful forces in this section of the Yangtze River Basin.

A month later, the entire Yangtze River Basin was empty, and all the water thieves were either recruited or fled.

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