I'm afraid this person will be scared stupid, Guo Jia couldn't help but said in his heart.

Along the way, under Liu Ke's deliberate inquiry, Ruo Rong's deeds became more and more.

This person is different from Zhang Jiao, he has never practiced Fushui to cure diseases and save lives.But like to engage in ostentation!

For example, a big banquet is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

As long as you can recite the Dharma, you will be a guest of honor.

Many fake "scholars" often do this kind of thing in order to gain Ruo Rong's favor.

Gradually, Ruo Rong became famous.

Among them, Ruo Rong has the best relationship with the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, and Ruo Rong is often asked to do business.

"Check out these businessmen who are closely related to Ruo Rong." Liu Ke said.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

Among them, Mi's family and Gu's family all had contacts with Ruo Rong, and even Qiao's family... In other words, Liu Ke himself was found.

"My lord, is it because the flood has washed into the Dragon King Temple? My family doesn't know my family." Guo Jia laughed.

"It seems that Ruo Rong is a long-sleeved and good dancer. I don't know how deep his network is." Liu Ke sighed.

"Hmph, but since I'm thinking about it, this matter won't end."

"My lord, according to the information, Ruo Rong is going to hold a good banquet in Shouchun and ask rich people to donate money. What do you think?" Guo Jia said.

"Go and have a look." Liu Ke said, Shouchun is the seat of Jiujiang County, it is very prosperous now, and there are many rich people.

"Feng Xiao, let me see how you explain to Zi Jing when you go back." Jia Xu said.

"What? I don't owe him anything!" Guo Jia said.

"Haha, in order not to go back to work, you tricked the lord into Shouchun. You really deserve it. If I tell Zijing..."

Faced with Jia Xu's threats, Guo Jia had no choice but to compromise.

"Wenhe, I have something to discuss!"

"Remember to write my image positively."

Guo Jia is speechless, well, Dian Wei is on Wu's side, and Jia Xu is on Wen's side. The performance of the two in the Battle of Tongguan is earth-shattering!

"No problem, wrap it on me!"

So, Liu Ke crossed Dongyang City without entering, and went straight to Shouchun.

Once back to Dongyang City, it won't be so easy to figure it out.

After another day of driving, they finally arrived at Shouchun.

The taverns and teahouses are all talking about Ruo Rong Shan Banquet.

"Have you heard? The qualification to participate in the banquet is three thousand gold!"

"Didn't you say it's free? Why do you have to pay?"

"This is the qualification to participate in the inner banquet. If you don't pay the money, you can only eat the floating banquet outside. You won't be able to see Master Ruo Rong."

"So that's the case, three thousand gold, I'm afraid not many people will participate?"

"You are wrong. There are more than [-] people who signed up, but Master Ruo Rong only arranged for [-] places."

"Is it okay to add money?"

"Yes, Master Ruo Rong is not short of money."

Isn't this the hunger marketing that Liu Ke is familiar with?

Ruo Rong is really a talent.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ruo Rong has a good face.

His good feast had lasted seven days.

"My lord, are we still going?" Guo Jia said, his tone a little eager.

"What's the hurry?" Liu Ke said lightly.

In the past seven days, Liu Ke has figured out the situation of Shanyan, and has a certain understanding of Ruo Rong's preferences.

"My lord, aren't you afraid that Ruo Rong will run away?" Guo Jia said.

"The slap in the face has to be real, it's too early to go now," Liu Ke said.

Why is it too early?

Liu Ke is waiting for someone.

On the tenth day, the secret mission Liu Ke assigned to Zhang Hong was completed.

An Xuan was found and brought to Shouchun.

Ruo Rong is nothing more than a good Dharma, and through the promotion of Dharma, he achieves his own unknown purpose.

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