Taishi Fu Yi was knowledgeable and talented. He told Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty: "I heard that there is a god in Western Tianzhu (India), known as Buddha, who can fly in the sky and surround himself with sunlight. Your Majesty, the one you dreamed is probably Buddha. "

Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty was very interested in Fu Yi's words, so he sent 13 envoys, including Qin Jing, Cai Yin, and Wang Zun, the doctor's disciple, to the Western Regions to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Later, after various twists and turns, I obtained the "Forty-two Classics".

After a hundred years of development, the Buddhist scriptures have been gradually perfected, and Anxuan himself is also engaged in the translation of scriptures.

However, he has never heard or seen such scriptures, but the profound meaning of Buddhism in them made Anxuan obsessed.

The first translation of the Diamond Sutra was in AD 402...

"How about it, am I qualified to be the honored guest now?" Liu Ke said.

"I didn't expect the young master to be so proficient in Buddhism, I admire it!" Ruo Rong cupped his hands and almost started to worship the great god.

Guo Jia was also dumbfounded, because he knew very well that when he was in Xuzhou, Liu Ke still knew nothing about Buddhism, so why did he become a master in just ten days?

"Young master, don't stop, write the scriptures completely, I can be sure that the scriptures have not been translated at all!" An Xuan said excitedly.

This is the reaction that people who love Buddhism should have.

As for Ruo Rong, he couldn't complain.

Liu Ke didn't have time to waste writing, so he directly threw a copy of the "Diamond Sutra" to An Xuan.These days, Liu Ke has a lot of preparations.

After An Xuan got it, he couldn't put it down.

"My lord, please go upstairs!" Ruo Rong said politely, "I don't know how to address you?"

"Liu Yingjun."

"So it's Young Master Liu."

It turns out that your size makes you seem to know each other!

"Isn't there a good banquet today to spread the Dharma? Why didn't you see a single monk?" Liu Ke asked, looking left and right.

Ruo Rong pointed to himself and said, "I am."

When Buddhism was first introduced into China, other rituals had not yet developed, so as long as you shaved off your hair and put on coarse clothes similar to cassocks, you could become a monk.

But Ruo Rong didn't even pluck his hair!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this time, monks don't need to shave their heads, but Liu Ke looks very weird.

Can you be called a monk without shaving your head?

Buddhism originated in ancient India. It is said that in ancient India, the most serious punishment for criminals, that is, those who committed serious crimes, was to have their hair removed.

Therefore, most people in India have long hair, including ascetics, whose hair is very long, and they do not cut their hair easily.

At that time, people believed that if someone's hair was shaved off, he would consider it a great disgrace to himself, and he would not be able to lift his head up for the rest of his life.

Did ancient India think that all monks committed crimes?

It turns out that the Buddha of India just wanted to abandon this kind of thinking——I am a noble person.Later, there was hair shaving, which represented the removal of afflictions. I was not a person in the world of mortals. I had to look down on everything in the world and pursue Buddhahood.

However, Confucianism believes that filial piety begins when the body and skin are received by parents and dare not damage them.

If you dare to shave your head at this time, you will become a heretic, and it is impossible for Buddhism to develop.Therefore, most monks nowadays do not shave their heads.

"Master Ruo Rong, the Buddha believes that the world is illusory and life is suffering. Only by cutting off all afflictions and practicing to become a Buddha can we achieve eternal happiness. Why don't you cut off three thousand threads of affliction?" Liu Kedao directly asked Ruo Rong A hole was formed.

If you don't shave your head, you are not a pious believer in Buddhism; if you shave your head, you offend Confucianism.

Confucianism is the Han people's own thought, while Buddhism is a foreign religion, so Confucianism accuses Buddhism of being a religion of the barbarians, which is only suitable for the barbarians and not for the middle land.

The controversy has existed since Buddhism was introduced into the Central Plains. Even Anxuan couldn't resolve this kind of contradiction, let alone Ruo Rong, a pseudo-Buddhist.

"Mr. Liu, is it okay to just drink and talk about Buddhism today?" Ruo Rong smiled, and for a while, he didn't notice Liu Ke's malice.

"This is Buddhism. If you don't get ordained, how can you become a monk?" Liu Ke said.

Ze Rong's smile froze, and finally realized that the visitor was not kind.

Don't even give him this little face!

"There are also people who practice with hair, as long as there is a Buddha in their hearts."

"Isn't Master Ruo Rong a devout believer?"

Facing Liu Ke's doubts, Ze Rong sneered and said, "I've held countless Buddhist events, how can you understand them? Let's not talk about these for now, the Futu Temple and the Nine Mirrors Pagoda built by someone in Xiapi have become Buddhist holy place."

"The Buddha cares about these superficial articles?" Liu Ke overturned all the achievements of Ruo Rong with one sentence.

Ze Rong gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Only shaving can convince us."

Liu Ke grasped this point and embarrassed Ruo Rong.

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to say that about Master Ruo Rong?"

It was difficult for Ruo Rong to show up, so his pony boy immediately seized the opportunity and went into battle with a gun.

"This is Master Anxuan, who was once summoned by Emperor Ling, and he is a true Buddhist power." Liu Ke introduced Anxuan.

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