Wang Lang showed Ruo Rong's token and Ruo Rong's letter.

"Master Ruo Rong had a premonition for a long time that his life and death in Dongyang City were uncertain. But he went resolutely because his disciple was arrested in Dongyang City. The reason for the arrest is ridiculous, trying to spy on military secrets."

The letter was of course a fake, but no one could tell.Wang Lang still had these preparations, otherwise he wouldn't be able to incite this group of people.

"In order to rescue them, Master Ruo Rong spoke too radically, so he was also arrested."

"Ridiculous! When was Yangzhou convicted for his words?"

Everyone was outraged.

"Everyone, calm down. Everyone believes in Buddhism and is merciful. Let's go to Dongyang City to petition and let the government release him." Wang Lang suggested.

He will not reveal his purpose.If you directly talk about rebellion, who will follow him?

But petitions are different.

"Petition? That's a good idea. Marquis Dongyang is a wise king. As long as we tell about the achievements of Master Ruo Rong, he will definitely let us go."

"Okay, let's set off together and go to Dongyang City to petition, and we must rescue Master Ruo Rong."

Wang Lang showed a meaningful smile, and he could retire with success.The task Sima Yi entrusted to him was just that, and the next development of the matter was none of his business.

Once believers gather, are they expected to abide by the law?

Of course not.

What's more, Ruo Rong believes in false Buddhas, so what kind of disciples can he teach.

So the believers gathered thousands of people in Shouchun, and headed for Dongyang City mightily.

However, soon after leaving the city, he was stopped by the defenders led by Jia Xu.

"Take it all!"

"Why arrest us?"

"That's right! We didn't break the law!"

No matter how much they begged, Jia Xu never showed mercy.If this group of people were allowed to go to Dongyang City, it would be a real big event.

Therefore, even if the method is rough, Jia Xu will do it.

"Brothers, don't you resist? Are you waiting to die?"

With a roar, the believers began to beat the officers and soldiers, refusing to be tied up with ropes.

"Anyone who resists will be killed on the spot!" Jia Xu shouted.

Some believers hesitated at first, but a few who were not afraid of death began to snatch the weapons of the officers and soldiers.

This is how the bloodshed began.

More than a hundred believers were beheaded on the spot, and dozens of officers and soldiers were injured.

Shouchun's believers were thus shocked by Jia Xu's thunderous means.

Everyone thought that Yangzhou was a prosperous place and would not use swords or guns, but Jia Xu didn't have so many scruples.

Loss can be further developed, but such a group of people under their own control, that is a big trouble!

Next, riots continued in Shouchun City. Jia Xu sat in town for three days and arrested wave after wave of people.

All of a sudden, everyone who believes in Buddhism is in danger.

"My lord, things are getting worse and worse." Lu Meng said with a dark face. He thought Jia Xu had some superb means, but the result was so rough.

"I don't think so, by the way, hasn't Wang Lang been arrested yet?" Jia Xu said.

"The city has been closed for three days, and nothing has been found." Lu Meng said depressedly.

Shouchun is located in a traffic artery, and countless caravans will pass through here.The city is closed for three days, God knows how much it will lose.

"Post up notices in Jiujiang County, offering rewards to Wang Lang, and by the way denounced these believers as spies of Cao Cao's army, wanting to cause chaos." Jia Xu said.

"Will the people believe it?" Lu Meng asked.

"That's the truth." Jia Xu said.

Lu Meng reluctantly complied.

There is of course a reason why Jia Xu is so confident.

No, someone soon spoke up for Jia Xu.

"Good catch! These monks don't know how to be polite, they should have been cleaned up long ago."

"Hmph, they're all a bunch of drunkards, big fish and big meat every day, how can they look like monks?"

These people who support Jia Xu are not low in status, and they are all Confucian scholars.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, Wang Lang was found on the border."

"Finally found him!"

Lu Meng was overjoyed.

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