So Liu Bei could only urgently recall Ma Chao, but Ma Chao refused, and they had already attacked here, it would be a pity to give up, Xia Houyuan was nothing but a defeated general.

"My lord, it's not that the last general didn't obey the military order, it's just that the opportunity for war is fleeting."

After receiving Ma Chao's letter, Liu Bei expressed his understanding, but he still issued three military orders to let Ma Chao come back.

No matter how stupid Ma Chao was, he knew about the suppression from the Liu Bei Group, and couldn't help being a little annoyed.

"Brother, don't act rashly." Ma Dai persuaded.


Ma Chao could only let out a long sigh, and later heard that it was Jian Yong who slandered Liu Beijin, and couldn't help but hate him.

"There is no room for me in Sichuan!"

I am afraid that it will be difficult for Ma Chao to play in the future.

Instead of Ma Chao, the general who attacked Dingjun Mountain became Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei is Liu Bei's direct descendant, and he has various shortcomings, but he is indeed good at fighting, and his bravery is not inferior to Ma Chao.

After arriving at Dingjun Mountain, Zhang Fei did not attack immediately, but repeated the old plan, drinking every day, regardless of the war.

After Liu Bei heard about it, he was a little worried.

"I'm afraid Yide is drinking through the war."

With his previous achievements, even if Zhang Fei drank to death, no one would care about him.

Liu Bei began to wonder if this was Zhang Fei's plan for drinking.

Fazheng had confidence in Zhang Fei, but Zhang Fei's performance made him feel uneasy.

"My lord, if General Yide is defeated, it will be a loss of your wisdom."

This sentence reached Liu Bei's heart, and it was precisely this that he was worried about.

The good Ma Chao didn't use it and let Zhang Fei play, but Zhang Fei didn't live up to it.

Liu Bei almost died of anger.

"I want to drive my own conquest!"

Only Liu Bei and Guan Yu can restrain Zhang Fei, but Guan Yu still has important responsibilities.

The reason why Liu Bei didn't personally conscript is because Yizhou is still unstable. If he leaves easily, it will give others an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"My lord, I'll go too." Fazheng said.

Now Fazheng is Liu Bei's most trusted adviser, who else can he take without him?

When Liu Bei arrived at Dingjun Mountain, he met Zhang Fei who was drunk.

"Yide, almost missed my important event!"

Liu Bei was dissatisfied.

Zhang Fei suddenly became sober.

"Brother, it's not because I don't want to fight, but in fact, I'm not slack in my strength."

Liu Bei was surprised that Zhang Fei would say such words as powerless?

Then he took Fazheng and others to inspect Dingjun Mountain, and finally understood why Zhang Fei had no ambition.

Xia Houyuan built Dingjun Mountain like an iron barrel, and if he attacked rashly, his head would be bloody.

"Hey, so defensive, how can we break it?"

Liu Bei didn't believe in evil, and tried to attack several times, but he was defeated.

"Xia Houyuan has a very irritable temperament. Although he is brave, he lacks resourcefulness. We can slow down our progress, step by step, and try to provoke Xia Houyuan to attack us.

In this way, we can find a favorable opportunity and choose a favorable terrain to defeat him.This is anti-client! "

Fazheng actively came up with ideas.

Zhang Fei's experience tells Fazheng that whoever guards the mountain is the eldest brother.

Without further ado, Liu Bei adopted it directly. Past facts have proved that Fazheng is very capable.

"Reward all the meat in the army to the soldiers of the three armies."

The soldiers were passionate and expressed their willingness to fight to the death.

Fazheng is responsible for making ideas, Liu Bei is responsible for buying people's hearts, and the two work together.

"Yide, go and mock them, it's best to make Xia Houyuan lose his mind and chase us down," Liu Bei said.

When it comes to ridicule, Zhang Fei is one of the best in Liu Bei's army. As long as he speaks with his mouth, he is guaranteed to be half-deadly angry.

"Brother, what is this for?"

"If you are told to go, go, or pack up and go back to Chengdu?"

Faced with Liu Bei's threat, Zhang Fei compromised.What's the point of returning to Chengdu after finally coming out to fight?

"Listen, bastard on the other side, your grandpa Zhang is here, why don't you hurry up and kowtow to pay his respects?"

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