The Heavy Cavalry Battalion, led by Zhang He, had [-] men.

Shesheng Battalion, commander Huang Zhong, [-] people.

The Guards Battalion, commanded by Dian Wei, has [-] men.

A total of [-] people.

Therefore, after Liu Ke occupied Yangzhou, his army strength soared to [-], and the taxpayer population was about [-] million.

Why is the population so small?

Let's take the official history of the Three Kingdoms as an example.

Wei: 103 million households, 443 million population, 60 soldiers

Shu: 28 households, 94 population, 10.2 soldiers

Wu: 52.3 households, 230 million population, 23 soldiers

But when fighting, why can you casually deploy hundreds of thousands of troops?

This is because the number of tenants sheltered by aristocratic families, tribesmen, village households, military households, official households, fleeing households, leaking households, hidden households, and ethnic minorities living in the Han area are not included in the household registration statistics, reaching [-]. How much.

The family is awesome!

Mi Zhu is just a wealthy and powerful Xuzhou, with tens of thousands of tenants in his family, comparable to a county, the kind that doesn't have to pay taxes.

Therefore, the forces that were able to complete land reform in ancient China were the best in development.

It is also possible that the family rebounded and crushed to death.

According to Liu Ke's estimate, the population of Yangzhou is about three million.The fact that the population of two million can be counted is due to Liu Ke registering nearly one million people in Dongyang.

Therefore, Dongyang is Liu Ke's base camp, which he has never forgotten.

After Liu Ke occupied Yangzhou, Tao Qian of Xuzhou and Liu Biao of Jingzhou both sent congratulatory letters.Liu Ke took the opportunity to send envoys to rebuild the business roads with the two, and all the businesses in the three states were revitalized in a short time, and the economy developed rapidly.

Of course, Liu Ke made the most money.Glass crafts are deeply loved by aristocratic chaebols, especially mirrors, which are a must-have in every household.Grain and salt are small profits but quick turnover. However, with a stable customer base, it is difficult not to make money.

Now Liu Ke's enemies are the natives of Jiaozhou and Yuan Shu of Runan.He didn't intend to move them immediately, but waited for Yangzhou to stabilize first.

Suddenly, Yangzhou became the pure land in the world.

Driven by the industrialization of Tieniu City, Dongyang has also become prosperous, and people's living standards have been greatly improved.

With enough food and clothing, they worked hard to move bricks, pushing the expansion of Dongyang to an end.

But at this moment, Butler Liu excitedly found Liu Ke and reported an extremely exciting news.

Cao Zhen is happy.

Chapter 80 Liu Ke's Happy Life

After getting Yangzhou, the system rewarded Liu Ke with a planning map.Every inch of land in Dongyang has been planned in detail, down to the area occupied by each mansion and public toilet.

The east area is a garden, which Liu Ke plans to use to reward important ministers, the west area is a poor area with standard numbered pavilions, the north area is a prosperous commercial place, and the south area is an agricultural garden, a planting base for medicinal materials, vegetables and fruits.

Fortunately, the large households in Dongyang have been taken care of by Liu Ke, otherwise it would not be so easy to enclose the land.

Today, the Liu family has a big mansion in the East District, and they have moved into it.

There are more than a dozen servants guarding the door alone, and there are even more people patrolling inside.

It's not for the sake of showing ostentation, but as a last resort.

Although Liu Ke didn't kill Xu Gong, there are still a lot of people like Xu Gong who adopted his disciples, so I'm sure they won't be allowed to take risks, so I'll show you some ruthlessness.

Liu Youyi seldom shows up anymore, he fell in love with singing and dancing for a time, occasionally invites people to drink tea, and Zhao Yu takes care of the family property.

Speaking of which, Liu Ke really doesn't take care of his family very much.

When I met Zhao Yu, what I was talking about was not warmth, but the affairs of the Liu family's finances and Dongyang's finances.

To be honest, Zhao Yu had already found out about this matter, but he never had a chance to say it.

Liu Ke listened patiently, and finally Zhao Yu concluded in one sentence:

"Short is not harmful, but long is bound to be a disaster."

Liu Keshen took it for granted, he didn't have much pursuit of money, but there was no guarantee that there would be extravagant people in the family.

After a long time, Dongyang officials believed that Liu Ke was corrupt, but the family children believed that Liu Ke used the family property to subsidize Dongyang's finances.

"I'll leave this matter to you!" Liu Ke said.

"Yu'er is a woman, how can she take on such a heavy responsibility?" Zhao Yu said helplessly.

Most importantly, some industries are already unclear.Take the most profitable glass technology as an example, the technology is provided by Liu Ke, but Dongyang's official strength is used for production and sales.

No matter how Zhao Yu divides it, he will offend a large number of people.

Recently, due to busy work, Zhao Yu also seemed a little lethargic, always yawning.

Liu Ke went up, let Zhao Yu rest on his arm, and held her hand on his chest.

"Twenty-eight points, Dongyang takes the lead, and you can find me if you can't solve it."

Zhao Yu burst into a burst of warmth for no reason, but still choked: "Looking for you? Why don't you go directly to the prefect."

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