Maybe you have offended me a long time ago... Dong Si muttered in his heart.

"Brother Wei, why don't you leave?"

"Where are you going? Today I want to see what the Marquis of Dongyang is going to do."

Dong Si was taken aback, it's none of your business, isn't it?

The more you know, the sooner you die.

"I still have a book to review, so I won't accompany Brother Wei."

Dong Si cupped his hands and was about to leave, but Wei Zhongdao felt a little guilty and insisted on keeping Dong Si for courage.

"Brother Dong, are we still brothers?"

Dong Si was speechless.

"Don't worry, we're not committing crimes. We're just watching from a distance, so it doesn't get in the way." Wei Zhongdao said with a smile, and pulled Dong Si.

Maybe we can catch Dongyang Hou's lust!

This is Wei Zhongdao's purpose.

"Brother Wei, if you spy on the Women's Academy like this, you might be arrested as a villain." Dong Si said.

This sentence made Wei Zhongdao a little embarrassed.

"And Dongyang Hou's guards will notice you, it would be bad if they treat you as an assassin."

"Brother Dong, what do you mean?"

"There is a tea shop in front, let's sit down and drink tea."

"Brother Dong is still witty."

So the two sat down at the tea shop and ordered a pot of good tea.

"Shopkeeper, do you have chess?" Dong Si asked.

"Yes, yes." The shopkeeper, Pidianpidian, took out a chess set.

Dong Si and Wei Zhongdao played chess here.

It's a pity that Wei Zhongdao was absent-minded, he glanced at the gate of the Women's Academy every few breaths, and was killed by Dong Si to the point of losing his helmet and armor.

"Brother Wei, your chess skills have regressed."

Although Wei Zhongdao was not reconciled, he could only admit defeat.

"The state is not good, let Brother Dong laugh."

Dong Si played chess many times, hoping that Wei Zhongdao could forget Dongyanghou and the women's academy, so as not to cause trouble in vain.

It's a pity that Wei Zhongdao was stubborn and kept staring.

Dong Si sighed again and again, if things go on like this, something will happen sooner or later.

How could the Marquis of Dongyang be so easy to get along with?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke is very good at picking time, and Princess Wannian has no class.

She was sitting on the table, Qianqian gently stroked the body of the piano on the table, staring at the scenery of the inner courtyard in a daze.

"Teacher?" Liu Wu jumped out of the inner room, came to Princess Wannian, squatted down and looked at her curiously, "Teacher, what's the matter with you?"

"Wu'er..." Princess Wannian came back to her senses, withdrew her thoughts, and said with a smile, "Hey, it's really rare to stay with me so well, why don't you go play with your classmates?"

Liu Wu snuggled into Princess Wannian's arms, holding her fragrant cheeks and said in distress, "I'm about to go, and my father is here."

Princess Wannian was taken aback for a moment, and then she saw Liu Ke standing stupidly outside.

Thinking of the previous conversation with Zhao Yu, Princess Wannian's cheeks flushed.

"Teacher, you are blushing."

Liu Wu, who didn't know what happened, said with a smile.

"Go, go, play by yourself."

Princess Wannian pretended to be angry and pushed Liu Wu aside, and Liu Wu left happily. Before leaving, she glared at Liu Ke.

"Slow down!" Liu Ke warned, not sure if her daughter heard it.

After Liu Wu left, Liu Ke turned his gaze to Princess Wannian and gave her an apologetic look.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is so busy, why come here when he is free?"

Liu Ke smiled, then suddenly sighed: "Well, yes, managing various affairs is not a simple matter...Xuan'er, what are you doing?"

Hearing this name, Princess Wannian was stunned, and blurted out: "I'm thinking about something."

"Are you composing music?"

"more or less……"

When Princess Wannian said this, her speech speed stagnated, and she was a little unconfident.

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