If this matter creates a rift between Dongyang Hou and his general Zhao Yun... Wei Kai will be credited to King Wei!

"Aiqing's words are justified." Emperor Xian also felt that this was the reason, his sister could not be wronged, so he asked Wei Kai to draw up an order.

Wei Kai suppressed his joy, and clapped his hands in response.

After returning home, Wei Kai was not in a hurry to complete the task of dedicating the emperor, but wrote a letter to report to Cao Cao who opened the mansion in Chang'an.

Cao Cao sent a meteor horse, replied with the word "good", and asked the envoy to praise Wei Kai.

If this is done, promotion and fortune will be easy.

Wei Kai was excited for a long time.

During this period of time, he was not idle, and supplemented his plan, trying to be as tactful as possible, so that after Dongyanghou saw it, he wished he could just divorce Zhao Yu so that he could marry the daughter of the Tian Family.

After Emperor Xian saw it, he was very satisfied.

"Your Majesty, the official's nephew, Wei Zhongdao, is reliable and can be a messenger."

Of course Emperor Xian would not refuse such a trivial matter, and agreed to it.

Wei Kai returned to the mansion proudly.

"Why is uncle so happy?" Wei Zhongdao asked respectfully.

"Zhongdao, haven't you been deported by the Marquis of Dongyang?" Wei Kai repeated the old story.

This made Wei Zhongdao very embarrassed.

"Yes uncle."

"Now uncle has won you a chance, a chance to slap Dongyang Hou in the face, don't let uncle down again." Wei Kai said.

When Wei Zhongdao heard these words, he was immediately excited. How embarrassed he was when he left Yangzhou in despair.I thought that if there were no ten or eight years, there would be no way to take revenge.

Did not expect the opportunity to come so soon!

"Uncle, please tell me, my nephew will definitely do my best!"

"Okay, Zhongdao, to be a human being, you need this kind of indomitable and tenacious character."

Wei Kai explained the ins and outs of the future, and Wei Zhongdao's blood boiled with enthusiasm.

"Haha, uncle's plan is very clever. Jia Wenhe and Guo Fengxiao are not your opponents at all." Wei Zhongdao flattered him.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia are Liu Ke's right-hand men, well-known and recognized by the world as top counselors.Now Wei Zhongdao compares Wei Kai with them, which makes the latter very useful.

"Nephew, the most critical step of the plan depends on you to execute it."

"Don't worry, uncle, even if my nephew is smashed to pieces, he still has to complete the task."

Wei Zhongdao spoke loudly!

Didn't the Marquis of Dongyang exile him?Now that Wei Zhongdao is holding the imperial decree, how dare Dongyang Hou refuse?

"Hou Dongyang wants to get married, he can only ask me!"

Wei Zhongdao was in high spirits, wishing he could rush to Yangzhou to see Dongyanghou's ugly face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wei Zhongdao's carriage entered the border of Yangzhou leisurely, because no one stopped him under the banner of the holy envoy.

Three days later, Wei Zhongdao laughed loudly at the gate of Dongyang City:

"Haha, Dongyang City, I'm back!"

Everyone looked at him like a lunatic, but Wei Zhongdao still couldn't help being excited, and his behavior became even weirder now.

"I am the envoy of the Son of Heaven, quickly call Dongyanghou to come and pick me up."

Wei Zhongdao just stayed at the gate of the city and refused to leave!

Liu Ke was notified soon.

"What tricks will Wei Zhongdao play again?"

"My lord, Wei Zhongdao is not a good person. You just expelled him, and now he's back again." Chen Dao said disdainfully.

"Since he wants to show off, give it to him." Liu Ke smiled and gave Chen Dao some instructions.

"This idea is good, but the master is amazing!"

At that moment, Chen Dao led the people to the gate of the city, and Wei Zhongdao looked even more proud, because he recognized that Chen Dao was Liu Ke's confidant.

"The envoy has come from afar, it's been hard work, the Lord is just taking a shower and changing clothes, wait a moment."

Wei Zhongdao was overjoyed at first, thinking that Liu Ke had bowed his head to him, but when he got out of the carriage, the cold wind blew him away, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

When did Dongyanghou become so talkative?

Could it be that he still dared to kill the Holy Envoy?

Wei Zhongdao couldn't help but tremble.

Especially when Chen Dao glanced at him at that time, Wei Zhongdao was terrified.

"Isn't it too much for Marquis Dongyang to come out to meet me?"

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