Yang Biao also took the opportunity to ask about Liu Ke's deeds, but Liu Ye smiled and said nothing, and took him wandering around.

There is not a single refugee beggar on the street!

Moreover, there are traffickers and pawns everywhere, in order.

Yang Biao was surprised and said, "Dongyang Houxian is also a man."

Immediately got the approval of a bunch of people.

"This old man has good eyesight, he must be from another place!"

"The Marquis of Dongyang led us to open up wasteland. Now there is so much food that we can't finish it. It's really worrying!"

"Thanks to Dongyang Hou's sweeping away of corrupt officials, business is easy now!"


No wonder Liu Ye wanted to seek refuge with Dongyanghou!

Yang Biao sighed, he had seen too many refugees along the way, until he entered Yangzhou...

"King Chen Liu will leave it to you!" Yang Biao patted Liu Ye on the shoulder and said.

"Isn't the Taiwei going to Dongyang?" Liu Ye asked curiously. It stands to reason that the journey is not far away, so there is no need to entrust it to him here.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come back if I go here!" Yang Biao waved his hands, unwilling to say any more.

Afterwards, he brought Liu Ye to meet King Chen Liu, explained some things, and hurried back to Luoyang.

Liu Ye didn't dare to neglect, and rushed to Dongyang without stopping.

Liu Ke soon received the news, and his head turned gray with worry.

Chapter 82 He Jin wants to be serious

At this moment, King Chen Liu was a hot potato, untouchable.

To put it bluntly, Liu Ke just didn't want to offend He Jin for no reason, and quit doing things that are not beneficial!

But King Chen Liu was already in Yangzhou, so it was impossible to kick him out.

Guo Jia cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, my lord!"

"Where does the joy come from?" Liu Ke was puzzled.

"At this time, He Jin has the power in Luoyang, and arrogantly persecutes a young man who has just lost his father. What do people in the world think? King Chen Liu has come to ask you to uphold justice, and you are the justice of all people in the world!" Guo Jia said excitedly. .

Guo Jia is worthy of being a ghost, the truth can still be understood in this way...

It is not comprehensive enough to look at the problem!

Furthermore, Liu Xie, the king of Chenliu, was the later Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty, and helping him can also form a good relationship.

Perhaps guessing Liu Ke's hesitation, Liu Ye came to Dongyang first and took out the imperial edict of the first emperor.

It turned out that Emperor Ling had always left an amulet for King Chen Liu, that is, those who received the imperial decree should protect King Chen Liu.

As for the content of the imperial decree, it should have been given to Liu Xie a long time ago.

Even Yang Biao didn't know about this decree.

When Liu Ye asked for the token, King Chen Liu chose to believe him as a clan member of the Han Dynasty.

Now, it was Liu Ke's turn to be embarrassed. To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of Han Lingdi, but he was given the status of the Han family clan after all.

Moreover, King Chen Liu's request was not too much, he just wanted to protect the lives of himself and his sister.

But Liu Ke has to consider political factors, the world of adults is always complicated.

He has a good sense of Liu Ye and plans to recruit him.Therefore, Liu Ke didn't intend to overturn the conclusion discussed with Guo Jia, and took the opportunity to sell Liu Ye.

"It's really embarrassing for me." Liu Ke put down the edict and said bluntly.

"Dongyanghou is afraid?" Liu Ye said, if Liu Ke is really a timid person, he really has to reconsider.

"No, if King Chenliu had the heart to fight, it would be easy to handle, but now he only added two bowls to Yangzhou, and it would be unwise to cause big trouble." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ye couldn't help laughing. Considering the benefits, Liu Ke, or Yangzhou, was really at a loss.But that "striving heart" really startled him, Dongyanghou's tone was unusual.

Liu Ke asked back, "Zi Yang, if you were me, how would you choose?"

It turned out to be the case.

Liu Ye felt awe in his heart, the Marquis of Dongyang had made a decision long ago, this is the coming of the exam, and the exam started from "embarrassment".After all, Marquis Dongyang has always looked calm and breezy, so why is there any embarrassment?

"First, the late emperor's will cannot be disobeyed, Dongyang Marquis should accept King Chen Liu. Second, Dongyang Marquis cannot meet King Chen Liu."

The highlight of this suggestion is in the second sentence, Liu Ye hopes that Liu Ke will alienate King Chen Liu, so as to silence the public.

It seems that Liu Ye is a capable person!

"That's right!" Liu Ke said with a smile, but suddenly changed the topic, "But He Jin has a grudge against me, will he believe my words?——What's more, King Chen Liu is a child who came from a long way, but I, the host, are alone. How sad he will be if we don't see each other again!"

really!Dongyang Hou is testing me.

Liu Ye put on a "see-through" smile, and said, "According to Dongyang Hou's opinion, how should we treat King Chen Liu?"

"Of course it's a grand banquet. Welcome King Chen Liu to Yangzhou for sightseeing." Liu Ke said.

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