The strength has exceeded [-]!

There will be great threats to the North.

Since ancient times, the northern power has expanded to a certain extent, and there is no one who does not go south.So Chen Deng was very worried, and quickly mobilized troops to defend.

"Thank you, my lord. If it wasn't for my lord's trust in giving someone the power to mobilize troops, I'm afraid it would take a few more days."

Chen Deng came back, but the scouts he sent still stayed in the north.

Not long after, they brought back a shocking news.

Ke Bineng, another Xianbei lord, Su Li, formed an alliance, and the two sides reached a consensus to respect Ke Bineng as the leader of the alliance.

The Xianbei crowd reached one million.

A group of alien races gathered together, is it just chatting and hiccupping?

Chen Deng can be sure that Xianbei's going south is a foregone conclusion.He wrote again and sent Meteor Horse to Dongyang City.

At the same time, remind Lu Xun.

Lu Xun, who was originally in Youzhou, wanted to write a letter to Chen Deng again, but he didn't expect Chen Deng's letter to arrive first.

"This Chen Yuanlong hasn't replied for so long, I thought he didn't care, but I didn't expect that he went to the Northland."

"Haha, how can the Governor of Pingzhou chosen by the lord be such a simple person?" Tian Yu laughed loudly.

Shen Pei and Feng Ji also smiled slightly.

At the beginning, Liu Ke chose Lu Xun as the governor of Youzhou. He was worried about his lack of qualifications, so he added two big mountains to him, namely, trial and appointment and Fengji.

Now all the people in power in Youzhou are present.

"I thought it was just a Xianbei civil war, but I didn't expect things to evolve so quickly. Kebi was able to integrate Xianbei with lightning speed. Now he only has two goals, one is Budugen, who is sitting in the royal court, The other is us." Lu Xun said with a serious tone.

Regardless of whether Ke Bineng attacked Pingzhou or Youzhou, it was impossible for Lu Xun to stay out of it.

"Lord Inspector, we might as well unite with Budugen and fight together." Tian Yu suggested.

It took Lu Xun more than two years to establish his prestige, and now everyone is very convinced of him.

The reason why he is not as good as Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong is because he did not get the opportunity to display his talents.

After two years of experience, Lu Xun has become much more mature.

"Tell me."

Tian Yu coughed, cleared his throat, and continued:

"Budugen is Lord Xianbei, and he will definitely not give up his power easily. Ke Bineng is a rising star. The two have power conflicts, and they are destined to be impossible to stand together. Ke Bineng killed Budu even more. Root's elder brother Fu Luohan, this grudge is not small."

"That's right, but it's impossible for Budugen to cooperate with us before Ke Bineng's target is determined. With his heroic character, he will only ask for our support unless he is the one being attacked. And if we The side being attacked has very little hope of gaining Bu Dugen's support." Lu Xun analyzed.

On the basis of this kind of cooperation, Youzhou is at a disadvantage.

However, Tian Yu still persisted.

"Budugen can be used to divide the hearts of Xianbei people."

On point!

Lu Xun's eyes lit up.

Don't look at Kebi Neng's army of millions, but it can be divided into six forces, including Suli, Mijia, Queji, Nengchen Di, Xie Guini, and Kebi Neng himself.

Will Xianbei people be obedient?

This is harder than climbing to the sky, but everyone has the same interests.

If Bu Dugen came forward, coupled with Yangzhou's support, maybe he could win over some people.

"Concretely draw up a charter." Lu Xun said, a good strategy can be thought out by brainstorming, but it is definitely not perfect by brainstorming.

"This matter should be reported to the lord."

Liu Ke received urgent reports from Youzhou and Pingzhou one after another, and he was also a little worried.

After two years of recuperation, Yangzhou's soldiers are strong and horses are strong, and there are voices in the army to fight to Chang'an.

But all of a sudden, the Northern Territory disrupted Liu Ke's plan.

No matter how strong Liu Ke is, he will not be so stupid as to fight on two fronts. In this way, the strength of his main battle corps is simply not enough.

If ordinary defenders are used to make up for it, it will inevitably affect combat effectiveness and increase casualties. This is not what Liu Ke wants to see.

"Why did you beat a Wuhuan and a Xianbei? Can't you finish killing these prairie bastards?" Dian Wei said helplessly.

Originally there was a battle to participate in, Dian Wei looked excited.

But everyone is discussing how to raise troops to seize world hegemony.

It's really not the time for Xianbei to stand up and make trouble at this time.

And you can't ignore it.

This is an army of millions!

"The alien race is just a stubborn disease. When the world is ruled, are you afraid that there will be no time to deal with them?" Lu Bu said.

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