
Cao Cao was silent, and kept persuading Liu Ke to become king before he was crowned king.

However, when Cao Cao became the king of Wei, he didn't want Liu Ke to be the king.

This kind of psychology is very strange, but it is a monster in Cao Cao's heart.

"Brother Meng De, isn't the merit of defeating Xianbei a million dollars enough to be crowned king?" Liu Ke asked again.

"Okay, the first person to defeat a million Xianbei will be crowned king." Cao Cao compromised, "However, this time, each of our three families sent [-] troops, while Dongyang Marquis sent [-] troops. How can we compete with such a huge disparity in troops? "

Neither Liu Bei nor Sun Ce had any objections. The former was already the king of Hanzhong, and the title of king of Hanzhong was directly confirmed after winning this battle, while the latter had no desire to be king.

"Well said! I'll wait for a fair competition in this battle. If that's the case, I can win the first place only if I kill five times as many enemies as the highest among you." Liu Ke said.

This sentence is simple, but Liu Ke suffered a dark loss.However, Liu Ke believes in his own strength and the strength of the Yangzhou Army.

"How to determine the number of enemies killed?" Cao Cao asked.

If you report a number casually, it becomes a joke.

"Each army operates, and there are three teams of supervisors. I will send people to watch each other. If I can still cheat, I will admit it. How about you?"

"it is good!"

"The number of kills is calculated by the enemy's head, only the head! Let me give you an example. If Liu Bei's army kills the enemy bravely and ends up losing both sides. If no one cleans the battlefield within a day and is cut off by the soldiers of Cao Cao's army, then it is Cao Cao's army. Victory."

No one objected to this.

The only one who was angry was Zhang Fei.

"I'd like to see, who grandson dares to steal Lao Tzu's military exploits!"

After speaking, he gave Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun a look. Xiahouyuan was okay, but Xiahoudun became angry and almost got into a fight with Zhang Fei.

Guan Yu pressed Zhang Fei, Xia Houyuan pressed Xiahou Dun, and the two scolded each other across the air.

"With your little credit, I don't even bother to do it."

"Haha, you have no credit, what else can you do besides sneaking around?"


Liu Ke couldn't help but smile.

"Marquis Dongyang, such a killing may harm the peace of heaven." Zhou Yu said a little bit unbearably.

"If we failed, I'm afraid you won't think so." Liu Ke said sadly.

Zhou Yu's heart shuddered, and he understood what Liu Ke meant.

"What's the use of these alien heads?" Sima Yi said disdainfully.

"Cast Beijing View."

Liu Ke replied with three words, but was murderous.

Everyone was shocked.

Isn't there a lot of people in the Northland?

This time Liu Ke intends to be empty, otherwise Liu Ke can't bear to make trouble again and again.

After everything was settled, Liu Ke talked about the situation in the north.

"I have ordered the defenders of Jizhou and Qingzhou to go north to build the first line of defense. Among them, Chen Deng, the governor of Pingzhou, commanded [-] troops to guard Pingzhou, and Lu Xun, the governor of Youzhou, commanded [-] troops to guard Youzhou. State."

"Kebi was able to gather many troops, with a force of one million. He did not choose to attack the Xianbei royal court, but went south. The information has been confirmed."


"Dongyanghou, I have a doubt, who is this Lu Xun, and who is Chen Deng? There are so many famous generals in Yangzhou, why let the second general who is unknown to guard the important place." Fazheng stood up and said.

The reason why Fazheng asked this question was because Yizhou's army had just entered Yanzhou...it would take some time to reach Yecheng, let alone go to the battlefield.

One commanded [-] troops, and the other was even more powerful, commanding [-] troops. The combined strength of the two men could wipe out Yizhou.

Zhuge Liang stood up and introduced Lu Xun and Chen Deng.

Fazheng turned pale with shock.

"Both of them are so young, they just came from the imperial examinations. The Marquis of Dongyang entrusts them with important tasks, so they are not afraid... Once the Xianbei people enter Youzhou, their lives will be ruined."

"Well, Fa Xiaozhi, don't worry about it. Lu Xun is my classmate. Chen Deng once led hundreds of thousands of troops to participate in the crusade against Yuan Shao." Zhuge Liang said.

Fazheng secretly kept in mind that Lu Xun might not be simple. He became the governor of Youzhou at a young age and was also Zhuge Liang's classmate.

Liu Ke on the side was a little speechless. If Lu Xun knew, he would definitely hate Zhuge Liang to death.

What is "my classmate"?

If Lu Xun was labeled this way, how could he surpass Zhuge Liang?

And Fazheng also seemed to agree with it.

Liu Ke didn't even know that Zhuge Liang had such a prestigious reputation.

It's hard to do.

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