Yan Xiang further explained: "Once the master gives up his military power, not only will there be no fault in the previous incident, but he will also have merit!"


And this kind of operation?

Yuan Shu pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"My lord's attack on Shouchun failed, and Dong Zhongying was the main general. If you take this matter as the lord's point, I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve. However, if my lord took the initiative to hand over the military power, Dong Zhongying will definitely reward you. Attacking Shouchun will become a test of Yangzhou's reality!" Yan Xiang said.

Yup!If I hadn't tested the reality of Yangzhou, the Xiliang iron cavalry would have lost a lot!

Yuan Shu thought so, and hurried to meet Dong Zhuo.

When Dong Zhuo knew about this, he wanted to get angry, but was dissuaded by his counselor Li Ru.

Dong Zhuo, who had calmed down, twisted his neck. There are so many bends in it?

Thinking that this is Yuan Shu's territory and relying on his help, Dong Zhuo's tone changed, and he repeatedly praised Yuan Shu for his general knowledge.

Satisfied on both sides.

Shouchun City.

Liu Ke led [-] Dongyang troops to support, bringing Shouchun's army to [-].

Hearing that Zhao Yun and others smashed Yuan Shu's attack plan, Liu Ke rewarded them heavily.

It's not terrible to fight Yuan Shu head-on, but if he is determined to be a shit-stirring stick, you really can't do anything about him.

For example, specifically destroying crops in Jiujiang County, as well as water conservancy projects and the like.

Moreover, the defenses of other counties in Jiujiang County are also weak.

Considering the constraints of local operations, Liu Ke decided to take the initiative.

This move frightened Liu Ye, who had just joined, and he hurriedly dissuaded him: "My lord, Dong Zhongying's [-] Xiliang iron cavalry are stationed in Runan, and they have joined forces with Yuan Gonglu, reaching an astonishing [-] cavalry. Fifty thousand, we only have [-] horses!"

Because there must be [-] troops stationed in Shouchun City, and only [-] people can really fight.

"Why does Ziyang raise others' aspirations and destroy his prestige?" Chen Qun laughed.

After training with Lu Su for a period of time, Chen Qun became more and more mature. This time he played as a logistics officer and was in charge of all food supplies.

Liu Ye was seven or eight years older than Chen Qun, but the two were knowledgeable, and soon got together by fooling around and became friends who forgot their age.

"The imperial army is nothing more than chickens and dogs!" Dian Wei snorted coldly.

What's more, the imperial army led by Yuan Shu is like a joke!

Liu Ye shook his head helplessly, is Yangzhou too inflated?How do I feel that it is difficult to integrate into them.

"Zi Yang is worrying too much, it's not a problem for our army to block five with one." Guo Jia said.

Even the famous Guo Fengxiao said so, and now Liu Ye put away his dissuasion and planned to watch the whole process.

Let everyone wait and see.

In this operation, Liu Ke actually brought King Chen Liu and Princess Wannian with him.

In fact, this was requested by Liu Xie on his own initiative, because he believed that it was because the Marquis of Dongyang sheltered him that the imperial army was recruited, so at the critical moment, as long as he stood up, he would definitely be able to save Yangzhou.

"Brother Huang, must it be like this?" Princess Wannian was so wronged that she was about to cry.

"You can't let the whole of Yangzhou be ruined just because of me alone. A man can do something and not do something." Liu Xie clenched his fists and said, if he can live, who would want to die.

This battle started because of him, how could he ignore it?

"Marquis Dongyang, if you can't do anything, please protect your sister!" Liu Xie said sincerely, clasping his hands.

At this moment, he doesn't look like a prince at all, he is just a brother who loves his sister.

"Don't worry, Dong Zhongying can't even beat the Yellow Turban, how could he be our opponent? Your Highness is too worried." Liu Ke comforted.

"Yes, I heard that Dong Zhongying is still a fat man!" Princess Wannian added.

Liu Xie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it had nothing to do with the fat man in wars.

Could it be that being handsome means winning?

Liu Ke handled official duties silently, while Princess Wannian rubbed ink for him, but he was very serious at such a young age.

"Dongyanghou, you've been sitting like this, aren't you tired?" Princess Wannian asked curiously.

If it was her father, he would take an hour's break every ten minutes to process official documents, and sometimes they would simply leave them to Zhang Rang.

Liu Xie is in awe, Dongyang Hou is really diligent in government and loves the people, if the father is one-tenth as diligent as Dongyang Hou, the Han Dynasty will not be so downcast.

In fact, Liu Ke is not tired at all. The official documents he corrected are all selected.Moreover, he has a flexible mind and can always grasp the critical point in a minute when dealing with problems, so he only has two or three hours of work every day.

But the pile of official documents on his desk is really scary.

"Not tired, it will be easier if everyone is as good as you." Liu Ke said.

"There are so many bad guys..." Princess Wannian muttered.

"For this expedition, how about you stay in Shouchun?" Liu Ke said.

"Let Wannian stay, and I will follow you." Liu Xie said firmly.

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