Also thought he was weak.

When this person was fighting Ba Hu, he was releasing water!

Guan Yu's image of a despicable villain was established.

The two fought three moves in a row, and the ancient capital clearly knew the gap between the two.

It was like facing Qiu Hongxian, the number one warrior of Xianbei.

Guan Yu and Qiu Hongxian are obviously on the same level, but the ancient capital is obviously not.

"Amon, come and help me, I'm no match for this guy."

After only four moves, the ancient capital began to ask for help, and it was said so loudly that the Xianbei army must have heard it.

It's not that the ancient capital is shameless, it's just that he was forced to be helpless.

It's better than being someone else's credit for no reason, right?

Backing away in despair, the ancient capital is not reconciled. In this case, he can only call for help.

Amon is speechless, I am the main general, and I want to go out to help you single out?

It's still two fighting one, even if you win, it would be embarrassing to say it!

If you lose, you will lose your life, and it is not worthwhile at all.

"Amon, come and help me, if you can't take this person down, how will you explain Bahu's death to Master Ke Bineng?"

In the end, Amon was persuaded. Defeat is one thing, but timidity is another story.

Now he can only choose to avenge Bahu!

After some inner struggle, Amon decided to help the ancient capital.

"Guan Yunchang, give me a blow!"

Amon brandished his two knives and went head-on.

Guan Yu handed out the knife, forcing the ancient capital back, and then suddenly slapped Amon first.

The double sabers in Amon's hands are relatively short, while Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Dao has a long handle. This is the gap.



Amon was mixed with joy and sorrow, this damn is the power of nine cows, right?

"Hold his sword!" Gu Du yelled, and attacked Guan Yu from behind.

Guan Yu tried his best to lift the sword, but was clamped firmly by the two swords.

"Haha, don't even think about drawing a knife!"

Amon laughed loudly, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore, he was holding his breath and stopped Guan Yu from drawing the knife.

His whole body seemed to be raised by ten centimeters!

What the hell, why isn't the ancient capital up?

Guan Yu pressed down with his broadsword, well, Amon's knife was embedded in his neck, blood gushed out, and he died with regret.

Guan Yu swung his broadsword and swirled it around. Gudu, who was already close to him, only felt a black shadow flicker, and then lost consciousness.

Because his head had already flown out.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife is heavy, but Guan Yu wields it as swiftly as the wind, just like his own arm.

Killing the three generals was nothing but a piece of cake.

Guan Yu looked at the Xianbei army with a murderous look. Needless to say, the Xianbei people ran away.

The generals are all dead, so they stay to die.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yun Chang will be back soon."

At first, everyone didn't understand this sentence, including Liu Bei.

Naturally, Guan Yu's martial arts is nothing to say, it is superb.But Xianbei people are not so bad.

Two quarters of an hour later, the neighing of war horses sounded outside the tent.

"Congratulations to General Guan on his triumphant return!"

Hearing the congratulations from the soldiers, everyone had to admire Guan Yu's bravery and Liu Ke's ingenuity.

It was so accurate.

"Second brother, how is the situation?"

As soon as Guan Yu entered, Liu Bei greeted him with concern.I am afraid that others will not know that Guan Yu is his sworn brother.

"It's just three or two thieves, I killed them all." Guan Yu said disdainfully.

Liu Bei smiled slightly, Guan Yu is powerful, and he also has face.

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