The general army transports food, but the Xianbei army only needs to transport shit.Without comparison, there is no harm.

"It's very possible, let the scouts pay attention, and at the same time send scouts to the north." Pang Tong said.

If Xianbei's supply line can be cut off, victory will not be far away.

Ten days later, Su Li successfully reunited with Ke Bineng, and the two of them swept away the gloom with smiles on their faces.

"Haha, Master Ke Bineng, long time no see, how are you doing?"

This is clearly finding fault!

Ke Bi Neng hated it so much, but he said calmly: "It's okay, it's okay. Master Su Li went to rob, and he must have made a fortune, right?"

Fuck, it's okay if you don't mention this, but if you mention Suli, you will get angry.He went to Youbeiping, but it turned out that this place was not shit, and some county towns were heavily guarded, so nothing was robbed at all.

"Come here, bring up a box of jewels and give it to Mr. Ke Bineng."

After a while, some jewels appeared in front of Ke Bineng.

In order to pretend to be beep, Su Li's heart is bleeding, this is almost all of his hard work!

Not only did they not get anything, but they also lost a large wave of soldiers.The treasures found were all given to Ke Bineng.

"Ke Bi Neng Shanyu is still as healthy and healthy, I wonder how your son-in-law is doing?"

Ke Bi Neng was furious. Among his subordinates, there must be Su Li's eyeliner.

"Stand to die."

"That's such a pity, young talent!"

Ke Bineng always felt that Suli was mocking him, but he had no proof.

I really want to punch Su-ri in that stinky face.

"Master Suli, I heard that you have been delayed in Youbeiping for more than ten days, did you gain anything important?"

I got a hair, do you want to take a look?

Su Li was furious, which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

"Of course there are gains. As for how much, don't ask, and I won't tell you, haha!"

"Master Suli is really naughty."

The two ridiculed each other and had a good time.

In the end, it was Que Ji who broke the atmosphere and said, "Excuse me, how to deal with the Han army?"

Ke Bi Neng stopped smiling, and Su Li also looked gloomy.

Que Ji was puzzled, he seemed to have asked a great question!

He backed away silently.

But since the important matter has been mentioned, it is naturally impossible for Ke Bineng to turn a blind eye.

"The Han army is not scary. As long as we are united, we will be able to defeat them."

Su Li also echoed: "As long as we Xianbei are united, are we still afraid of the Han people? Anyway, I am not afraid at all."

"No one is afraid of dealing with it," Que Ji said.

I always feel that Que Ji is speaking ironically.

"My lords, have you ever thought about retreating?" Neng Chen said weakly, attracting everyone's attention.

"I'll just say it casually, don't worry about it."

Nengchendi knew the strength of the Han people. At first he thought that the Xianbei people were more powerful, but now he found that this idea was wrong.

Wrongly wrong.

Xianbei is only a little bit stronger than Wuhuan, so a little bit is useless at all.

It's not the same as losing!

Nengchendi finally settled down and didn't want to be displaced, so he proposed to withdraw the army.

This sentence reached Ke Bineng's heart, but can he retreat?

Everyone's combat power remains intact, how can they be reconciled to withdrawing troops now.

"You don't have to worry, the Han people are just like us, they have one mouth and two legs." Ke Bineng said.

This sentence obviously does not improve morale.

We are the same as you, with one mouth and two legs, but why are you the leader of Xianbei?

People are born different.

"Haha, Master Ke Bineng is right." Su Li said against his conscience.

"Our army still has millions! What are you afraid of!"

"It seems to be less than a million..." Someone said weakly.

It made Su Li very embarrassed, very embarrassed, and wished to find out that one and slap him severely.

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