"Master Budugen, do you know the situation in the world?"

Feng Ji didn't intend to beat around the bush, but went straight to the big topic.

"Are you talking about the situation in the Central Plains?" Budugen asked with interest.

"No, it's Xianbei." Feng Ji said.

Budugen's expression changed, he didn't know what Fengji was up to, so he replied perfunctorily:

"No difference."

Old fox!

This is the evaluation given by Fengji.

Ke Bineng is so awesome, as an orthodox Lord Xianbei, don't you know it's possible?

Moreover, Fu Luohan is Bu Dugen's elder brother, and his elder brothers were killed, but Bu Dugen is still pretending here.

"Master Fu Luohan died a bit tragically." Feng Ji sighed.

"Xianbei people, it's fine to die in battle, but he was murdered, don't you plan to avenge him?"

Bu Dugen was silent, revenge was not in line with his purpose, besides, Fu Luohan didn't take him seriously because he called himself an adult.

If given the chance, Budugen wouldn't mind stepping on Kebi's feet and beating the dog in the water.

But now that Kebi is in full swing, for his own sake, Bu Dugen is determined to be a gentleman.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

"Fu Luohan has gone out independently, his life and death have nothing to do with me."

Having said that, Budugen still showed resentment in his eyes.

If the strength is not as good as others, then admit it first, and there will always be a bright future.

"Haha, Lord Budugen, do you really think so in your heart? Now there is an opportunity in front of you, cooperate with us and defeat Ke Bineng!" Feng Ji said forcefully.

Bu Dugen hesitated and said, "I need some time to think about it."

Fengji waited.

three days later.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

seven days later.

"I still need some time."


Feng Ji knew that he had been perfunctory.

This guy Bu Dugen, either he has a hesitant personality, or he is waiting for the battle in Youzhou to become clear.

Feng Ji believes that as soon as the lord's reinforcements arrive, Ke Bineng will no longer be a problem.

At the same time, he also desperately hopes that Youzhou can win the battle.

Then it did win.

Feng Ji excitedly found Bu Dugen, hoping that he would send troops.

"It's not that I don't want to send troops, it's just that the time has not come." Bu Dugen evaded again.

This time, Fengji was really disappointed.

Budugen is not suitable as an ally.

Feng Ji persisted for another half a month, but Bu Dugen could always find a reason.

So Fengji packed his luggage and was about to leave. After walking three miles, Budugen came on horseback.

"Why didn't the envoy of Han say anything when he was leaving?"

Feng Ji smiled and said nothing, "Since Master Bu Dugen is unwilling to send troops, it is useless for me to stay here."

"Who said I don't want to send troops?" Bu Dugen pointed to a personal guard and said, "Is it you?"

The guard shook his head quickly.

Bu Dugen pointed out a few more people, none of them.

"I am willing to send troops, very much. Now let's discuss the alliance." Budugen's tone was sincere, with a flattering expression on his face.

Fengji wondered, what the hell is this Budugen doing?Why did the attitude suddenly change?

Could it be Youzhou's victory?

Fengji immediately thought of this possibility, and the possibility was very high.

After he came to Budugen's territory, the news began to be blocked, and now the negotiation is a bit difficult.Therefore, Feng Ji flatly refused Budugen's request for an alliance.

"Now that I've been in the grassland for a long time, I don't know much about the affairs of Youzhou. If Mr. Budugen can't explain the reason clearly, I won't form an alliance."

"What should I do?"

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