It's not just rising, it's almost dominating the world.

"Once the Marquis of Dongyang becomes king, his momentum will be unstoppable."

Cao Cao is worried!

"It's better to unite with Xianbei and let them continue to fight Dongyang Hou with the benefits." Liang Xi suggested.

After Cao Cao heard this, his eyes lit up. This idea is good.When he joined the Allied Forces, it was to trip Liu Ke.

Unexpectedly, Xianbei turned around and attacked Bingzhou.

"I'm afraid it's because Dongyang Hou didn't kill enough to give away his military exploits?" Yu Jin said.

Liang Xi was also a little unconfident.

In the eyes of everyone, the foreign race is the most difficult force to deal with. They are insidious, cunning, and immoral.The most important thing is that they are brave and invincible, and it is no problem to fight two against one.

The problem is that the opposing Yangzhou army, the situation is completely reversed. The Yangzhou army is fighting two aliens with one person. If you are lucky, you can kill three, work hard to kill four, and work hard to kill five.

Under the Yangzhou military power, the Xianbei people are like chickens and dogs.

"Inspector Liang's plan is feasible, but it needs to be perfected," Sima Yi said.

"Oh? What's Zhongda's opinion?" Cao Cao asked eagerly.

"The Marquis of Dongyang has always wanted to annihilate Xianbei. It can be seen from his proposal to forge the Xianbei Jingguan. Therefore, we can tell Dongyang Hou that if there is a way to keep Xianbei, Dongyang Marquis will definitely support it." Sima Yi said.

This method is to give Xianbei benefits?When their internal response?

Then don't tell Dongyang Hou the specific method... When Dongyang Hou agrees, it will be difficult to go back on his word.

Cao Cao felt exciting just thinking about it!

There's just one more problem, that is, Xianbei can't be used much, and it gives Dongyang Hou prestige in vain.

This is not beautiful.

"I'm afraid that the Xianbei people won't last long, and Dongyang Hou got rid of Xianbei's big trouble for no reason." Cao Cao said.

If Xianbei is allowed to retain a certain amount of strength and retreat, it can still pose a threat to Youzhou.

Cao Cao couldn't help hesitating.

In the end, let Xianbei retreat and wait for the future union.

Or pretend to be united now, with many uncertainties.

"My lord, the current comparison between Xianbei and Dongyanghou's strength is less than [-]% chance of winning. In addition, we have passed the news, there is about [-]% chance of winning. If Kebi can strengthen Xianbei's determination to resist, the chance of winning can be increased by [-]%." Sima Yi analyzed road.

Against a victorious general like Dongyanghou, the chances of winning are not low.

After all, Dongyang Hou has never lost a single battle since he started the battle.It is difficult to think of breaking this myth.

Cao Cao wanted to unite with Xianbei, at most he could provide some information, and it was impossible to go to battle in person, otherwise he would be ruined.

The most important thing is that I am not sure about killing Dongyang Hou!

After all, Huguan, an important pass, is in the hands of Dongyanghou.

"It's good if Xianbei wins, but if Xianbei loses, my lord doesn't have to worry about Dongyanghou's prestige rising." Sima Yi said with confidence.

"How to say?"

"You can invite Emperor Xian to come to Bingzhou!" Sima Yi said in a shocking way.

Cao Cao was taken aback, now that Emperor Xian is a god and Buddha, Cao Cao didn't even bother to pay attention to him, and opened his house in Chang'an.

But it cannot be denied that Emperor Xian is the supreme ruler of the Han Dynasty.

When he came to Bingzhou, he would naturally become the supreme leader.Dongyang Hou, the lord, has to take a step back!

If Dongyang Hou wins the battle, Emperor Xian doesn't have to do anything, and will automatically share most of the credit.

Who made him the emperor?

Sima Yi's proposal was too surprising and exciting.

"In this way, His Majesty's prestige..." Cao Cao couldn't help being a little worried. He has always suppressed the Han Dynasty.

If Emperor Xian became famous in the world, it would be unfavorable for Cao Cao to control the government.

"It depends on the master's choice." Sima Yi said.

Typically, an idea is given to you, but whether you adopt it or not is up to you.

"My lord, it's better to just let Xianbei go, express your goodwill, and unite when the Central Plains war breaks out," Xia Houyuan said.

It has to be said that this suggestion is relatively safe.

It's a pity that Cao Cao doesn't like it!

Because Xianbei may not necessarily fail, what if Kebi can defeat Dongyanghou?

The Marquis of Dongyang wins the hearts of the people and the army because of his "constant victory". If he loses suddenly, the morale of Yangzhou will plummet, and Cao Cao will take advantage of the situation to raise troops, and his chances of winning will be greatly improved!

And Sima Yi said, Kebi has a good chance of winning!

Because he was trapped in Bingzhou, the back road was cut off, and it was easy to fight with his back.

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