But after thinking about it, Ke Bineng understood. Seeing that the victory is in his hands, the Han people began to fight among themselves!

"Did he say who the messenger is?"

"King Wei!"

Which hammer is King Wei?

Ke Bi Neng thought about it carefully, but still couldn't remember this person, so he ordered his subordinates to summon the envoy of King Wei.

"Greetings to Master Ke Bineng!" Wang Ling cupped his hands and explained for a long time, finally letting Ke Bineng understand the character of Wei Wang Cao Cao.

It seems that this king of Wei has some skills?

"Why are you here?" Ke Bi Neng said arrogantly.

Wang Ling was a little disdainful, but he didn't express it, and said respectfully:

"To deal with Dongyanghou, Dongyanghou is your enemy, and also the enemy of King Wei."

Sure enough!

Ke Bineng was overjoyed. If the Han people split, he would not have no chance.

Just like their Xianbei, how could the Han people defeat them if Budugen didn't get in the way.

"How can King Wei help me?"

"Bingzhou is the territory of the King of Wei. Dongyanghou is just a lone army. Our army is responsible for cutting off the back of Dongyanghou."


That's all?

Ke Bi Neng couldn't believe it. On this condition, he dared to negotiate with him and treat him as someone.

"The king of Wei is only capable like this, no wonder he was suppressed by the Marquis of Dongyang."

"The master humiliated the minister to death, and I ask Master Ke Bineng to be careful!"

"Wei Wang needs to send troops to help me! Otherwise, don't talk about it."

Wang Ling felt that Ke Bineng was just joking.

"We can also provide the necessary intelligence."

"What's the use of intelligence? We still need to fight the battle. To be honest, how many troops can King Wei send to help me?" Ke Bi Neng insisted.

"It is impossible for King Wei to send troops." Wang Ling refused directly, with a very firm attitude.

"In that case, what else is there to talk about?" Ke Bi Neng waved his hand.

"Your Excellency just wants to escape back to the grassland in despair, so there is nothing to talk about," Wang Ling said.

Ke Bi Neng was furious immediately. Although this was true, it was not yet the turn of an envoy to point fingers.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"If you can't beat Dongyang Hou, you don't want the opportunity to win, so you only want to vent your anger on the envoy?" Wang Ling was not afraid at all, "My life is here, let me take my life to send you back to the grassland respectfully!"

Ke Bi Neng has a hideous face.

"You Han people are cunning. You want me to stay in a few words. It is impossible. Maybe this is your plan to delay the attack!"

Kebi's ability to think of this proves that he is not stupid.

"Don't worry, if Xianbei is destroyed, the Marquis of Dongyang will be one less threat, which is not good for the King of Wei. What the King of Wei wants is a failed Marquis of Dongyang, not a Marquis of Dongyang who has defeated millions of Xianbei and reached the peak of his prestige," Wang Ling said. .

The last sentence deeply hurt Ke Bineng's heart!

"Okay, I will cooperate with you. However, you must always have sincerity."

Hearing these words, Wang Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Dongyanghou is preparing to attack Jiuyuan at this time, we can find a way to suspend Dongyanghou's offensive. During this period, you must rectify your troops!"

Ke Bi Neng smiled, if he can buy time, no matter whether he will cooperate in the future, he will earn it.

"As for Lord Suli, I'll leave it to you to persuade me," Wang Ling said.

"No problem, it's better to fool Su Li." Ke Bineng said.

After Wang Ling left, Ke Bi Neng quickly found Su Li to discuss the matter.

"What, cooperate with the Han people?" Su Li was a little surprised.

"Not with the Han people, but with the king of Wei." Ke Bi Neng corrected.

"You agreed?" Su Li looked unkind, for fear that Ke Bineng would betray him.

"That's right, the intrigue of the Han people has nothing to do with us, we only want to win." Ke Bineng said.

"This is seeking skin from a tiger!" Su Li turned around and left.

"At this point, do you want to flee back to the grassland in despair and be laughed at by your compatriots?" Ke Bineng said.

Su Li stopped and let out a long sigh.

Not to mention that the back road was cut off by Bu Dugen, even if they escaped successfully, Su Li's reputation would be rotten.

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