"Hehe, this is Bingzhou, not Youzhou!" Liu Ke said.

Zhao Yun suddenly realized.

If things were not going well for Liu Ke, he would just pat his ass and leave, and Cao Cao was a real troublemaker.

Without Liu Ke, how could he invite Ke Bineng, an evil Buddha, away?

"Pay close attention to Yanmen County, I always feel that something is going to happen." Liu Ke urged.

Not long after, news came from scouts that Emperor Xian's carriage appeared in Yanmen County.

Liu Ke was stunned.

For a long time, Emperor Xian was "imprisoned" in Xuchang by Cao Cao, and had almost no chance of leaving.

Now Cao Cao took the initiative to let Emperor Xian out, and he still came to the border Yanmen.

"My lord, Cao Mengde is probably worried about your prestige, so he specially asked Emperor Xian to come here." Zhuge Liang said clearly.

It is true that Liu Ke occupies half of the country, but he is always a courtier of the Han Dynasty.Since he is a courtier of the Han Dynasty, he must always be under the leadership of Emperor Xian.Liu Ke can listen to the tune but not the announcement, but he can't ignore the existence of Emperor Xian.

"Now, my lord, don't want to leave the battlefield of Bingzhou easily. Moreover, even if we win the war, half of the credit will be given to Emperor Xian." Zhuge Liang said.

This is the purpose of Cao Cao.

"Hey, why are you talking about Emperor Xian always being so obtrusive?" Dian Wei said dissatisfied.

"No matter how obtrusive it is, he is still the lord's brother-in-law." Lu Bu reminded.

Well, with this relationship, it is even more impossible for Liu Ke to stay out of the matter.

"We won't fight this battle, and we won't fight it! We won't win it, and it's even worse if we won't win it." Zhao Yun said.

I have to say that Cao Cao's move is very clever.

"Don't worry, let's see how Cao Cao makes moves." Liu Ke reassured everyone.

As for the whereabouts of Emperor Xian, of course Cao Cao deliberately leaked it out.

After all, it will be announced sooner or later.

Cao Cao greeted him symbolically, and confessed to Emperor Xian.

"My lord, the arrival of Emperor Xian is beneficial to us for the time being, but the situation is changing rapidly, and accidents are likely to happen." Sima Yi said.

Xiandi itself is an unstable factor.

"What do you want to do?" Cao Cao asked.

"My lord, you might as well summon the Marquis of Dongyang in the name of His Majesty," Sima Yi suggested.

Cao Cao looked at Sima Yi with a shocked expression.

What Sima Yi meant was definitely not simply summoning him!

"This is not right!" Cao Cao shook his head and said.

"My lord, if you want to defeat the Marquis of Dongyang, you need more than Yangmou." Sima Yi said coldly.

"I'll think about it again." Cao Cao waved his hands away.

When Sima Yi left, Cao Cao came to the mirror in a daze, looked at the white hair all over his head, and remained silent.

Dongyang Hou is always a big mountain!

To defeat him, conventional methods are difficult.

But Cao Cao is running out of time. When Dongyang Hou solves the Xianbei accident, he will definitely launch the Central Plains War.

When the time comes, how will he resist?

It is better to strike first!

The strength of Yangzhou lies in Dongyanghou. If Dongyanghou is gone, he can buy enough time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The decree arrives—"

Everyone in Yangzhou was obviously not ready for the arrival of the envoy.

Wang Ling read out the imperial decree and asked Liu Ke to go to Yanmen County to report on his duties.

"Please Dongyang Hou accept the order!"

Even if he represented Emperor Xian, Wang Ling didn't dare to be arrogant, but his attitude was more respectful.Because he knew Liu Ke's temperament clearly, if he made Liu Ke unhappy, the consequences would be disastrous.

Liu Ke accepted the imperial decree, but did not express his opinion at all. It was not until Wang Ling withdrew that everyone began to discuss it.

"Master, this matter is definitely not simple." Pang Tong said.

Liu Ke also thought so, and Cao Cao's sudden move caught Liu Ke by surprise.

"In the Yangzhou military camp, my lord will not be in danger, so it's hard to say when I go to Yanmen County." Zhuge Liang said, trying to persuade Liu Ke not to go to Yanmen County.

Yanmen County is full of unknowns!

Liu Ke sighed and said:

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