Chickens and eggs were beaten, but the hair was not caught.

"Dongyang Hou broke our game with brute force, but we haven't lost yet." Sima Yi said.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, we have already lost." Cao Cao sighed.

"Send General Yu Jin as the supervisor to keep abreast of what's going on in Yangzhou, and then let him act according to circumstances." Sima Yi said.

"Isn't it right to let Yu Jin go at this time?" Cao Cao said.

"It doesn't matter, this is what the Marquis of Dongyang agreed to. You can send out supervisors to monitor each other. He won't slap himself in the face, will he?" Sima Yi said.

Cao Cao also felt that his news was too late, and it was imperative to arrange for people in the Yangzhou Army to make gestures, so he let Yu Jin set off.

After Yu Jin received the order, although he was a little scared, he carried it out and went to Jiuyuan alone.

"What insidious trick is Cao Mengde doing again?" Dian Wei asked.

"It's just an eye, it doesn't matter." Zhuge Liang said.

"If Yu Jin dares to act recklessly, we will kill him." Dian Wei said murderously.

Therefore, when Yu Jin walked into the camp, he couldn't help but shivered.

Dian Wei was looking at him with terrifying eyes!

"See Dongyang Hou, Your Majesty asked me to bring a message, I hope you can go to Yanmen County to have a talk." Yu Jin cupped his hands.

This time, Yu Jin did not bring the imperial decree, but spoke in a flat tone.

Liu Ke couldn't refuse, so he nodded perfunctorily.

"When will King Wei send troops to fight Xianbei?"

"Your Majesty's safety is more important. The King of Wei still needs to protect His Majesty. I'm afraid he doesn't have enough troops to fight." Yu Jin replied.

For this alliance, Cao Cao did not intend to participate, since Xianbei had already retreated anyway.

Cao Cao began to make small calculations.

"Why did Your Majesty come to Yanmen County suddenly?" Liu Ke asked.

Yu Jin was stunned, the reason is very simple, but I can't tell you!

"Your Majesty cares about the world..."

Yu Jin Balabala said a lot, but Liu Ke didn't listen to it, so he didn't care about him anymore.

Along with Yu Jin came back, and Chen Dao.

"How's Sun Bofu's injury?" Liu Ke asked, he had sent someone to deliver the best wound medicine and the best tonic.

"Still unconscious." Chen Dao sighed.

It is regrettable that a fierce general can only lie on the bed.

"Where's Miss Sun?"

"She is definitely not a girl from an ordinary family. She has the demeanor of Sun Jian. Sun Ce's personal guards are all controlled by her, and she is also very convinced of her."

"I didn't go, what did she say?"

"Don't worry, my lord. Ms. Sun didn't care at all. She told me many times that I must kill Xianbei more to avenge her brother. When you sent someone to send Queji's head, she was quite happy and said: If it wasn't for brother He was seriously ill, so he went to battle with the Marquis of Dongyang to kill the enemy."

Liu Ke nodded, he felt a little sorry after all.When this kind of thing happened, he should go to see it, but the situation is different from the past, Cao Cao's situation is not very clear, Liu can't put himself in danger.

After the army rested, news of the Xianbei army also came from the scouts.

"Ke Bineng and Suli plan to go home through Budugen's territory."

A simple sentence, but it contains a lot of information.

Ke Bi Neng was ambitious, but Bu Dugen tricked him from behind.

At this time, Ke Bi could borrow the way again, but Bu Dugen would not agree as long as he was not a fool.

There must be a battle between the two, which is one of the reasons why Liu Ke chose to wait and see.

Sure enough, Kebineng and Suli sent Mijia as an envoy to visit Budugen.

"Master Budugen, you can not send troops to help us, or you can stand by and watch. We can also ignore the unjust act of sending troops to cut off our retreat. But you can't let us have nowhere to escape, can you?"

Budugen was lost in thought.

"The Xianbei branch is originally of the same family. Under the leadership of Mr. Tan Shihuai, we have also been brilliant."

"If you insist on going your own way and helping the Han people, then we will have to die. At that time, hundreds of thousands of troops will wreak havoc on your territory. Are you ready?"

"We are just a group of poor people who want to go home. Are you going to die?"

"The Han people wiped out us, and you will be next. Now that we have suffered heavy losses, we can no longer threaten you. I hope you can forgive me."

It has to be said that Bu Dugen was deeply moved by Mi Jia's words.

At the beginning, Ke was more powerful than energy, and Budu could feel the threat at all.

Now that Kebi Neng is defeated, he has no reason to serve the Han people any longer and prevent Kebi Neng from going home.

"I'll think about it again." Budugen said.

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