This is the power of heavy cavalry on the frontal battlefield.

At the same time, the two generals Zhao Yun and Tai Shici led the Qing cavalry to outflank the left and right wings. In the blink of an eye, the other half of the Xianbei cavalry was wiped out.

This was a premeditated attack.

If it weren't for Ke Bineng's battle with Budugen, he would be at a critical moment.

The power of the heavy cavalry could not be exerted at all.

Because the Xianbei people can't beat them, they can still swim and fight back, which is the most troublesome.

As long as they ran for a while, the heavy cavalry lost their strength and vigor, and they were just a group of iron horns waiting to be slaughtered.

Mi Gak was so terrified that he fucked the shit and ran to the back, and started running without even reporting to Su Ri!

Ke Bineng and Suli realized the seriousness of the problem when the flag of Yangzhou iron cavalry appeared in front of them.

In the end what happened?

Could it be that Mijia also defected to the Han people?

It seems that this is the only possibility that can explain it.Otherwise, how could Mijia's nearly [-] troops not even be able to block the footsteps of the Han people?

Ke Bi Neng looked at the Han cavalry from a distance, and saw that the opponent was well-equipped with armor, neatly lined up, and the whole army was quiet, so he secretly praised: What a well-trained cavalry!

He and Bu Dugen, like two clowns, are performing for the Han people. Is it necessary to continue this battle?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"woo woo woo woo--"

In the main formation of the Yangzhou Army, the bugle sounded to represent the attack.

Accompanied by the solemn and majestic sound of the horn, the Yangzhou iron cavalry accelerated slowly, and approached the Xianbei army fighting in the distance with neat steps.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the battlefield seemed to be tense, as if the air around him had become sticky, making it difficult to breathe.

Ke Bineng's soldiers looked at Budugen's side, showing hesitation, should we kill each other?

It was such a hesitation that led to his tragic death on the spot!

"Hey, kill my elder brother, Ke Bineng deserves to die!"

Bu Dugen's subordinates took the opportunity to fight back. They were the weak side and were bullied by Ke Bineng.

If you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to reconcile, you can reconcile. Where in the world is there such a good thing?

Ke Bineng's subordinates were also angry!

"Fuck, brothers, don't worry about the Han people, kill these despicable people first!"

The situation suddenly got out of control, and the people on both sides started to get angry.

It was too late for Kebi to stop it.

The battle has been fought until now, everyone's eyes are red, and they will not stop until the winner is determined.

This is difficult for Ke Bineng!

His brain was very clear, and he knew that he had to deal with the Han people first, but his subordinates didn't listen to his orders.

"Budugen, I can let you live and take your troops away!"

"Joke, the Han army is coming for you, not me!" Budugen laughed wildly.

Ke Bineng scolded his mother in his heart, and now it was too late to retreat, so he could only bite the bullet.

I saw him pull out his big knife, pointing at the Han army on the opposite side, and shouted in a deep voice: "Warriors, the Han army is not scary, follow me to fight the enemy!"

Under such circumstances, Ke Bineng could only pin his hopes on his own prestige, and personally led his troops to resist the Han people and buy time.

At the same time, Suli on the other side also issued an order to attack in his military formation.

In order to hold back the Han army, Ke Bineng and Suli had to divide their forces again, making the battle enter a stalemate.

It was obvious that he could win Budugen in one go, but due to Liu Ke's disruption, an accident occurred in the battle that was sure to win.

Facing the onslaught of the Xianbei army, Liu Ke approached the front of the battle in person, waved his big hand forward, and shouted sharply: "Boys of the Yangzhou Army, let the Xianbei people appreciate the strength of our Yangzhou Army! Attack!"

Following Liu Ke's order, the momentum of being the most powerful army in the Central Plains suddenly exploded, and shouts that seemed to be roaring came out from his mouth, and these shouts finally converged into one word.


This momentum soon surpassed Ke Bineng and Su Li.

One side is exhausted, and the other side is recharging energy, there is no comparison at all.

In just the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of Yangzhou troops and hundreds of thousands of Xianbei troops collided violently like two torrents.

At this moment, there is no conspiracy at all, but only bloody struggle and collision.

In the middle area where the two armies met, it seemed to be turned into a meat grinder, and countless soldiers died in an instant.

The horse whined and neighed, and collapsed under the impact, with its four hooves struggling and kicking on the ground.

Countless cavalry rushed in, followed by the sound of bones breaking, and the wailing gradually died down.

Tai Shici shot one at a time, and with a sharp jerk, a Xianbei cavalry flew up, and the gun head shattered the head of another soldier, and then tens of thousands of cavalry rushed in.

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