He is different from Dongyanghou, he wants to keep a low profile, how can he say something about the sensitive status of King Chen Liu?

Moreover, with King Chen Liu in hand, after entering the capital, he can handle Empress Dowager He.Use this material in exchange for political victory and make a lot of money!

How short-sighted Dongyang Hou is.

In order to prevent Liu Ke from going back on his word, Dong Zhuo urged Li Ru to complete the signing of the agreement as soon as possible.

"After the agreement is signed, [-] war horses and [-] gold will be sent to Dongyang Hou as soon as possible."

Although Li Ru looked bewildered, he still didn't dare to disobey Dong Zhuo's order, and nodded in agreement.

"My lord, absolutely not!" Li Jue's head buzzed, Lao Tzu's Flying Bear Army, has it really become a bear?

"Childish, the overall situation is the most important thing!" Dong Zhuo waved his hand, with extraordinary momentum.

Li Jue's face was full of depression, why did this happen?

Dong Zhuo beckoned, Li Ru took the opportunity to listen to him, and after hearing the explanation, he also persuaded:

"General Li, don't be discouraged. My lord is wise and mighty, and I won't let you down!"

At this moment, Li Jue completely gave up the argument and began to arrange the delivery of the horses.

Seeing the horses being driven out of the camp one by one, his heart felt ashamed.

Jia Xu took the opportunity to give the letter to Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo opened it and looked at Jia Xu, his expression changed.

Jia Xu smiled slightly, maintaining her demeanor.

"Do you know the content of the letter?" Dong Zhuo asked, with a strange look on his face, and the fat on his face trembled.

"I don't know." Jia Xu quickly bowed and saluted, feeling extremely uneasy.

"The Marquis of Dongyang praises you for your great talent." Dong Zhuo paused for a moment, then continued, "You have made great achievements this time, so I should have rewarded you, but..."

Jia Xu hurriedly knelt down and said, "This subordinate is loyal to the lord and has no second thoughts!"

"That's great!" Dong Zhuo clapped his hands.

Ga?What's the meaning.

Jia Xu was stunned.

"The Marquis of Dongyang has taken a fancy to your talent and wants to keep you in Yangzhou. Since you are so loyal, there is no need to tie you up?" Dong Zhuo said casually.

Liu Dingfang clearly wanted to kill people to vent his anger!

Jia Xu's face suddenly turned pale, and what made him feel even more chilled was Dong Zhuo's attitude.

"As ordered!"

It clearly meant obedience, but the tone made people feel creepy, as if there was a monstrous anger hidden in it, but it was hidden.

Jia Xu walked out of the main hall in a daze, his back was very bleak.

He immediately thought of escaping, and he quickly took action.

You can't run in the direction of Luoyang, because Dong Zhuo will pass by here, and in the direction of Yangzhou, you will fall into a trap.So Jia Xu planned to go to Peiguo first.

Two hours later, Jia Xu was tied up and thrown into Liu Keshuai's tent.

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life!" Tai Shici cupped his hands.

Liu Ke put down the official document in his hand, stood up and said condescendingly:

"Run! Jia Wen and you are very smart!"

The corner of Jia Xu's mouth twitched, how did he know that Liu Ke had sent Tai Shici to squat him there long ago.

For a moment, he felt a chill down his spine.

"Untie him and let him continue running," Liu Ke ordered.

Jia Xu is a well-known poisoner in the Three Kingdoms, his own life is more important than anything else, how could he kill him quietly.

So Liu Ke had such an arrangement. It was really difficult to subdue a talent.

The two soldiers really untied Jia Xu. After rubbing his wrists, he immediately knelt down and said:

"Meet the lord!"

Thinking of it so quickly... Liu Ke suddenly felt bored.

But this is acceptable, and it's not good to play people badly.

After a while, the military chef prepared a table of wine and food. Liu Ke poured a glass of wine for Jia Xu and said, "What does Wenhe think of Yangzhou?"

Hearing this, Jia Xu glanced at the two guards behind Liu Ke, but did not speak.

Liu Ke understood, waved his hand to dismiss the two people behind him, glanced at Jia Xu indifferently, and then raised his glass to drink the fine wine in the glass.

After thinking for a while, Jia Xu considered his tone and said:

"Yangzhou is rich and prosperous, with strong soldiers and strong horses. Is the lord worried about where to expand?"

I didn't say that...just asking what do you think about joining Yangzhou.

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