In the resting team over there, a small Xianbei leader killed a soldier, grabbed the food from the opponent's hand, and stuffed it into his mouth with all his might.

His pair of eyes stared fiercely at the companions who came over, warning them not to approach.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kebi could feel an inexplicable sadness!

How powerful is his tribe, when did they become so poor that they wanted to rob their own people for food?

After the grief, Ke Bi Neng showed firm eyes, and stood up suddenly regardless of the wound on his body.

"You robbed your subordinates of food? Killed his life?"

The little leader was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Ke Bineng to ask him personally.

"Master Ke Bineng, I am your tribal warrior, and that man is Su Li's subordinate."

"Hmph, is there Su Li at this moment? Aren't they all my subordinates?" Ke Bineng said loudly.

Through his sight, Kebi could feel the admiration, and many Xianbei people who came here began to believe in him.

Kebi can draw his sword and take a step forward.

"Are you killing yourself, or am I giving you a ride?"

The little leader panicked and didn't reply to Ke Bineng's words.

But from his look, Ke Bineng has already got the answer.

The moment he chewed the minced meat lightly, Ke Bi Neng walked over slowly.

The Xianbei cavalry turned his head and said loudly: "Lord Ke Bineng, I know I was wrong, give me another chance!"

The blade cut off, and blood spurted out.

"I don't object to snatching other people's things. The strong are respected on the grassland. But he killed people, which is wrong. Xianbei's knives can only be aimed at Han people. If you think it's unfair, you can come to me!" Kebineng shouted hysterically, as if to let everyone hear.

Ke Bi Neng killed the little leader, and gave an explanation to the Xianbei people who had defected to Suli and others.He explained it again, and gave his cronies an explanation.

No one dares to speak!

But everyone admired Ke Bi Neng and felt that he was worthy of being Lord Xianbei.

Kirby nodded in satisfaction, and his prestige reached its peak.

If he wants to grow big and make a comeback, he must gather other tribes.

Ke Bineng must be treated equally, otherwise it will be difficult to integrate.

He radiates light!

At this moment, the scout rushed over.

"Lord Ke Bineng...the Han army is coming again!"

Kirby was startled, as if he had been stimulated by something, he quickly got on his horse, tightened the reins, and waved: "Soldiers, let's continue walking the dog! On the grassland, we are omnipotent, and the Han people cannot keep chasing us. , As long as we persist for half a month, our army will win."

Ke Bi Neng sped up his horse's hooves, and ran away with a whoosh, and his words were his words, and he ran away unambiguously.

The shadowy Xianbei people around also hurriedly mounted their horses and ran towards the wider wilderness ahead.

As long as you keep running, the Han army will not be able to catch up. This is everyone's belief.

They have been able to ride horses since birth, how can the Han people compare?

When he heard a large number of horseshoes coming from behind, Kirby showed an incomprehensible smile on his face, and once again distanced himself from the Han army.

As long as he keeps such a distance from being overtaken, he can drag down the Han army. Thinking of this, he almost laughed out loud.

They ran to the north... However, another roar that stomped on the ground came from their north.

"what happened?"

This is the only thought of all Xianbei people at this moment.

The unknown drives some people crazy!

Ke Bineng's smile froze because he didn't know what happened.


Ke Bi Neng thought about it carefully, and it was impossible for Nengchen Di and Mi Jia to come back to rescue him.

They wish Kebi could die!

As long as Ke Bi Neng dies, Neng Chen Di and Mi Jia are the two heroes of the North.

Since they are not two, can Kebin have other allies?

Of course there are, such as Tuoba and other small tribes.

But it is impossible for these small tribes to gather such a large army.

Listening to this voice, there are no less than [-] troops...

Kebi could make a judgment in an instant, and the Han army had circled in front of them at some point.

damn it!

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