Xianbei people have a strong desire to survive.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xun ordered the agreed horn to be blown.

When the horn sounded, the Youzhou cavalry moved!

The leading general was none other than Tian Yu. He raised his hand and pierced the body of a person in front with a gun, preventing the Xianbei cavalry from breaking through.

He didn't need to kill the opponent at all, as long as he knocked the enemy off the horse, what awaited them was death.

"Kill the Xianbei dog!"

Puff puff puff... The sound of flesh and blood splitting kept ringing out.

Swordsmen and spears beat together desperately, and the sound of ping-pong-pong stretched over the battlefield where flesh and blood exploded.

After a while, Tian Yu was covered in blood.

It was because of their blocking that the infantry was able to encircle them.

The killing is still going on, as if it won't stop.

BAA Baa baa--

Seeming to feel the strong smell of blood, the lamb yelled helplessly and fled from the middle.

The Xianbei people also want to escape, but unfortunately no one will give them a chance.

Mijia raised the blade and let out a hysterical roar, beheading one person.

But there are too many Han people, and they can't kill them all.

Exhausted, Mijia took a desperate step, and finally, with a dry mouth, he let out a difficult voice: "I surrender, you Han people don't kill prisoners, right?"

The moment Mijia paused, a corporal charged forward and pierced Mijia's chest with a spear.

Mi Jia showed an unbelievable expression, blood gushed out, and then fell down, his body twitched a few times, and there was no sound.

"Bah, you killed more than a dozen of my brothers, and you still want to surrender?"

In the chaotic cursing, Mijia's head was cut off.

"Mika is dead! Mika is dead!"

With this cry, the Xianbei people only had one-third of their strength left, and at this moment they even took time off.

The Xianbei soldiers looked at me and I looked at you. The last one dropped his weapon and raised his hands above his head one by one.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the leadership of Xie Guini, Liu Ke went all the way to the Xianbei royal court.

Since Budugen failed, there is not much resistance here.

Even if there is, it will be easily resolved by Liu Ke.

Hundreds of thousands of Yangzhou troops are mighty enough to quell all tiny resistances.

During this period, conflicts between the Han army and the Xianbei people will inevitably occur.

The Xianbei people have been hostile to the Central Plains for generations, and now the men in the family have died in battle. In their view, they must have been killed by the victors.

The Han people are the ultimate victors and their enemies.

So, some took up arms.

For example, in front of Lu Bu, there were two or three Xianbei young men who strongly resisted, and later even picked up pitchforks and other tools in an attempt to attack and stab Lu Bu to death.

Lu Bu's face darkened. With his force, how could he be successfully attacked.

In the end, the two or three violent Xianbei people were kicked away by Lu Bu, the guards around them rushed up, and the attackers were killed on the spot.

Blood dripping.

Only blood can make Xianbei people recognize themselves.

Liu Ke did not slaughter all the way like Chen Deng did.But the iron law that was once issued:

When Xianbei civilians hold weapons and attempt to make an attack, they are regarded as voluntarily giving up their status as civilians and can be killed directly.

It is also because of this that the coalition forces will not show mercy to those Xianbei civilians who hold threatening tools and make obvious hostile actions.

Being merciful is irresponsible to oneself and irresponsible to comrades-in-arms.

Only by docile obedience can one survive.

After paying thousands of corpses, the Xianbei people finally understood.

However, the short period of calm soon ended, and the Xianbei people discovered that it was useless to attack some insignificant soldiers.

So they specially selected some generals, and Lu Bu was one of them.

Lu Bu is from Jiuyuan, Bingzhou, and knows the forbearance of these Xianbei people.

Women and children will remain docile, but the resistance of Xianbei men will not stop.

The death of the three or two Xianbei boys made the young Xianbei in the nearby camp furious, showing hatred in their eyes, and even some young men directly wiped their necks.

"Follow me?" Lu Bu smiled grimly and waved his hand.

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