Now in the royal court, such a thing happened unexpectedly, how can people accept it?

Faith suddenly collapsed!

As a result, the conflicts between the refugees continued, and it even hit the aborigines of the Royal Court.The gangsters who snatched the woman's lamb were beaten to death on the spot by the martyrs among the Xianbei refugees.

The death this time was just the beginning, and the subsequent gang fights continued, causing countless deaths and injuries.

What's more, some strong men from Xianbei snatched the weapons of the defenders...

These disturbances were quickly suppressed.

But what about the dignity lost by the Xianbei people?

Can I still pick it up?

While this sort of thing happens to refugees historically, the impact this time around was dire.

Because when the woman cried in public, she said something that even the Han people had never taken away my mother's and child's rations.

At that time, the guards of the royal court were going to arrest the woman to disturb the hearts of the people, but many refugees around stood up to speak for her, and they all said that what the woman said was the truth.

It was a trivial matter, but it came to Tuoba arc, the influence of the matter can be seen.

Tuoba Arc realized the seriousness of the problem, but his mind was not very bright, and there was no solution other than killing.

But can he really wield a butcher knife?

I'm afraid that if this happens, they will collapse before the Han people come to fight.

How about revival of Xianbei?

Tuoba Hu finally understood the reason why the heights are too cold, but unfortunately he had to bite the bullet.

Even Liu Ke didn't expect that his momentary act of kindness would cause a chain reaction, which he didn't expect.

Things are looking good!

"Liu Xuande said he would come too, let us wait for him, why is he so thick-skinned?" Dian Wei said somewhat dissatisfied.

Capturing the Xianbei royal court is a good feat. Liu Bei wants to get a piece of the pie, and his idea is not wrong.

But always be positive, right?

Another day, the Yangzhou army arrived at Wangting, and Liu Bei actually asked to wait for him.

"If you want us to say, don't worry about him, let's go directly, and when he comes, we will also take down Wang Ting." Dian Wei said.

Liu Ke smiled and said: "Although Wang Ting is weak, but Tuoba Hu gathered the remnant soldiers, and there are [-] soldiers and horses. It is not so easy to deal with."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

That night, several good generals of the Yangzhou Army got together and had a meal of boiled mutton.

During the period, Dian Wei laughed and said that he was tired of eating mutton, which caused everyone to laugh.

It has to be said that it is really a very rare thing to eat meat every day, and the mutton that is sold at a high price in Yangzhou is really rare.

Who would have thought that these soldiers of the Yangzhou army who were away on an expedition would eat better than the wealthy class in Yangzhou.

But there is no way to do this. After all, some time ago, the Yangzhou Army captured nearly three million cattle and sheep from Budugen, Kebineng and other tribes.

Such a huge number is almost unheard of.

In order to transport this batch of cattle and sheep to Jizhou, Liu Ke arranged several transportation lines, but now he is busy, and the transportation is still not completed.

These flocks, in addition to serving as rations, can also be domesticated.

Before that, people couldn't even support themselves, and of course they didn't think about livestock.

Now even if there is no farming at all, the grain in Yangzhou is enough to feed the people for ten years.

Not only does it have high-yield grains such as sweet potatoes and corn, but Liu Ke also relies on the system, which can be said to be a steady stream of grain.

People will no longer worry about food!

Thus, the farming industry began to rise.

With this batch of cattle and sheep, Liu Ke believes that it is indisputable that the people of Yangzhou will be able to eat meat in the future.

Due to the passage of the front, grain transportation is difficult.Basically, cattle and sheep became the food of the Yangzhou army. At first everyone was very happy, after all, there was meat to eat.

Soon, the soldiers discovered that eating meat every day was almost like chewing grass roots.

Hiccupping, Dian Wei swallowed the last bite of mutton with his thick neck, panting heavily.

"We can't bear to eat any more."

His words resonated with the generals nearby.

However, with the arrival of a batch of spices, everyone changed their views.

The reason why eating mutton is nauseating is because there is no suitable spice to remove the smell of mutton.

Now that the spices have been transported, everyone is feasting again.

And Liu Bei came late...

"The Marquis of Dongyang has waited for a long time, and this king will make amends here." Liu Bei clasped his hands, smiling all over his face. It seems that this time the harvest was good, otherwise he would not be in such a good mood.

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