After Fazheng heard this, he felt nothing in his heart.

"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang is the one who defeated the main force of Xianbei."

"Haha, what's the problem? This king was the first to invade the Xianbei royal court, and there will be a strong mark in the history books!" Liu Bei said with anticipation.

Looking at the Xianbei royal court right in front of him, Liu Bei was determined to win.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the royal court, alarm bells were ringing.

This change alarmed Tuoba arc who had just woken up.

At first, he only felt that the city was too noisy, but when he listened carefully, he was so shocked that he almost broke out in a cold sweat.

"It's not good! It's not good! The Han people are here!"

Tuoba arc was stunned immediately.


After entering the royal court, the only three thousand cavalry under Liu Bei's command were divided into three teams.

One team was led by Guan Yu, the other team was led by Zhang Fei, and they attacked the north and south gates respectively, while the other team protected Liu Bei and garrisoned the west gate.

The reason why Liu Bei came late was to arrange spies!

During this period, Liu Bei bought some Xianbei people and asked them to act as internal agents to open the gate of the royal court.

There are still many Han slaves in the royal court, and they are all forces that Liu Bei can rely on.

These Han slaves were all trained and loyal to the Xianbei people, and would not rebel under normal circumstances.

But Liu Bei took advantage of his status!

Uncle Han Emperor!King of Hanzhong!

In this capacity, make a promise to rescue them and set them free.

Moreover, these Han slaves have long seen the weakness of the Xianbei royal court.

The two hit it off immediately!

With the help of Neiying, Liu Bei easily won the west gate, and planned to control the other gates, besieging three and missing one.

"Haha, victory belongs to this king!"

Liu Bei was in high spirits.

The city gates are open, can victory be far behind?

Unexpectedly, the Xianbei people's response speed was far beyond Liu Bei's imagination. When the warning horn sounded throughout the city, countless Xianbei soldiers rushed out of the houses in the city, as if the army had kept up even when they were resting. Be vigilant.

In fact, the best time to attack is at night, but Liu Bei thought that the general trend was the general trend and there was no need to cover up, so he chose to attack at dawn.

It has to be said that when the cavalry speeds up, it is indeed very powerful.

Liu Bei was taken aback, but if the cavalry fought in the streets and alleys, the power of the cavalry would be greatly reduced.

"Set up roadblocks! Step by step!" Fazheng commanded.

Yizhou soldiers are very good at this kind of street fighting, they are very good at fighting the enemy in narrow and long areas.

After all, Yizhou is a mountainous area. They wandered among the mountains like walking on flat ground, and street fighting was nothing.

Liu Bei doesn't have many cavalry, but when it comes to siege, he is still a little confident.

A group of Yizhou crossbowmen lay in ambush in the alley, and knocked the triggers of the crossbows on the passing Xianbei cavalry, only to hear the sound of machine strings, the Xianbei cavalry fell one after another.

Using their dexterous figures, they kept hunting and killing Xianbei people.

At the gate of the barracks, the guard received Tuoba Arc in person. Looking at the guard's bloodless face, Tuoba Arc patted his arm heavily, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your hard work, the next thing ,pass it to me."

"Willing to fight for adults!"

"Okay!" Tuoba Hu laughed loudly, and started counting soldiers.

"Warriors, Xianbei has reached the moment of life and death. We will not and cannot disappoint the royal court! This is the place we live on, and we have to graze here and multiply here!"

"As long as you defeat the Han people, I promise that all the cattle and sheep here will be distributed to you, and all the women here will be your wives!"

"Everything is yours, I promise here!"

After Budugen's death, Tuoba Hu became the core figure of Wang Ting, and when he spoke, countless people went crazy.

It's not how high the prestige of Tuoba arc is, but the cattle, sheep and women!

What is the life of the Xianbei people for?

Isn't it just for these two things?

"Whoa whoa!"

"Fight! Fight! Kill all the despicable Han people!"

Encouraged by Tuoba Hu, one hundred thousand Xianbei people were greatly motivated, singing war songs, and marching towards the west gate.

Seeing this scene, in the eyes of the scouts monitoring the movements of the Xianbei camp, they almost lost their minds in shock.

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